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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Just to give everyone an idea how things are being handled now. "As chair of the South African Medical Association and a GP of 33 years' standing, I have seen a lot over my medical career. But nothing has prepared me for the extraordinary global reaction that met my announcement this week that I had seen a young man in my surgery who had a case of Covid that turned out to be the Omicron variant. ... Quite simply, I have been stunned at the response — and especially from Britain. And let me be clear: nothing I have seen about this new variant warrants the extreme action the UK government has taken in response to it." —Dr. Angelique Coetzee
  2. The person who brought it to the US was also fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people are just as capable of transmitting the virus as the unvaxed. So why are the unvaxed being attacked as the problem here? The amount of coercion and force being used to get them to take the jab is on par with CCP and Soviet style control efforts. And the people in the US who support it are getting really hostile about it too. Power and control. God Help America!
  3. Pretty soon the govt will demand all of the unvaccinated folks wear something on the front and back of their clothes to identify them as unvaxed. Maybe a five point star, since a six point star was already used.
  4. A massive amount of projection in that post lefty. You really need therapy for that loser attitude. You're right. You should post a lot less in this sub. We'd all appreciate it.
  5. Again someone resorts to ad hominem attacks when they know they have lost the debate. It's as predicable as meat rotting in the sun. Try posting a response people might be interested in reading.
  6. Yet you ignore the absolutes pushed by the government and the haters of the unvaxed. You don't think those things are overreach? Mandatory boosters, Forced vaccines for kids, stop unvaxed travel, fire unvaxed people from their jobs, Kill the economy, inflate prices of everything, Rapid Response teams? (SWAT squad?), global oppression of the unvaxed, steps to prepare for all scenarios? (More govt overreach and control over everything?) Do people on the left ever ask for details regarding these talking points to find out what extent they will go? All for a virus that may seriously affect less then 0.05% of all humans on the planet? You must really believe the government is your friend.
  7. Just got a call from David at Rickard's. He is sending me two bottles directly from the factory. I bought mine online from an archery outlet called Bowhunting Outlet.com. David assured me the formula has not been changed and suspects the product was not properly stored in a refrigerated environment at the sellers location. We also discussed how Indian Buck Lure has no actual deer product in it and cannot transmit CWD or EHD, but the lawmakers, in their infinite cluelessness, decided anything that isn't completely synthetic is no longer legal to sell in NY stores. Rickard's is in PA and the law doesn't prevent them from shipping it directly to me in NY though. How stupid is that? This has the potential to put this small company out of business, as this is their most popular, best selling product and the sales are way down this year. The government could put a lot of folks out of work and destroy some of these deer lure businesses without cause. Rickard's doesn't have the cash to fight this law in court or lobby dumb lawmakers into correcting the law. All they can do is hope no more states decide their product is a problem without giving them due respect and allow them to make their case beforehand. In the meantime, if you want to try a deer lure that I believe, after decades of use, actually works, you can order it direct from Rickard's. https://www.peterickard.com/
  8. I would like to keep politics out of hunting as well, but as we can see, politicians refuse to keep their noses out of hunting.
  9. Well, nothing in science is absolute and certain things are considered valid by the majority, until proven otherwise. The point is, our government is over reacting to Omnicron and acting in a way that isn't good for the economy, businesses or the healthcare industry. Once again, what ever the govt gets involved in, it ruins.
  10. “The general rule in virology is that better transmission is associated with milder illness,” says Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading. “So even if transmission is higher the virus may be less dangerous.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/could-sars-cov-2-evolving-become-transmissible-less-lethal/
  11. If you don't get the vaccine, go on social media and spread bullshit about the vaccine and covid, then get it and die, your family doesn't get to go on twitter and say, "let's not make this political" and then announce the gofundme page for funeral expenses. Is that a law or something you just wish to make a law? Where is that a fact? If you read your own reply, and take note it doesn't mention the speed with which a virus can spread, only that they can mutate and be more deadly, you may begin to understand the point being made is about how fast a virus spreads determines how lethal it will be. That IS a scientific fact, that your reply failed to mention even once, except when it does say this : “Becoming more transmissible and less lethal are absolutely what’s best for the pathogen,”
  12. But these locals are trying to shut down the entire statewide season. If they only wanted to shut it down in their own county that would be one thing. But to ask to shut it down statewide is another.
