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Everything posted by ants

  1. I met one of the owners of Rohrbaugh about 8 or 10 years ago. He was a lawyer from NYC. He showed me the first pistol, serial #1 that they made, it was all steel and not even on the market yet. He wanted to design a small pistol, similar to the C camp but with better fire power, so he and a friend, who I think was an engineer came up with this gun. I cant remember which one it was but one of their last names is Rohrbaugh, (pronounced "raw-bore") I kept pronouncing it wrong so he finally corrected me. Nice guy.
  2. Im a big fan of Kahr, when it comes to CC. They are small but controllable to shoot. Quality guns.
  3. I agree. I have 3 pro staff's and love them. They are a high quality scope and are very affordable. I don't think I paid over $150.00 for any of them.
  4. He made cow pies too. What can you do??? LOL!!! Just kidding!
  5. My whole point is that these arms companies are just making a statement, and I say good for them. I don't think for a minute that this statement, protest whatever, will leave police under armed. If it did I would be against it. Police departments will properly arm their people, although such protests, by arms manufacturers might make it more expensive. I also think that citizens absolutely face the same threats that police do and should be allowed access to the same type of weapons police have.
  6. The "Bush excuse" is a catch all and an easy crutch. They will never let it go. Listen to any lib, when they are questioned about the economy, the war, what ever...with in 10 seconds they will bring up Bush. It's just the way it is.
  7. In my " F-YOU " comment i said that if you were not referring to me "Sorry" I think maybe you are just a little too full of yourself....But thats just me....
  8. No...im a little confused too. I watched it a few more times and I think he is shooting the horns to free them, but i'm not 100% on that.
  9. I thought he was shooting at the horns to break them apart ??? Was he hitting the deer? I don't know????
  10. I also like the the gesture that these companies are making and as I stated earlier, I would never want to send law enforcement out on the road, under armed. Police agencies will find a way to properly arm their people. My point, again, is that citizens should not be restricted when it comes to protecting themselves and their families just like police officers shouldn't be. I don't know how I'm making this about myself.??
  11. A lot of these down state people (not all but a lot) live in BIZAR-OWorld. Nothing you can do about it.....
  12. Terrible???? That was cool as hell!! no dead deer, no suffering???!!
  13. Just go away.....You made your hippie point... just go away.
  14. It may not occur to you that I am one of the few people on this site who consistently stands up for cops. Go back and read my prior posts slowly and more carefully. I would never want cops to go out on the road under gunned. My point is that citizens face the same threats that police officers do, yet they are restricted from having the same fire power. Do you think that a cop who has a 15 shot Glock, as a duty weapon, goes home, to his family, after his shift and strips his mags down to 7 rounds? Do you think they would leave their departmental AR's in the trunks of their cars out in the drive way?? I am all for these gun companies making a statement, and thats all this is. Police agencies will always be well armed, one way or another. It might end up costing them more to get the weapons they want, but they will get them and I'm all for it.
  15. I hope you are not including me in your "hate the cops nonsense". A was a cop for 27 years (on the street, not a desk ornament ) and I just retired on January 18th. I love cops and know exactly what they deal with every day. I have seen things , every day that you never will. My point is that citizens face the same threats that police do and I think any cop would agree. So if you included me in you last post..... F -YOU! If not ....sorry.
  16. Exactly. . . Every time a politician talks about guns, its obvious that he/she has no idea what they are talking about. Watch the Diane Fienstine interview with Bill Schieffer on face the nation. She is either a bold faced liar or a total moron. Either way these are the type of idiots we have dictating gun laws to us.
  17. Yeah.. Its a start but I would love to see the big boys get on board. S&W, Colt, Glock, Sig............If even one of them join in it will be big.
  18. When it comes to guns, police agencies deal directly with the company. It's waaaaay cheaper and the company, Smith and Wesson, Glock Remington for example, will accept the agency's current weapons as trade ins. It saves them a ton of money. If police Depts. have to deal with a retailer they will pay through the nose and they don't want that.
  19. I hope every gun manufacturer in the country follows suit !!! If they have a hair on their backside they will.
  20. These politicians are all way out of control and I see no end in sight.
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