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Everything posted by ants

  1. Obama gets credit for it, of course! If, god forbid, we ever get attacked again it will obviously be the fault of Geeeeooorrrrge W. Buuusssshhhh! LOL! got to love libs!!
  2. I'm in the same boat. Because of an injury, I have not even been out yet. The pisser is I have tons of time, because I'm still out of work, but my knee is't strong enough to do a lot of walking. I'm going to try to get out towards the end of the week and see how it goes. I have been shooting the bow just about every day . If worse comes to worse I guess I'll just concentrate on getting out a week late.
  3. Thats why I think it's so important to actually wash your boots, with scent free soap, as often as possible. If you have the older style rubber boots, with the laces on top, lose the laces. They act like a big human scent wick IMHO
  4. I always wash my boots (soles too) with scent free soap after each hunt. Then I pretty much do the same thing as Cabin Fever, I put them on just before I head out and spray them down. If I walk past mud or a puddle I'll walk right through them. I've even been know to intentionally step in a cow pie or two. When I get to my stand I like to kick up the ground until I start to smell the dirt.
  5. Did your boyfriend Obama stop those wars that , like it or not, congress voted to start or are they still going on ??? After all he IS president while these " extremely expensive " wars are still going on. I know..I know Geeeooorgge W. Buuusssshhh!!! Pussy excuses hypocrite. Good luck this season any way.
  6. The Geeeeooorrrgggee W Buuuussshhhh!! Thing is so old and pussy!! Grow up! Didn't congress vote to go to war?? No wait I know!! Geeeeeoooorrgggeee W. Buuuusssshh brain washed them, drugged them, lied to them LOL... Pussy BS!!
  7. Side note bubba...I only owned one 99, it was a 1950 model in 300 Savage. I Still kick myself in the A$$ for selling it. It was in great condition.
  8. Yeah every year, around October, I tell the wife " it's hunting season....see ya for christmas" Been doing it for almost 20 years and it still ticks her off!! LOL
  9. LOL....Sad part is, a lot of people really do feel that way. I love stories like this
  10. I had no idea it was this easy. My kids are asking for it again and its only been a couple days. I Might try the rootbeer one next.
  11. Whats wrong with you people? Don't you realize that a young man is dead? Some how society failed him! This is why we need stricter gun control! LOL! Good shot ....too bad he couldn't get a shot at the other two alter boys. freaken scum!
  12. Well Im try'n that one too!
  13. How do you make beer can pork chops???
  14. You're right on the money. Does anyone think that poor people have trouble scraping up enough money for cigarettes, beer, candy, cell phones junk food?? Fact is birth control is cheap and in a lot of cases free. This whole free birth control thing is just another example of the liberal mentality that says the government should take care of every little part of a persons life. So NO this wont get through to true libs. In their eyes we are all mean and hate women. It's a brilliant way of thinking LOL
  15. Yeah it came out real good. Nice and moist with a lot of flavor. I'll be doing this more often Thanks
  16. I agree. Same with the Savage 99.It could be worth $300 or it could be worth over $1000. Depends on the year, condition, caliber ..... I would start with the blue book
  17. Stop ...We all know that birth control only costs like $7000.00 per month. and that you can't find it free any place !!!Face it some poor people make real poor choices. Oh Wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There ya go
  18. I would bet you can buy them on the card. But of course to mention that is racist, sexist anti woman anti immigrant, anti tall people, anti short people anti cat anti dog, anti shoes , anti socks....Blah ..blah blah.. Cowards.. All of them. /buy your own condoms, pills what ever and stop acting like it's your right to have someone else pay for it. You parasites! Sorry
  19. Got one cooking right now. Let ya know Thanks
  20. FELONIOUS_MONK...Great point but if you noticed early slithered back under her rock a long time ago. Obviously she must be busy watching kiddie porn right? I mean she was a teacher. LOL!
  21. I have had real good luck with doe in heat urine during the rut. The very first buck I ever took with a bow, came running into Tink's that I set out. Put out three or four scent cans around your stand ( during the rut) and hang them about 5 ft off the ground. Take them with you after each hunt. Don't leave them out. I normally use Tink's but there are other good ones out there. You want doe in heat urine during the rut, not just doe urine. Good luck
  22. about 3 years ago. The outside of it is smooth so, like I said, nothing sticks to it. I looked and there is no model number or anything like that on it. It just has the small tag on it that says Allen. Its a real tree camo pattern
  23. Right ....." here is my tax payer funded condom card. One dozen please! ... I'm not forking over my own $4.00.... Its my girlfriend's reproductive right !!!!" LOL!!
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