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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. It's time for gun owners to stand for the second amendment. Either stand with us or get out of the way. According to polls many gun owners are "OK" with banning high capacity magazines....do you really believe they will stop there? Your bolt gun or semi-auto shotgun will be next on their hit list. Give gun grabbers an inch and we promise you they will try to take a mile....and none of it will ...save lives. In fact, it will simply make criminals more powerful. Imagine how easily the media can attack the "killing power" of your 30-06 "sniper rifle" as soon as some criminal uses one in a sniping spree (remember Malvo the DC sniper killing people one shot at a time?)...or how they can make the case that you don't need "ballistic tip" bullets...the list goes on an on. The difference in cycling 10 round versus 30 round magazines will have a very negligible impact...all such bans will accomplish is to let the criminals have that extra shot or two while the law abiding citizen is reloading.
  2. Options The Conservative Newsfeed So here is the address and phone of NY Journal "calumnist" Dwight R. Worley who published all of the HOME ADDRESSES of Law Abiding Conceal Carry Gun Owners of the entire state of NY: Dwight R Worley 23006 139 Ave Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 But you might want to call him first to let him know you’ll be dropping in: (718) 527-0832
  3. A lot of NY State gun owners voted for that little twerp feeling he had no power to effect their gun ownership. Thanks for being obtuse guys.
  4. Not relevant? I would disagree with that. His last post is relevant. I think it would be more important to know if a convicted killer, mugger or rapist is living nearby. The question is....Is that data available under FOIL?
  5. Just another immigrant who came here thinking he was smarter than the rest of us and demanding we change to make him happy. That's why he should be deported, hopefully to Afghanistan.
  6. Gun prosecutions under Obama down more than 45 percent Despite his calls for greater gun control, including a new assault weapons ban that extends to handguns, President Obama's administration has turned away from enforcing gun laws, cutting weapons prosecutions some 40 percent since a high of about 11,000 under former President Bush. "If you are not going to enforce the laws on the books, then... don't start talking about a whole new wave of new laws," said a gun rights advocate. In the wake of the horrific mass killing at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Democratic lawmakers have begun preparing a new collection of anti-gun laws, including renewing the assault weapons ban, banning the purchase of high-capacity clips that spring bullets into guns, and tightening rules on who can buy weapons. Lawmakers are banking that the public will push for new gun controls. But as with other mass shootings, polls find the public split, and blaming the shooter, not the gun. Pew Research Center for the People & the Press on Monday found that public is evenly divided over whether the Newtown shootings reflect broader problems in American society, 47 percent, or are just the acts of troubled individuals, 44 percent. Figures collected by Syracuse University's TRAC project, the authority on prosecutions from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, shows that the administration has reduced the focus on gun crimes and instead steered prosecutors and investigators to drug crimes. Gun prosecutions peaked at 10,937 under Bush in 2004. A current TRAC report shows that the Obama administration is prosecuting about 6,000 weapons cases. According to an October 2011 TRAC report, "There also has been a shifting emphasis towards drug-related investigations. Since ATF-referred prosecutions peaked in FY 2005, the number of weapons prosecutions actually has fallen by 32 percent, a much higher rate than for ATF prosecutions overall. Making up the difference has been the growing number of drug cases, up by 26 percent during the same period." In 2011, the Obama gun prosecutions hit a low for the decade, but there has been a slight uptick in prosecutions this year, said another TRAC report. Second Amendment advocates said on background that they expect Obama to press ATF to boost prosecutions and use the Sandy Hook case, and other mass shootings, to move gun control to the top of his second term agenda. "It's in his DNA to push this issue," said one gun-rights official, speaking on background. "This would be his crowning achievement, if he can ban guns," added the official.
  7. An Avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. – Thomas Paine "Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters . . . . . but they mean to be masters."- Noah Webster (1758–1843) Benjamin Franklin once proclaimed, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." In the case of those who would give up Essential Liberty for nothing more than the perception of a little temporary safety with more gun prohibitions, indeed they deserve neither Liberty nor safety and, ultimately, will lose both. According to the FBI, two-thirds of murders that involve guns were perpetrated with handguns. In fact, it's pretty embarrassing for Feinstein that her own summary statement says that her ill-defined, so-called "assault weapons have been used in at least 459 incidents, resulting in 385 deaths and 455 injuries" since the ban ended, because that's less than one-half of 1 percent of all gun deaths in ...that time period. Twice as many people are killed with an assailant's hands, fists or feet -- and almost five times as many with a knife -- than with a rifle. Furthermore, the gun-death statistics that leftists tend to trot out are invariably skewed by gang-on-gang violence. Just this year in Chicago -- Obama's hometown and a city with the toughest gun restrictions in America -- 62 young people between the ages of six and 18 have been murdered with guns -- and nearly 500 people total. Not a word from Obama. The primary purpose of the Second Amendment isn't to preserve hunting, or sport shooting, or even self-defense, though it does protect all those things. The Founders' intent when enshrining our natural right to "keep and bear arms" was to ensure that the people could defend against a tyrannical government -- that's precisely why tyrannical governments always begin by disarming the people. Anyone who doubts this truth should ponder the awful history and the appalling body count of 20th-century communism. Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi once said, "Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."
