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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Grouse

    Neck Shots

    Both deer fell where they stood and never moved.
  2. Grouse

    Neck Shots

    Yes. Midway up the neck, not too close to the head and dead center. I did not cut the hide on the neck to see what the results were, but the entire neck at that point feels like marbles in a bag. Lots of blood was let out of each deer with those shots as well. The shots were taken from broadside.
  3. Grouse

    Neck Shots

    Right. I forgot to mention I was able to save a pristine heart and liver from both deer as well. Good eating this year for sure.
  4. Grouse

    Neck Shots

    As of Wednesday 11/24 I am tagged out in my home woods. One six point buck was taken and I filled my doe permit. I still have a doe permit for 3M, but I'm not sure if I will be going down there to fill it. We'll see how the weather looks and if I can find the time. This year I decided if I could possibly do it, I was shooting the deer in the neck. Both deer were within 50 yards and both were shot in the neck. Both fell down where they stood when they were hit. No tracking was required and there was no fear of losing either animal. Gutting was a lot less bloody and I expect all of the meat to be fine, with no worries of lead in any of it, or lead left for raptors in the gut pile. And no need to use monolithic copper bullets to achieve it. Neck shooting seems to offer plenty of advantages and no disadvantages that I can see. I've only taken a few deer in the past with neck shots, but I'm starting to think this may be they way to go from now on. I'm thinking now of maybe using a different rifle too. The 7mm-08 seems to be more than needed to neck shoot deer at close range. Anyway, just thought I'd ramble a little on my harvest this year. Still going out with the ML when the season is open, but I think I will hold out for an eight point or better. Anyone else taking their deer with neck shots?
  5. Sounds like a case of someone assuming if it ain't orange, it's OK to shoot. Obviously did not identify the target at all. I feel bad for the victim and his family, but the shooter should be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter.
  6. I wish they would admit anyone can spread this virus and any type of card is meaningless.
  7. Two deer hunters were standing on a ridge near a highway in rural West Virginia on the opening day of deer season. They both saw a trophy-class buck meandering towards them. As the one hunter raised his gun to shoot, a funeral procession came slowly by. ... The hunter lowered his gun, took off his hat, and stood with his head bowed until the procession was past. Of course by then, the deer was long gone. The other hunter exclaimed "Wow! That was the most sportsman like act I've ever seen! You allowed this trophy buck to escape while showing such compassion and kindness toward someone's dearly departed. You are a great humanitarian and a shining example to sportsmen throughout the world!" The first hunter nodded and said; "...Well, we were married for 42 years.”
  8. Voting for Biden because one "hoped" he would unify the country, was a choice that ignored all of the evidence available to the electorate. The man has a 50 year record of tearing the country apart, corruption and lying to the people. To think he wouldn't continue to do the same as President was an emotional decision that denied all logic. Biden was placed in the WH two ways. Too many people didn't look at the reality of his becoming President, and many fraudulent votes were counted to give him a win. Now we must deal with the consequences of a President ruining the country and forcing the left's will on all of us with threats of mandates, violence and riots from the minions he commands among us. Biden is weaponizing all agencies of the government, from the IRS to the CDC, against the citizens. We will do as we are told or be destroyed by the government using whatever power it has to do so. This is exactly what happened in the Rittenhouse trial and exactly what will continue to happen to Rittenhouse in the future. If the left could do this to a sitting President, Rittenhouse, Sandman and the McCloskeys, believing it won't do it to you at every chance, is naive and foolish. Voting for Biden insured all of this government oppression would happen. Too many Americans didn't think this through when they were thinking for themselves without investigating the facts.
  9. How do you do that without accepting a little less freedom and more authoritarian government?
  10. This is funny because it will cause leftist's to act like lunatics.
  11. Sometimes people with few posts aren't genuine. Send the seller a PM and give him your details.
  12. Most likely because the two political ideologies are polar opposites right now. I don't see how there can be any compromise between a party that supports freedom and one that wants totalitarian rule.
  13. I've got to ask a question here Mike. Pardon me while I "ramble". A leftist is a person who's bent on destroying the America we currently live in. How is it you expect a person such as this not to be referred to in demeaning terms? Are we to respectfully tolerate enemies of the state and forces determined to destroy our rights and freedoms? Should we be referring to them in endearing terms? Are you advocating we respect their opinions and accept their desire to ruin the country? Why on earth would you advocate being civil to people who hate what America is and vow to "transform" it, especially when they won't say what that transformation will entail? I understand your desire to defend them, since you have made it clear in the past you side with them. BTW, you have been guilty of calling Conservatives demeaning things, including those who think Rittenhouse was well within his rights.
  14. How about we all stick to civil debate on the issue involved and stop whining about how the issues affect your emotional state of mind? The name calling starts when someone feels they have no intelligent reply to the facts presented. The emotionally triggered, resort to ad hominem attacks in an effort to shut down the debate, misdirect the readers, or deflect the facts from being presented on the issue. If you cannot support your stand on an issue with facts and reason, admit it and stop whining like a child and throwing a childish fit that will get you put in time out. It's obviously being done in many cases, to shut down discussion of a subject the left doesn't want people talking about. That being said, our resident "Progressives" might consider what I just wrote to be a personal attack on them, rather than criticism of their character. It's how they view any opposing opinion, so they can claim it needs to be silenced. This is a leftist tactic being employed in the entire country, against any opposition to leftist lunacy, and it needs to be battled at every opportunity, lest we surrender to it's destruction. I'm amused by posts calling me out by name without any examples attached to back up the attacks. I'm also amused by the calls to eliminate the entire political forum coming from those who seem to be on the leftist side of the political spectrum. Merely labeling someone who embraces leftist ideology a "leftist" triggers them, because they consider it a derogatory label. Yet they fail to see how it applies to their ideology. A "Liberal" is all about freedom and individual rights. If you advocate bigger government and more control, the elimination of individual rights, higher taxes that do noting for the citizens, governmental socialism, or the suppression of political opposition, you need to be aware of what you support and embrace the leftist label. Now, I don't see anything I just posted as "know it all", "inflammatory" or "offensive", but I expect the easily offended will. I won't shy away from any civil debate intellectually challenging what I post, because if I'm wrong I want to be aware of it. But before I will accept I'm wrong, you have to prove it to me. Prove me wrong. P.S. Calling me names and ad hominem attacks about my persona, doesn't prove me wrong. P.S.S. Let's get back to the Rittenhouse trial and what it means to the citizens of the US and our right to defend ourselves, which is what this thread was supposed to be discussing before it was derailed by people who don't want to discuss that.
