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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. We knew who was vulnerable after the first 1000 or so people contracted and died from the virus. That was back in February 2019. We didn't know how to treat them and killed many of them with ventilators, but we knew we were dealing with a virus with a 99.95% survival rate even then. This is also the time the government decided to start the mandatory lock downs on massive sections of the economy, while still leaving "essential services" open, including liquor stores and protest rallies. The "giant flaw" during the pandemic was allowing the government to destroy individual liberty on a massive scale, which created all of the problems we are now dealing with and discussing in this thread.
  2. Sounds like this law would prohibit the use of any lead ammo for any reason on all of the NYC watershed land in the Catskill region. I wouldn't even be able to target practice on my own land with a .22, or any gun using any of the thousands of rounds of target ammo I currently have. "Prohibits the use of lead ammunition in the taking of wildlife on wildlife management areas, state forests, forest preserves, state parks or any other state-owned land that is open for hunting and on land contributing surface water to the New York city water supply."
  3. A05728, the lead ammunition ban hunting on state land and land surrounding the NYC DEP waters is progressing fast! It passed the Assembly's Environmental Conservation Committee on 4/27/2021, and was referred to the Assembly's Code Committee. A5728 passed the Codes Committee on 5/4/2021 - yesterday! This bill may go to the Assembly floor shortly for the full Assembly to vote on once it gets assigned to the calendar! Please contact ALL NYS Assemblymembers to let them know your stance on this bill. The NYS Legislative session ends in about a month so time is critical that you make contact. I have attached the list of NYS Assemblymembers' contact information. If passed the effective date for this legislation is January 1 2023. The current ammo shortage will eventually end. But the shortage of lead free ammo will not! Even before the current ammo shortage began, lead free ammo was very hard to get if it was available. If this trend of lead free ammo shortage continues, you will not be able to hunt on state land after the effective date. This includes not being able to use rim-fire lead ammo for small game hunting. Some people are calling this a backdoor hunting ban because of the scarcity of lead free ammo. A05728 Committee Votes: Committee:ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Chair:Englebright DATE:04/27/2021 AYE/NAY:21/9 Action: Favorable refer to committee Codes Committee:CODES Chair:Dinowitz DATE:05/04/2021 AYE/NAY:16/6 Action: Favorable Click on this link for details and text of the bill: https://nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_fld&leg_video... The Schenectady County Conservation Council is against this and any other lead ammo ban legislation. The NYSCC Firearms and Ammunition Committee is against this legislation and has recommended the NYSCC be against it also. A position stance is being drafted. Please forward so more people are aware and can contact the Assembly members. https://nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A05728&term=2021&Summary=Y&Actions=Y&Committee%26nbspVotes=Y&Floor%26nbspVotes=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y&fbclid=IwAR09N46YBkePpVg5DMTxfXFjpRm1sPMFPOHYpW4WI2LdJRp79zcG3gskLGY
  4. U.S. taxpayer money supported the controversial vaccine research with Chinese scientists through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Some support came from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci. https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/05/video-exclusive-investigation-separating-rumor-from-fact-on-covid-19s-origin/?fbclid=IwAR09N46YBkePpVg5DMTxfXFjpRm1sPMFPOHYpW4WI2LdJRp79zcG3gskLGY
  5. Is there a connection between the US government and the China Virus? Looks like there is. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/gop-answers-fauci-wuhan-lab-research-covid-origin?fbclid=IwAR1O4nUWCGv57SMa9wgrSkDfo5u06mQeaUM_nSG9ahI9yG3ESgIQzUIwIqE
  6. But it is predictable. That's why they regulate it.
  7. Since it's by accident and not intentional, I would certainly hope nobody could be prosecuted for it. I think you can shoot feral cats for that reason too, no?
