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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I can't bring myself to buy one of those. Too many people I'd be tempted to use it on! ;D
  2. I wouldn't be so positive there are none in NY state. I know a couple of very well educated experienced hunters that swear they saw one. I've spoken to them and I believe they are telling the truth. It's possible someone had one as a pet and let it go in the wild. It's also possible some idiots are releasing them here on purpose for some idiotic reason only they can explain. There are reported sightings in Pennsylvania and Northern NJ as well. What I want to know is, if I see one and shoot it, am I going to get screwed for it?
  3. I don't think you were bragging, but it is illegal. I don't agree with the law though. As long as you don't use it to shoot a deer, which is easily determined these days, I think you should be able to carry your handgun in the woods when bowhunting. Unfortunately, you will get screwed if you are caught with it, being the menace to society you become. : I think NYers should get together to fight a lot of the stupid gun laws that are on the books. Some of the gun laws here have been written by people who don't know which end of the gun is the dangerous end. To accept these laws is to willingly give up your rights, and that is the path towards a police state.
  4. Thanks Guys. Steve a friend used to have a place outside of Grand Gorge. Never hunted there with him though. Another friend had a place outside of Stamford and Bloomville. Mostly farmland in that area. Hunted there for years as a youth.
  5. Been reloading since 1980. Saved lots of money over the years. Loading .38/357, 44Mag/Special, 30 Carbine, 7.7 Jap, 30-06, 7mm-08, 35 Rem, 308 and 243. I enjoy reloading on those rare days when I have time on my hands. It allows me to be productive when there is nothing else to do.
  6. Check out www.gunbroker.com you should find some on there. I had a couple of them but sold them off. They're great guns, but I just never used them for hunting.
  7. Doc, you ever see the stuff the wild turkey eats? ;D
  8. I love to hunt Grouse, and there are plenty of them here in Delaware County. I shoot Woodcock when I get the chance, but don't hunt for them exclusively. I like to hunt grouse in the early season before deer season opens. Don't have a dog right now either, so it's tough hunting. Plan on getting a dog next summer though. Brittany Spaniel or Springer I think. Any thoughts on that?
  9. There are a couple of guys that come up by my land every now and then and release about 6 dogs to run bears. The farmer, about 2 miles up the road, has been having some trouble with bears lately. Claims there are about 7 of them around here. I sometimes hear the dogs running on my land and I do not like that. By me, most people only have 25 to 100 acres of land. I don't see how they can run the dogs without them going on other people's land. I just worry they are chasing the bear off my land and also wonder what the dogs do to the deer out there. They are not running the dogs during deer and bear season though. But still, can you stop them from running dogs on your property?
  10. I like semi's, pumps and SxS's. I also like blondes, brunettes and redheads. Can't say I wouldn't want to hunt with any of them.
  11. I think Groucho Marx used to say, "I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me". ;D
  12. Hello to you too! Welcome aboard.
  13. You're not far from me. I've never hunted any state land in the area. I just stick to the private land I have, and private land I have access to. I get plenty of deer so never saw a need to go elsewhere.
  14. There seems to be fewer of them around the Delhi area of Delaware County. That's because they are shot on site around here. I guess they are migrating to the areas that don't hunt them much.
  15. Mr VJP


    The trouble with Bobcat hunting is, you never know when you might see one. It's rare to see them when you are hunting them exclusively. Even when you are calling them. They are very wise to those hunting tactics. You generally see them when you least expect it. And they generally don't see you first when you are just sitting out there being quiet and they get unlucky enough to pass by.
  16. I sometimes use my old Jap Rifle in 7.7 caliber. I bought it totally sporterized though, with a Fajen stock, Weaver scope mount and barrel cut to 22". It was my first deer rifle at a cost of $60. It still shoots 2" groups at 100 yards even with that heavy military trigger. It's fun to take hunting to bring back old memories.
  17. Winchester Ballistic Silvertips for deer.
  18. Really? I was told every driver in NY would have to get them when their registration was renewed. I didn't know you had a choice. I heard they charge $50 for them too, and you had to get them. I think that was the original idea, but because of the uproar from NYers, the plan was dropped. Why are they still issuing new plates then? Now we will have two different types of valid plates on the road.
  19. Delhi, NY in Delaware County. Hunting for Deer, Bear, Turkey, Coyote, Bobcat, Fox, Grouse, Rabbit and Squirrel. Also have Woodchuck, Raccoon, Porcupine, Ducks and Geese around if that's your thing.
  20. I had a large Black Bear approach my rear deck in Delhi at dusk a few weeks ago. I was sitting on the deck smoking a cigar at the time. It was directly under my feet when I yelled at it to chase it away. It only went 20 yards before stopping and turning broadside to look back at me. I think it was coming to raid the bird feeder I had put up about 2 months earlier. I took the feeder down after that.
  21. Decided years ago not to put anything on the car after some anti NRA jerks vandalized it because of the sticker. I now prefer to fly beneath the radar and tell people in person who and what I am, if I think they would appreciate it. I really like to piss off people with Obama stickers on their car though.
  22. Mr VJP


    I don't have digital photos, because I didn't have a digital camera years ago. But I have taken 2 Bobs on my property near Delhi over the years. Both were pretty big and were taken at 50 and 75 yards with a Ruger 77/22M target rifle in .22 Mag.
  23. 2009 Ford Escape 4x4. Only has a 4 cyl engine, but it's a big 4 cyl with plenty of power and is getting 29 mpg on the highway. I'm a single guy so I don't need anything bigger than that.
  24. That is exactly right. there was no reason to change the plates except to rob drivers of some cash.
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