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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. I just think that the 708 would do a better job on both coyotes and deer. You can get 120grn bullets that would do great on both. But you're right on the price thing. 243 ammo is way cheaper than 708, in fact sometimes you cant even find 708.
  2. I hunt deer with a 30-06 and a 7mm-08. Both drop deer in their tracks but the 7-08 has a much lighter recoil. I have taken deer with a 243 and IMHO the 7-08 blows it away. Harder hitting with about the same recoil.
  3. Full turkey loads through a tight choke would be a good choice out to about 40 yds. IMHO
  4. Man I remember my shop teacher bringing me and a couple other guys out to the school parking lot and showing us his new 870 deer gun that he had in the trunk of his car. Today they would throw him in jail for that!
  5. He sounds like a real tool. I wouldn't go with hime either. I just hope he dont hurt someone.
  6. in the past Obama has...supported a 500% increase in taxes on guns and ammo, supported the ban of the manufacture, sale and possession of ALL hand guns, he has backed Federal law to to abolish right to carry laws, has supported a Washington D.C. ban on guns in the home for self defense and the list goes on. You can google all of the this. But leftists will call you "idiot, moron racist" But what ever.... They are soooooooo smart!
  7. That is a shame. Sorry you had to put up with that. But she was wrong. In a situation like that the key is to realize that you are in the right and to politely let the person know it and move on. The law is on your side. I realize that at the time you were just a kid, but if it comes up again just smile and tell the person that you would be happy to discuss the matter with him/her and the police. But keep smiling.
  8. This is the first year that the wife is looking forward to me getting out to hunt, since I've been home since May with a knee injury. I guess I've been getting under her skin. Now I've been telling her that I'm not hunting this year because I want to spend more time with her...LOL That ticks her off too.
  9. Love it!!! Last year I had an old hag call the police on me for riding my ATV on a snowmobile only trail. (I didn't know) As I was riding she came running accross the lot giving me the NFL time out signal. I stopped, like a fool, and she went on about how I was polluting and making noise. She couldn't answere me when I asked her what the difference was between an ATV or snowmobile. I nicely told her to get stuffed. She pretty much ordered me to stay there until the police arrived LOL!! As I drove off she screamed about how she had my plate# and was calling the police to have me ticketed. The cops showed up at my house and we had a good laugh. Wish I was there when they went back to tell her that I wasn't ticketed. Old hag
  10. Some woman would think that thats a dumb way to cook hotdogs!
  11. Have to agree. I can see huge taxes being imposed on guns and ammo.
  12. Along the same lines...just two years ago another friend was driving home from camp with a buck strapped to the hitch rack of his SUV. This fat hippie chick kept pulling up next to him, flipping him off and screaming at him calling him a "sick f--k". She even threw a water bottle at his vehicle. This went on for miles until she finally got off an exit that must of had a McDonalds or something. Best part is she was wearing a tie dye head band...LOL They are out there.
  13. Years ago my friend was bow hunting in Highland Forest (Onondaga Co.) when a bunch of antis came walking through the woods yelling and banging on cow bells. They spotted him in his tree stand and stood under him yelling and banging their bells. After about 10mins he climbed down and got into a shoving match with one of the losers. He went to the park office to report the incident but by the time the Sheriff's Dept. got there the hippies were gone.
  14. Just heard on the news that now Bloomberg wants to ban all "junk food" from NYC hospitals. No vending machines, no soda machines, no snack/junk foods in the cafeteria........He's lost his mind
  15. If you were a guy it would have been.. stop..drop,,roll..scream...repeat, repeat, repeat, scream, scream repeat.....
  16. Can you find where they are going into/out of that area and hunt that??
  17. I sent my Mossberg 835 back to the factory about 5yrs ago. I went to the Post office, to ask how much it would cost, and the guy behind the counter told me that in order to ship the gun, the firing pin must me removed first?? After I politely told him how stupid I thought that was ,he said that as long the gun was made inoperable it could be shipped, and added that I would have to give him a letter, " to be put on file", stating that the gun was inoperable. I took a USPO box home with me, removed the barrel form the gun and put the gun and barrel in the box. Then I scratched out a two line letter saying that the gun, in it's current condition, couldn't fire. Brought the gun and letter back to the PO and the guy took it. It was shipped back to me by UPS. Next time I'll just get the box first, pack the gun and bring it to the Po so they don't know whats in it. It wasn't so much that it was a pain in the a$$ but that it was annoying
  18. Because way too many people would stop buying them, and the tax revenue would go through the floor. But the governments true concern is that people stop smoking??? Makes no sense at all. It's just a money grab.
  19. My machine calls for synthetic 0w-40. so I have been using Mobile -1 0w-40 since I bought the thing in 07, with zero issues. NAPA has the Mobile on sale a couple times a year for about $5.50. I stock up. Other than Polaris, Mobile is the only synthetic oil I can find in 0-40 and Polaris oil costs a lot more.
  20. Early season I have had deer come in to (only a few times) doe pee. Not estrus or doe in heat but plain doe pee. IMHO nothing is going to work all that good this early. some kind of food scent might work. One year I tried that Buck Snort apple scent. It's a gel. It drove the does nuts but no bucks. One time I had a big doe come right into it , after she busted me. in It smelled so good and the scent was so strong that I could smell it from my stand, with the right wind, and it made me hungry. I have tried it a few times since then with so so results...still no bucks. Who knows?
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