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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Not really. They know the law protects the stupid from the intelligent. That's why we have so many stupid idiots in America. Enough to elect fools like Obama and Cuomo. And they are out breeding the intelligent folks every year. This society is doomed!
  2. If a person smokes and gets sick from it, to be brutally honest, I have no sympathy for anyone who's misery is self inflicted. If you still smoke, knowing all we know today, you are a fool. P.S. those TV ads won't work on a fool either.
  3. It amazes me people need a good reason to quit smoking, but don't need any reason to start smoking. Addictions are tough, but if they're deadly, you aren't wise to keep doing it. Maybe if Marlboro offered a free coffin in their catalog after 1,000,000 miles, people would get the point.
  4. Hunters don't need to take really long range shots most of the time. Just stalk within reasonable shooting range and save yourself a lot of cash.
  5. Bloomberg is just laying low until the public's 30 day attention span cycles.
  6. The government is NOT your friend. If you think the Fed isn't actively conspiring to end your 2nd Amendment rights and make all civilian firearms illegal, you are deluding yourself. They don't plan to knock on your door and ask you to give them up. They have better ways of taking them from you. One way will be to arrest you in public, incarcerate you, and they go to your home to take them. The government isn't stupid, but many gun owners are.
  7. If you deduct $1200 for the safe and are in the 20% tax bracket, you will get $240 more back in your tax return. But will safes just get more expensive now that buyers will be aware of that tax return money? If the IRS wants to know who bought a gun safe, all they need to do is a search of tax returns that took the credit. Sure it's a safe, and not a gun, but do you think the IRS will conclude you bought it to store cash and jewels in it? It will simply be another little bit of evidence that you deserve a visit from the Fed when they void the 2nd Amendment and tell you to turn them all in. I'm just glad I already have all the gun safes I need right now.
  8. Obama IS the biggest problem we have to worry about.
  9. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be the majority of the people have asked for it to be this way? It was once said, people get the kind of government they deserve.
  10. It's a free country. You're free to do what ever they let you do. And they don't want to let you own 90% of the guns you currently own. They will soon be coming for those 90%, while they keep telling you they are not infringing on your 2nd Amendment rights! Gun owners that don't believe it, or don't join the NRA, are the ones who are to blame for it.
  11. The government is NOT your friend. Especially if you own guns. How many gun owners here still think they won't come and take your guns away?
  12. Allowing people like her to write laws about guns, is like requiring garbage men to write laws for brain surgeons.
  13. Even if every gun owner in the state voted against every politician that voted to take away our 2nd Amendment rights, we would still be out numbered by the idiot electorate, that knows nothing about firearms, except that they fear them. We are beyond elections on this issue. Our only hope now is in the courts.
  14. The majority of Democrats hate guns. Never vote for a Democrat unless you are absolutely sure they are pro-gun. Most Republicans support gun owners. Vote against a GOP rep if he has shown he hates guns.
  15. Another example of how the government lies, and the media swears to it. They are working together to destroy any part of America they don't agree with.
  16. The measure will create a central database of pistol permit records now kept at the county level where handgun owners live. This will take control away from local authorities and put it in the states control. When the state decides all permits are cancelled and all handguns are illegal, they will not have to worry about local authorities blocking access to the info and will be able to target you directly very fast. Confiscation is the goal people, and this is going to make it a lot easier for state authorities to achieve. It has nothing to do with crime, or making anyone but the state authorities, safer! The government is NOT your friend, and everything they do should be viewed with that in mind!!
  17. His Dad read it and told him to sign it. That's how everything he does works!
  18. I see no benefit to gun owners, or society at large. Therefore I believe all gun owners should oppose it. Ask yourself who such a database benefits, and you will see why they want it.
  19. They only say they will spend all that money on the database. Actually they'll budget that much for it, spend $50K on it, and use the rest of the money to buy millions of rounds of .40 S&W hollow point ammo to be used for "target practice".
  20. If anyone thinks the government won't find ways to declare EVERY gun owner mentally unstable and incapable of owning a gun, you are already crazy.
  21. Yeah right. And banning and confiscating are not really the same either. I don't believe in splitting hairs where freedom is concerned. If it infringes on my property or 2nd Amendment rights, I don't care what type of Orwellian double speak you choose to use to justify it.
  22. Virgil also just stated he is OK with the government telling you you cannot legally own a gun you legally bought and owned for years! He's OK with them telling you that you cannot give it to your son and you must turn it in. I'll bet he's also OK with the government telling you to pay hundreds of dollars a year to keep it too. That should tell you a lot about the mindset of some gun owners. As long as the law doesn't personally affect them, the hell with you! That sounds to me like giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
  23. Virgil was also one of the biggest advocates of the theory that the government wasn't trying to take any of your guns away. He said we were all paranoid about that too!
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