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Everything posted by DeerDuck

  1. You should get that printed on that canvass paper, then hang it next to this years deer mount. Nice picture.
  2. Went out this afternoon. Didn't see a thing. Wind wasn't helping. Found some nice fresh rubs all over and a few scrapes. Set up a camera, hopefully I'll get to see something if no ones steals it. Also found out someone's been setting up a stand on he property. I guess they can't read. POSTED.
  3. Nice buck. Boy is your wife going to angry ..... Just joking. Congratulations.
  4. Good luck getting him in the morning. You were smart to back off and wait it out. Remember to get some pictures.
  5. If you have the county permits, there's plenty of good spots. Depending on where you live and how far you want to travel. If you're looking for a slammer buck, then you might have more problems filling your tags. Does are pretty plentiful , but the larger bucks are going to have a lot more pressure on them. Try getting out during the week when there's less pressure. Good luck.
  6. Leave a detailed note stating that he is trespassing and that the local DEC officer has been notified about the stand and bait pile. I'm sure he'll get his crap out of the woods real fast.
  7. A lot of the public spots on Long Island are filled with those damn Cats Eyes. I think every idiot marks the way to their tree with them. As far as the tape, I've come across a lot of that too. Some just marks the spit to go in for some people if they are walking in on a deer run that crosses a fire trail . I've used the tape in the past, but only while tracking. It does help when tracking through an area you're not familiar with. I also take it down on my way back out.
  8. Not sure about the Amish. Just read the post and loved your screen name! Good Luck getting the deer back into your area. I didn't vote for him either.
  9. I've never had a bad dealing with them, whether I was hunting or fishing. Most of the ones I've come across hunt and fish. I also don't do stupid or illegal crap. I have had 1 ask me about the salt water license while fishing the local dock with my 6 yr old, even though we were throwing everything back, and never asked the other fisherman from South of the Border for anything..... Last season, an ECO walked about 10 yards under my stand , I whistled , he was surprised. I asked if he. Emended me to comedown and check my license. He then replayed , nope, I don't want to mess your hunt up and left the same way he came in.
  10. I liked the old style stamps better.
  11. I liked the old style stamps better.
  12. Last year, we found a guys deer he shot in same area. Very little blood, but he was certain it was a good hit. Found the deer 2 days later, bloated, stinky on the edge of someone property. At least he got was able to get a nice rack for a Euro mount.. Meat was spoiled from the warm weather.
  13. Guy at shop told me the same thing about the camp paper. He printed them on the yellow paper from last year. Said that the state is aware of those problem. Doubt they'll fix it though.
  14. If you feel you got a good shot, I can give you a hand looking for it tomorrow. glottal drop kids off at school first, but it's cold tonight, so it might be okay.
  15. A lot of people in the woods. Try during the week.
  16. Practice from your stand and with the clothes you hunt in. It's different hunting with bulky clothes on when your hearts beating like crazy. Shooting paper is a lot different. Take your time and make sure you get good shots. Don't expect to shoot a slammer the first time out. Enjoy the woods, and good luck.
  17. I've had kids destroy a stand that was locked to a tree. But, if stuff is missing it's probably another hunter. They know where and what to look for. I have come across a lot of stands in the woods and wouldn't think of taking someone's stand. Even the ones on private property, I've left notes on asking to move stand. There are a lot of bad hunters that would steal stands, cameras, and downed deer.
  18. I thought they close Rocky Point to the bikes during bow season? I hunted rocky point once, that was enough for me. Too many people , bikes in there.
  19. The only way this guy could be caught is with some type of thermal cameras used from an aircraft. Then they might be able to pinpoint where this piece of garbage is. Hopefully he will be dragged out of the woods like a gutted deer.
  20. I used to rifle in Columbia years ago. Always had idiot yelling up the mountain at everyone hunting. They backed up to state property and were pissed that there were hunters in the woods. I moron even threatened to send her dog after everyone.... Not a real bright idea, luckily I like dogs more than most people..
  21. I've had guys hang their stand in the same tree a "posted" sign was nailed to.
  22. Somebody on the Island has a nice bunch of stands and cameras.... Scumb*gs. I wouldn't be surprised if they took the deer too.
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