  8. Since Obama was elected in 2008, gun and ammunition sales have surged to historic highs. Perhaps if Obama is really concerned about the proliferation of firearms, he should resign.
  9. Some us are sheep. Some of us are sheep dogs. There are a lot of wolves out there. http://www.gleamingedge.com/mirrors/onsheepwolvesandsheepdogs.html
  10. Why would you want to prove you ever owned a gun other than to collect on the insurance? If the cops come to your home asking you about a gun, they already know you owned it. When you report a gun stolen, the police report has the serial # on it along with the description. That is all that is required for the police to accept you as the owner. If you claim you owned a gun that you didn't, that is filing a false police report and carries severe penalties. That is why folks block out serial #'s on guns they sell online. This way no one else can list them as their own.
  11. So you can look at a man and see what is in his heart? Wow, impressive. Or is it just judgmental?
  12. The new America has been built on the backs of takers, that is, those who take the entitlements but, do not produce. The Takers won. Obama cunningly promised more entitlements to an entitlement driven society, and, like a moth to the light they embraced his offer and sold their votes (souls) for more stuff. As the takers sold their votes they empowered the government, so now Washington can control of their lives as long as the gravy train keeps rolling. However, the Takers didn’t act alone. The question is: if the republicans cannot beat Obama after all of his crimes, fraud and treachery then the Republican Party does not deserve to exist and must be dealt with. Gun bans will be a major part of this President's 2nd term. He won't take them all though, just the ones he feels you will be able to use to protect yourself from tyranny with. Anything semi-auto, or a handgun of any type, is now in danger of being banned. And a lot of ammo, plus the amount you can possess, will be regulated. If you laugh at that, you are a major fool.
  13. Back for just this one post For all the NY Liberals.....This explains a lot. http://www.amerika.org/politics/liberalism-is-a-mental-disease-spread-through-self-pity/ Liberalism is a mental disease spread by self-pity. The primary idea of liberalism is that the individual perception of reality comes before results. It does this in order to make everyone feel good, which is how you make a social event succeed. If you want to be popular, go around and tell everyone about how they’re wonderful. Everyone is great, everything is great, it’s all going to be OK. There is no need to worry about the possibility of things going wrong, because we are all here and in agreement and we will all make sure that doesn’t happen. The reason for saying this is to make each individual feel that he or she is not accountable for the results of his or her actions. Whatever method is chosen, and whatever results occur, the individual is not to blame because they are equal. Liberalism constitutes a denial of actual reality in favor of thoughts which are pleasant in appearance. It works backward: you figure out what result you want, and then you claim that result is your method, leaving the question of the consequences of that method unknown. Conservatism works the other way: we look at all known results of all known actions, and pick our method by its results. Liberalism is the first half of the decision cycle: you look at what you want, then figure out how to get it. Liberals omit the second half. Conservatives have both halves. This difference is important because how your leaders and fellow citizens choose to act is determined by the shared values system they choose. They can choose liberalism (humans-first) or conservativism (reality-first). Naturally, liberalism is more popular. Liberalism is the equivalent of schizophrenia. We create a fake reality, a consensual values system based on what we want to be true and not what is true, and then our society falls apart under us. If we saw a patient behaving this way in a hospital or courtroom, we would categorize this person as having a mental disease because of their denial of obvious reality in favor of a fantasy world. Liberalism takes this insanity and dresses it up as “morality” by ignoring the second half of the cycle, which is the effects of its actions. It is spread by self-pity because in order to deny reality you have to feel that something is wrong with reality. You invent a fantasy world because this world is horrible to you. Liberalism, by creating an unrealistic and dysfunctional society, makes more people self-pitying. It spreads like a cancer. What you must do is decide whether you care about the future of humanity and all the species on planet earth. The choice is yours: either a third-world wasteland, or a first-world place that thinks about the results of our actions. It is a moral, scientific, political and ethical choice to be conservative. Until we change direction, our fortunes will continue to slowly worsen. We will continue to be the species that consumes everything and leaves a ruin behind. We will continue to be neurotic and self-pitying.
  14. It's a Bell & Carlson Carbelite model in grey with black webbing. Pretty much their basic model but still goes for almost $200 with the shipping. If you click on one of the photos it should show you an enlarged picture.
  15. By the way, the narrative posted under the link is what describes the video and appears beneath it on You Tube. Just want to be clear, I didn't write that, but wanted to give you an idea what the video is about. I forgot to put it in quotation marks.
