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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. The minority opinion in NY seems to be the intelligent one. How did idiots get elected into the majority? Idiot electorate.
  2. This should make you feel better. Not everyone is happy with the current majority in the idiot electorate when it comes to gun ownership. http://www.huffingto...nk3&pLid=257711
  3. Univ Of Maryland, College Park & Georgetown University Law School I pretend to care what anti-gun folks think though.
  4. Gun Bans Work Exactly The Opposite Of What Proponents Say They Will Do. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324081704578235460300469292.html?mod=djemEditorialPage_h
  5. As this drama unfolds across America, and it is drama, we will be calling you back. I hope you will see the light eventually and apologize for your ineptitude. (Someone doesn't like the other word I used)
  6. The fight only began at that point. Since then many things have changed for the better in NJ. Gov. Florio did not get re-elected and the chances of anything like NY's new gun ban happening in NJ today are very slim. Ever think you should have stayed in school?
  7. We are talking about gun confiscation. History repeats itself for those who don't know it.
  8. I presume you're correct. But what do statistics show? Logically, you'd need them to back up your statement. Please post them ASAP. BTW, why does slavery still exist in many parts of the world today then?
  9. Wrong again. I lived in NJ under Gov. Florio, he signed an "assault weapons" ban and they did take guns from me, and a lot of other gun owners. So, I have seen this before. Maybe that's why I'm not sharing your uninformed opinion here.
  10. You said majority rule, that means Democracy. Understand? As far as the 2nd line in your post, the majority at the time of the civil war was against freeing the slaves. You don't know much about history either, do you?
  11. Give the Fed a couple of weeks Sogaard. You will be wrong again.
  12. No. But if they were, would you be OK with this law and the affect it has on other gun owners?
  13. Couldn't care less if they do. But someone still needs to tell them how wrong they are about their ideas and why. There may be a few zombies that can be saved, and perhaps when it gets bad enough, many. I can't help it if they are too obtuse to understand at this time. When resistance dies, so does all hope. The future you predict for yourself looks dark and bleak anyway. Good Luck with that. P.S. If you think there aren't tens of thousands of others in this land that agree with me, you're wrong.
  14. That wouldn't be smart. The fight begins AFTER the attack. The NRA defends, it can't take a position of offense, since it can not fight what hasn't attack firearms owners first. Now is when we need to show a united front. To quit now plays into the hands of the NY Legislature and the anti-gun agenda. I hope you reconsider that decision.
  15. Actually, it is my opinion it is possibly violating the 2nd, but against the 10th and 14th amendments.......
  16. Sorry to see you have accepted defeat all ready. Change is often a word that means, "Less Freedom". Our federal and state governments are moving in that direction. Many are OK with it because they want a big government nanny to take care of all their problems and keep them safe from all harm, because they have neither the courage, strength, nor fortitude to take care of themselves. I reject your "assurance" that real Americans, that love and cherish freedom, will ever accept the nanny state. We might as well consider ourselves to be pets owned by the government and take what ever food and freedom it wishes to bestow on us at it's discretion. Gun owners who accept the anti-gun agenda are an embarassment to this country.
  17. You are completely wrong about that. We live in a Republic, not a Democracy. Since you seem to be ignorant about the difference, Democracy means the majority rules. If that were our form of government, slavery would still exist. A Republic is governed by the rule of law, and our #1 law is the Constitution. When elected officials vote to pass a law that is unconstitutional, it is an invalid law, regardless of the majority opinion. Those elected officials, voting against the rule of constitutional law can rightly be called tyrants. I hope you get it now.
  18. The signature from the letter should have been truthful..... Together, we are ensuring that government works to restrict all New Yorkers. Sincerely, The Office of the Governor I disagree with your views when they are stupid. Have you ever seen an anti-firearms law that you didn't like? It seems any law that passes to INFRINGE on firearms rights is OK with you, as I have never seen you post against one. Why is that?
  19. I hear ya hung4. Let's all hope that won't be needed. But unless we mobilize all of these folks now, to tell Albany we won't take this crap, we may get to that point. Remember, the shot fired at the British in Concord, was because they were coming to empty the armory the Patriots had there. You gotta draw the line in the sand and stick to it!
  20. I pray you are right about that. With the weapons we will have left, we are gonna need them.
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