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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 1100/Savage .308
  • Bow
    Jennings Speedmaster
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. 10 deer in the bean field tonight. No shots though. All in all a great night. Can’t wait go out next weekend!!
  2. Super fun encounter with a fork horn. Came in to a light tickling of the rattle bag. Now I just need his big brother to come through! Happy hunting everyone!
  3. Finally alive from the stand this year! Corn to my east, beans to the south, and me sitting in a perfect little travel corridor. Here’s hoping for success on my first sit of the yeah. Cheers all! S.
  4. After a disappointing bow season, and a down right depressing gun season, everything turned around at 3:30 on Sunday. Four doe decided they would come by my stand, filled all of my DMPs in about 90 seconds. Just goes to show, it's not over until it's over! Three of the four were kind enough to go down right near each other. The fourth ran off, but left me a perfect blood trail. Cheers!
  5. I've got a couple 8h tags I'd love to trade for an 8g or 9h if anyone's interested! Happy hunting!
  6. After yesterday's success I'm hanging out with the wife in her stand acting as backup.
  7. Be patient boys and girls. It can happen at any moment. One second your sitting there thinking about how your ass hurts. The next second you're trying to figure out which if the 6 bucks running around you want to shoot. I elected for a nice 7 pointer with a 20" spread. Waiting on the wheeler now. Good luck all
  8. 4 does passed behind me already. Should be a good day.
  9. The moment I wait for all week
  10. So quiet out here you could hear a mouse fart
  11. Settled in and ready for some action. Owl hooting to my west, cows mooing to the south. Cold temps and a light breeze. 9h Good luck all!
  12. Bed would have been more comfortable and easier that's for sure. I'm still hoping to bring something home for supper though.
  13. Although I have to say, props to the nap kill zone. 10 yard drop and it didn't deploy
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