  16. No, Never, Not. That's a lot of negativity there. Perhaps NY State has the oppressive gun laws it has because of such negativity. I'm curious as to the "why" part of each one of your statements. Did you view the video posted at the top of the original post, or only read the authors comments I posted to go with it?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=OKbYKXqrMMg&NR=1 You can thank the NRA that we continue to be a "Nation of Riflemen." Granted this is an ideal lost on many if not most, but in most states this national and personal security asset is alive and well...and protected by the NRA. Many reasons are given by usually reasonable people why they can't or won't join and participate in the organization. I address a few of them here along with my answer to each. The "protectionist" forces arrayed against the American gun owner are legion and very well financed. And yet it usually falls on the relatively small shoulders of the NRA to do all the battling as they have for years, many examples given. There are other excellent pro-rights organizations that do good work but none have the clout and effectiveness of the NRA and I have personally seen them absent in my own local battles to preserve gun rights. Meanwhile the NRA rolled into town and duked it out and saved freedom. It takes commitment, courage, and lots of money to wage and win the battles in preserving and RESTORING the American right to bear arms. It is an individual right, God-given and yet many state and federal laws and statutes trample it every year. Through its NRA/ILA arm, the organization works tirelessly to overturn and prevent draconian laws that serve to limit, register, track, pursue, harass, and ultimately disarm the law abiding gun owner. All freedom lovers, whether here or abroad should be found within the ranks of the NRA. If you are a gun owner help pull your weight, don't sweat your small disagreements with NRA policy, and stand up an be counted. Without the NRA, harassment, licensing, and outright banning of all gun types would probably be the reality of the US gun owner long ago. Being a Nation of Riflemen is costly and it takes patriots to keep it a reality.////////////////////////// NRA YouTube page at: http://www.youtube.com/user/NRAVideos ; Join NRA at: http://membership.nrahq.org/default.asp?campaignid=XI020396 for ONLY $25 annually (Regular price is $35)
  18. What saddens me most is this info was first brought to light at least 6 months ago, yet many people in America, including hunters and gun owners, refused to believe it. They still refuse to see that this situation proves we have a seriously lawless and dangerous man in the White House and he needs to be taken out of there as soon as possible. I for one, think election day is too far away. If Nixon was attacked for merely claiming he didn't know about a break in at a hotel room, how can anyone not scream for impeachment when our president's zealous anti gun agenda, got an American LEO killed? Seems some people hate the Right in America so much, they would allow Obama to do anything he wants, as long as it attacks the Right. United States? Not any more.
  19. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31727_162-57338546-10391695/documents-atf-used-fast-and-furious-to-make-the-case-for-gun-regulations/
  20. The latest on the subject. Vote to re-elected Obama and you create a very dangerous man, a man with nothing to lose. http://www.nrapublications.org/index.php/11920/obamas-secret-plan-to-destroy-the-second-amendment-by-2016/3/
  21. Mr VJP

    Bear meat

    If the bear was eating wild where it was taken, and it is properly handled after the kill, it should taste good. It is very important to cool the meat as quickly as possible on a bear. Bear fur insulates very well and the meat will spoil very quickly if not cooled fast. That's why bear are often skinned in the field right after they are gutted. All of the above advice is also important, but cool that bear meat as fast as you can too.
  22. I always shoot for the heart, but I don't look down on a man who is good at head shots. It is not for me to judge his ethics and the anti hunters can stick their opinions as far as I'm concerned. Guess they never saw how cattle are killed before slaughter.
  23. More on the subject. I guess all of the guys that called me wrong and misinformed have nothing to say about this subject now. http://patriotpost.us/edition/2011/10/07/digest/ If you still think this Administration wasn't setting up American gun owners for more gun control and harassment, you need a massive dose of Ex-Lax.
  24. New York City Mayor and leftist shill Michael Bloomberg is not nearly as concerned with government's distribution of illegal guns and grenades onto American and Mexican streets as he is with the lawful possession of firearms within his city limits. Specifically, in the wake of Labor Day weekend violence in the city that resulted in 10 deaths, Bloomberg has asked "both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, both sides of the aisle," to step up to the plate and enact stringent gun control legislation, because "there are just too many guns on the streets and we have to do something about it." Never mind that NYC already has some of the toughest local anti-gun legislation on the books. According to Mayor Bloomberg, the important thing to remember is that New York's violence is due only to the existence of guns. Responsibility does not attach to the shooters, the ATF, the DOJ or all the other bad actors who do the actual killing, maiming or enabling of the violence. From Bloomberg's viewpoint, inanimate weapons themselves should be held accountable for the crimes in which they are used. In truth, tighter gun control legislation only makes things easier for arms-possessing criminals, not their defenseless victims. In fact, were it not for violent gangs and recidivist offenders upon whom the courts lavish so much compassion, the United States would have a relatively low violent crime rate. In the meantime, small-brained pollyannacrats continue the effort to disarm gun owners through unconstitutional local ordinances and codes.
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