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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Guess they were trying to open your eyes, huh? Fear mongering is what you thought it was? Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming.
  2. Statistics are not polls, they are an accumulation of facts. Polls can be manipulated to show any result you want in the end. Change the choices people can choose for answers, or change the question, until you get the answers you want. Every Marketing student or manager knows how this works. Statistics can be manipulated to show false results, but the methodology can be analyzed and challenged to prove the conclusion wrong if it is done.
  3. The NRA has gain 250,000 members since 1/1/13. Though I welcome the new members, I have to ask, What took you so long to wake up?
  4. Make a trip to a gun show in PA with lots of cash and buy your lifetime supply of ammo now, while you still can. Fugg NY politicians and their unlawful legislation. Impeach every single one of them that just violated their vow to support the Constitution of the USA.
  5. I'm talking about the NY gun owners that have told me they don't see a need to support "gun nuts" (their words) who own scary looking guns! There is nothing naive in what I posted. It is a fact. If they had the backs of their fellow gun owners, this may not have passed as easily, or not passed at all.
  6. Can cops do 90 MPH in a 65 MPH zone? Are you serious about those questions? Wake up man. We are in a POLICE STATE!
  7. Only if NY gun owners get smarter. In other words.....no.
  8. Maybe he isn't a member, or his thoughts were mind numbingly monastic. If his house burned down, would he be upset that the firefighters won't rebuild it for him. The law passes and now he expects the NRA to do something? If most NY gun owners don't care about anti-gun laws, why would the NRA? God, the ineptitude of NY gun owners knows no limits.
  9. Thank You to all the NY Gun Owners that thought this would never happen, or only care about the guns they own, rather than the guns we all legally own. You have officially been proven to be "tools" of the Cuomo administration. Probably the highest achievement any of you will ever attain.
  10. They also know a lot of NY gun owners are too obtuse to support the NRA, so they don't give a rats azz what you think! If there were 5 million NRA members in NY, do you really think this would've ever happened? No friggin' way on earth. If you're not NRA, to elected officials, YOU'RE NOTHING! Fortunately, the independently wealthy gun owners in NY state can just sell out of NY and head to a free state, like Wyoming or Montana, where gun owners have balls! I bid the rest of you Good Luck!
  11. I hope it emboldens a lot of NY gun owners too! The Founding Fathers would've been shooting by now!
  12. Thanks to guys like virgil and Steve863, we are now officially criminals in the eyes of the politicians in NY State. Many gun owners only care about anti-gun laws if they affect them personally. They couldn't care less if they affect you. They also refuse to believe their guns will be the targets of these politicians soon. Like the saying goes, "You can't fix stupid!" Hopefully, a lot of gun owners have now felt this kick in the crotch and will get off their fat azzes and start to fight back HARD! And as far as I'm concerned, that includes rocking any gun owner that thinks that would be wrong.
  13. This happened because most NY gun owners let it happen. Many who are not affected by this new law couldn't care less about those who are affected. Selfish, stupid, near sighted morons! They'll be coming for these morons guns next, but they don't believe that either.
  14. Barrel length has little effect on accuracy. Many short barrels are extremely accurate. Barrel length affects velocity more than anything. The only way to tell how accurate a rifle will be is to test it on the range.
  15. Self governing does not include minimizing the rights of the few, at the demand of the majority. A right is inalienable, period. Without "Constitutional Bondage" there is no freedom at all. Because if we allow men to decide to vary the degree of freedom among it's country's citizens, we have no equality, nor real freedom. We live and prosper by the Rule Of Law, not by the rule of men. And the Constitution is the First Law of this land, that all the rest are tested under. If it is unconstitutional, it is NOT LAW, and it is not freedom!
  16. You don't need to change the minds of the Democrats that were elected. You need to change the minds of every Democrat gun owner that votes for them!
  17. I agree 100%. The problem is, too many gun owners side with the gun ban crowd on too many issues. We all need to agree 100% that the gun ban crowd doesn't like any of us, no matter what type of guns you have. We also need to stand behind every gun owner's right to own what ever they have legally owned to date. Taking away private property, or the right to own something that was legal up until the government decides it isn't, is wrong! It is a recipe for disaster, because it can go on without end, once it becomes tolerable to the masses. If we are going to devolve into "preventative legislation", what is to prevent a law in the future that calls for castrating all male citizens to prevent rape? More and more radical feminists are getting elected. If women out number men in America, under the current majority rules mindset, it could happen.
  18. The details tell the truth.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8D8b51EwrI&sns=fb
  19. You missed the political theater part. The White House never had any intention of working with the NRA. They want to dictate to the NRA and all te rest of us as well!
  20. LOL! That's funny. You think the NRA wants to perpetuate the fight against gun bans as opposed to winning it. Man, talk about paranoia! The NRA went to the meeting to talk about solutions to the violence that brought this whole issue up. Talking about doing more of what we all know has failed miserably is just plain stupid! That's why they walked out. If you don't think that is correct, you are for more failed gun control at the expense of law abiding gun owners.
  21. LOL! Yeah, this is all just political rhetoric. They aren't serious about it. Every encounter with any branch of law enforcement in the future, will be an opportunity for them to see if you have in any way violated these bans. If you give them reasonable cause to suspect you have, a search warrant will be issued and you will be arrested. This will be run the same way they seize drugs today. If you are in possession of one banned item, you willl be arrested and searched.
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