  15. Just some FYI's to educate you on why this wasn't just about this case. "The verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included." —President Joe Biden "The verdict really speaks for itself. As many of you know, I've spent the majority of my career working to make the criminal justice system more equitable, and clearly there's a lot more to do." —Vice President Kamala Harris ("Kamala Harris, who shared a bail fund for criminal rioters during the summer 2020 riots, says 'there's a lot more work to do' with the criminal justice system." —Daily Caller) "It's disgusting and disturbing that someone was able to carry a loaded assault rifle into a protest against the unjust killing of Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man, and take the lives of two people and injure another — and face absolutely no consequences." —Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Sean Patrick Maloney ("Jacob Blake was paralyzed by the shooting, not killed, and was in fact armed with a knife. The police officer who responded to the domestic disturbance call that led to Blake's shooting was not charged either by the state or the federal government after investigations." —Fox News) "This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest." —House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler ("White Congressman who represents Wall Street district calls for retrial of criminal defendant acquitted of shooting three white men." —Dan McLaughlin) "It is unconscionable our justice system would allow an armed vigilante ... to go free. The ludicrous claim of self-defense is on par with the abhorrent behavior displayed by the prosecution and the judge." —Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chairwoman Joyce Beatty "The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse is an example of why the nation must re-examine self-defense laws in our justice system. When you seek out violence wielding a dangerous weapon, there should be accountability for deadly results." —Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux "Kyle Rittenhouse is living proof that white tears can still forestall justice. A murderer is once again walking free today — our system is terribly broken." —Congressman Adriano Espaillat "Racism & white supremacy remain the bedrock of our legal system. My heart breaks for the family & loved ones of those whose lives were stolen, and the trauma our communities face today and every day. The struggle for accountability, for justice, for healing goes on." —Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley "America today: you can break the law, carry around weapons built for a military, shoot and kill people, and get away with it. That's the message we've just sent to armed vigilantes across the nation." —California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom "Carrying a loaded gun into a community 20 miles from your home and shooting unarmed citizens is fundamentally wrong. It's a tragedy that the court could not acknowledge that basic fact. 26-year-old Anthony Huber and 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum, a father, had their whole lives ahead of them. They deserved to be alive today. They deserve justice. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who loved them. We must do better than this." —Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker "No one should ever take the law into their own hands, or attempt to make themselves the judge, jury, and executioner. What Kyle Rittenhouse did was reckless, dangerous, and showed an utter disregard for human life. My condolences go out to the family, friends, and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time." —Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot "Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum are victims. They should be alive today. The only reason they're not is because a violent, dangerous man chose to take a gun across state lines and start shooting people. To call this a miscarriage of justice is an understatement." —New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio "This is yet another reminder that our system needs to be uprooted and reformed." —New York Attorney General Letitia James "We knew, but it's sometimes helpful to remind ourselves how America was designed to work. It continues to work as designed. We have learned again what is considered legal for some people to do in America. It's helpful to know where you stand in your country." —MSNBC's Joy Reid "I'm disgusted at what I'm seeing. It's not just this trial — it's other trials — but this in particular. The fact that white supremacists roam the halls of Congress freely and celebrate this little murderous white supremacist, and the fact that he gets to walk the streets freely. It lets you know these people have access to instituting laws. They represent the legislative branch of this country." —MSNBC's Tiffany Cross "This is not a miscarriage of justice. This is justice working as intended for white people. ... This is what a majority of white people vote for. When I say that majority of white people are in favor of this kind of violence, it is because a majority of white people consistently vote Republican." —The Nation legal correspondent Elie Mystal "Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people and is not guilty of murder. This is indeed a grave miscarriage of justice." —"Reverend" Jesse Jackson "In this country, you can even kill white people and get away with it if those white people are fighting for Black lives. This is the legacy of 1619." —Nikole Hannah-Jones "We just witnessed a system built on white supremacy validate the terroristic acts of a white supremacist. This only further validates the need to abolish our current system. White supremacy cannot be reformed." —former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernic ("Three white men — one convicted child rapist, one domestic abuser, and one previously charged with burglary — tried to burn down black-owned businesses and were shot when they attacked a kid and Colin insists it's 'white supremacy.'" —Dana Loesch) "Ha, let the boy be black and it would've been life…hell he would've had his life taken before the bullsh*t trial.. sad." —NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace ("Remember when you lied about a noose in your garage?" —Matt Walsh)
  16. Mark Dice Kyle Rittenhouse has been found NOT GUILTY on all charges. He's a free man! Thank God. Never forget that Facebook censored posts simply saying he acted in self defense in the aftermath of the incident (including mine). GoFundMe banned him from fundraising for his defense. The media, members of Congress, and celebrities slandered him as a "white supremacist" and a "mass murderer." All while calling the people who attacked him and tried to kill him the "heroes."
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