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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Because they are out to get the guns. If you still think that's nonsense, you are completely in denial. This, to me, is NO JOKE! This is the "Gun and Hunting Laws and Political Discussions" forum. You want to post elsewhere, please do so. If you don't like talking about how gun owners are being oppressed, don't. But don't come on here telling the rest of us we are full of BS and nothing is happening. Does that post make sense to you?
  2. They'll be up against the police, the FBI, all other federal LEO's and the blue helmets of the UN, but at least they'll be on our side when the stuff hits the fan.
  3. And the gun owners don't even believe/know it's happening until it's too late.
  4. They want you to pay a smith to modify your mags so they can only take six. The 7th is in the chamber. Your pistol can not fire more than 7 rounds without reloading.
  5. Steve, a lot of intelligent folks would strongly disagree with you. Your posts, however, don't seem to ever offer anything productive in the fight against oppressive gun bans. Why is that? Are you really on the anti-gun payroll?
  6. They put that in the bill so FFL's won't do it. It's pretty easy to tell the FFL I'll give you 40 more reasons to do it for me. I'm willing to work with FFL's that want to fight this crap. They need to stay in business and we need them to buy from too.
  7. I'll type it again.....Do you know me Steve? No, you don't. And we both know why that is a fact, don't we?
  8. Not a threat. Just an observation about how I respond to disrespectful azzholes when they get in my face. I see no problem with that, especially after you get mad enough to attempt to attack me. You are full of hot air steve. Take a walk outside and blow off some steam. You're about to break your keyboard.
  9. Great! More proof of how NY gun owners stick together! they charge for the transfers right? And a pretty penny for their minor paperwork too! I've done it many times on sales to residents of other states via online sales. No big deal for a charge of $40 to $50 for 15 minutes of work. Find an FFL that isn't an A-Hole.
  10. Situational Leadership demands you treat people where they are on the playing field. Right now, NY gun owners are losing the battle. You expect a hardy "ATTA BOY!" for that? Grow a set, get angry, and demand action to fight this bad law. "I WILL NOT COMPLY!!" Got it?
  11. Steve, I know you would never take up arms to defend your freedoms, because you haven't got the fortitude to even fight this law now. You'd rather spend what little muscle you have, fighting me with your keyboard. You won't win that one either. But satisfy your need for an ego boost if you must. I'm feeling benevolent today. I, on the other hand, get angry and energized by injustice, and fight it with every fiber of my being. I plan to be even more busy and active from this day forward. Sorry about the dust you'll be breathing.
  12. Not true. A very smart man once said, "I have not yet begun to fight!" Try that idea on for size. It will cheer you up.
  13. Do you know me steve? I doubt it. I think I would remember severely sore knuckles if we had ever spoken face to face.
  14. It should serve to get the gun owners who were apathetic, to get into the fight and work to get this unconstitutional law repealed. That takes time, dedication and money. Three things I see very little of on these forums. Maybe now, with the truth staring you guys in the face, you will change your attitudes.
  15. For one thing, I belong to every pro-gun organization you can think of. I also write every lawmaker in Albany about the 2nd Amendment and gun rights. I rally my friends to protest bad gun laws and educate the uninformed gun owners of NY every chance I get. Most importantly, I put money into causes I believe will help us win the fight! What, pray tell, did you do? I don't think I ever met you on the field of battle anywhere in NY. If I did, you wouldn't have asked me that question.
  16. Spoken like the true defeatist that you are. A lot of non-gun owners are against this BS too! But gun owners never tried to gain their support against this tyranny. Infringement on rights can be shown to affect everyone, and that's where you get them to understand they are cutting their own throats. But since gun owners in NY themselves were OK with a ban on "black guns", that's what you got, and then some! You should be celebrating buddy. You were supporting the winning side! LOL!!!
  17. What? You thought Cuomo or Obama ever had an original thought or idea? They couldn't come up with an original thought if they were both working on it for the rest of their lives.
  18. I think that about covers the fly bys. Reading the whole thread pretty much clears up why this law passed today.
  19. You don't seem to understand, you are being blamed for those 6 and 7 year olds being killed. If you aren't outraged by that, you are the one who is intellectually challenged.
  20. LOL! This thread has some real gems. I'm just now getting a look at past posts. Wow!
  21. Here's were Obama solidifies his anti-gun agenda. Once he changes the law, he will appoint two new judges that will uphold his edict. No one listened. Now it is too late.
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