  13. They obviously feel the snowmobile clubs and the money they provide is more than hunters would. However, nothing except fear prevents the snowmobile clubs from enjoying the trails during the holidays. Their restriction on their use is voluntary and will not be affected by hunters during that time period. If I were of the selfish variety, I would wish I could get the government to stop everything that I find distressing.
  14. It's also scientific fact the faster a virus can spread, the less deadly it is. The Omnicron variant spreads faster than any previous variant.
  15. If you're worried about the virus, get the vaccine. If you're not worried, don't get it. If you don't get the vax, get the virus and die, you can only blame yourself. If you are vaxed and get the virus, the govt has assured you it won't kill you, so why worry? Government over reaction leads to tyranny. People need to be aware the government loves lots of power and will embrace every opportunity to increase it's power. And once they get it, they never give it up.
  16. What's in the book is that Trump tested positive before the debate. The book neglects to tell us Trump demanded a 2nd test. The 2nd test came back negative. It may have been an attempt to keep Trump from the debate. Does anyone believe anyone would've let Trump go on the debate stage if he tested positive? It would have been the talk of the day and the left would've screamed to high heaven to stop the debate. Trump didn't control the tests or the people taking them. The length of time between the debate and Trump having the virus indicates he was infected after the debate. The left is spreading rumors based on hearsay trying to keep us distracted from the disaster that is Joe Biden and this administration. It has taken them a year to come up with this ploy. The lying leftists are the schit in this bowl.
  17. It turns out everyone of the elites in the US ran in the same circles with Epstein. Trump knew him, and took one flight on his jet from Fla to NYC. Epstein wanted to speak to Trump about allegations he assaulted a female minor at Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort. Trump got off the plane and banned Epstein from all of his properties. As far as Gates and Clinton go, there is a ton of evidence that needs to be investigated.
  18. The Maxwell case also has far reaching ramifications if it exposes the pedophiles in government and how they get away with it. The Trump thing seems to be another distraction that is hearsay and rumor. I think the left is still trying to prevent him from running for POTUS again because they know if the election was held again today, and wasn't stolen with fraudulent votes, Trump would win in a landslide.
  19. I thought he was talking about the Maxwell case. Something very strange about the prosecution of that case. Comey's daughter is on the prosecution team and the trial is not being live streamed as far as I know. Some folks are saying the case is being stacked to cover up a lot about certain elites that are very much involved with the left. It appears they are correct. I still believe it's just one of the distractions the government is using to misdirect the public's attention from the disaster that is Joe Biden's America.
  20. I wish I was living in PA. Try staying on topic.
  21. I think the thread is more about discussing why the DEC is getting into the vaccine push. Imagine if the Governor said you couldn't get your hunting license next year if you aren't vaxed. That seems to be the next step the government resorts to if the incentives fail to work.
  22. I did have the virus about 1 year ago and did lose my sense of taste and smell for a little while. The symptoms from the virus were joint pain, weakness, lack of energy and a slight fever, but that's it. The sense of smell is fine now. There is nothing I can't smell or taste. I had some cotton in a tube with Indian Buck Lure in it from last year that I dumped out to use the fresh stuff. Believe me, I could smell it. I should have kept it and used it this year. I love the smell of Hoppe's #9 and wish it worked as a deer lure. Indian Buck Lure smells like schit, but the bucks seem to like it. It actually smells just like the scent of a buck's tarsal glands. Maybe they are attracted to it because they think another buck is around looking to breed their does.
  23. I just saw this article online and thought you might be interested. https://www.americanhunter.org/articles/2021/7/8/5-books-every-hunter-should-read Also, you can learn a lot from a good hunting magazine that is delivered every month. The articles in it will teach you a lot. As a hunter, you should consider joining the NRA and having them send you the monthly issue of American Hunter. It's one of the best hunting magazines you can read and it's free with your membership. All hunters benefit from the NRA's support for hunting and hunter safety, so being a member supports that too.
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