  8. Just mentioned it as an option for those who don't want to invest a lot of cash in an air rifle if they will only use it to shoot small birds and varmints. Super Colibri can be had for $15.00 per hundred and they are very consistent in their accuracy. The regular Colibri rounds can be had for $10 per hundred. That may last some folks a year. Mine do. Just an option for anyone who can't invest a lot of money in a good air rifle and doesn't shoot them a lot.
  9. I've taken a couple of big Toms from behind a boulder on my own land. I expected them to come in front of me and the boulder was to break up my outline. When they got behind me, I slowly peeked over the top of the rock and eased the barrel of the gun over it. They looked right at me but stayed put. They seem to be looking and asking themselves, "What the heck is that thing on that rock?", just before they get shot in the face.
  10. The federal government actually gives them permits to kill so many a year. Green energy privilege. And there seems to be no complaint from the raptor loving community about it. Wildcat, I've been using a bolt action .22 with those Colibri cartridges that are silent when fired from a .22 rifle. They turn the .22 into a pellet rifle. My only air rifle is .17 caliber and I prefer a .22 for small varmints. Ever use Colibris? https://www.aguilaammo.com/ammunition/1b220337/ They have no powder in them and claim the regular Colibris may not fire from a .22 rifle and become lodged in the barrel, but they work fine in mine. They also have Super Colibri rounds made for .22 rifles. They have a tiny bit of powder, but are silent when fired from a rifle.
  11. A nice .22 cal air rifle you have there. Great accuracy and plenty of energy to hunt with. Love those FX hollow points.
  12. I have two barrels for my Camo 835. One is 28" and used for geese. The other is a ported 24" with an extra full screw in choke that extends out of the barrel and adds another inch to it. I like the longer sighting plane on both of these barrels, which aids accuracy, especially on long shots. I've never found either barrel to be too long for the hunting I do with them and have even hunted turkey with the 28" barrel in the past. When running and gunning for turkey, the balance of the gun comes into play. The shorter barrel moves the balance more towards the butt. The longer barrel cuts down on the muzzle blast too. I'm not opposed to a 22" if I think I need it that short to fit in a blind, but don't think it's needed for most turkey hunting applications.
  13. When the lockdowns first hit, we absolutely needed some relief. Had the govt chosen to only protect the vulnerable, and spend whatever was needed to protect only the vulnerable, the rest of us could've gone on living our lives normally. Plus, the cost to taxpayers of dealing with the virus would have been far less. Why did the govt not choose that route? Because it was all about getting Trump out of office, stopping the greatest economic upturn in history, and expanding the power of the federal govt. The left has been known to preach, "Never let a crises go to waste." They milked this crises for all it was worth and are still trying to squeeze every drop of milk they can get out of it at taxpayer expense. The worst part about this whole crises is, there is plenty of evidence to prove this was not an accidental crises. It was an intentional one. But the power of the govt, and all of the corrupted officials in it, along with their sycophantic main stream media lapdogs, will continue to cover it all up and lie forever, to prevent the truth from ever being told.
  14. I know a few in the Dacks that use mules, but none that use llamas. I think they should look into using llamas though.
  15. I've been reading about using Llamas as pack animals and it's seems to be a very good idea. http://www.bear-hunting.com/tactics?ID=cdc41872-7446-49e9-947b-3d29c82bc2ff&fbclid=IwAR3pX6JBP6o4zq6SIhxqpI9ezkk0E_N1FOxiirjLfkLCRGLeepMDLil5_ak
  16. So how did all of this crap come to be? What caused it? If you think it was the Chinese virus, think again. It was the way our government chose to deal with the virus. Anything the government gets involved in gets ruined. And it continues to cause mayhem in the market right now with it's totalitarian mandates. Yet the people who are in elected positions that are responsible for this mayhem will be re-elected. Don't agree? Explain Cuomo. If the elections have not become fraudulent and controlled by the people already in power, the electorate can look in the mirror and see who they should blame for our country's current woes. If we continue to allow the government to control massive amounts of our economy, we can continue to expect crises after crises, and higher costs for everything. People better start educating themselves about situational awareness.
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