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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. https://blade-city.com/blogs/gun-knife-blog/shotgun-slug-leaves-football-size-cavitation-in-ballistics-test-video?aff=17&fbclid=IwAR0YPznoh2a8Av7IrJVMcCEXzoHl4t7LS_3ltgcbmJtbbVixTXuIjP96Nj0
  2. Friendly fire I: "In a recent Gallup survey, Democrats did much worse than Republicans in getting the right answer to the fundamental question: What are the chances that someone who gets COVID will need to be hospitalized? The answer is between one and five percent — 41 percent of Democrats thought it was over 50 percent. Another 28 percent put the chances at 20 to 49 [percent]. So if the right-wing media bubble has to own things like climate change denial, shouldn't liberal media have to answer for 'How did your audience end up believing such a bunch of crap about COVID?'" —Bill Maher
  3. If numbers are up, why is the fall season still short and the limit still less?
  4. Yet they all have smart phones, flat screen TV's and cigarettes. If they can't find a job, it's either because they never got a good education, don't know how to prove to an employer they are worth the pay offered, the leftist politicians have killed all the good jobs by sending them out of the country or they are not interested in working. That's it.
  5. Like Bill Gates and Elon Musk? How is it they didn't do honest work? Now George Soros or Mike Bloomberg will make your case for you, but they also push leftist ideology and demand people pay more taxes, including all of the middle class.
  6. Someday you may find yourself in court and wish you had paid attention to this issue.
  7. Why is a government agency, that is losing billions, spending money to do this? https://news.yahoo.com/the-postal-service-is-running-a-running-a-covert-operations-program-that-monitors-americans-social-media-posts-160022919.html
  8. I look forward to the day you can actually refute a posts content instead of attacking the messenger. I only hope I live long enough to see it.
  9. Maybe you should try reading some of it to open your mind and educate yourself, rather than wallowing in your illusions. We have an entire thread on this trial here in the General Chit Chat Forum already. This one follows it. Is it because this is my post you protest or do you want us to think that's not the case?
  10. That OP piece was written by Dr. John Lott PhD, one of the premier pro gun statisticians and researchers in this country. What he talks about affects the GENERAL POPULATION. It also follows the "Guilty on all charges" thread in the General Chit Chat Forum. It's not about this one trial, it's about the Rule of Law, which obviously doesn't concern too many people in this country anymore. Is it any wonder we are circling the drain?
  11. Democrats love gas taxes, yet they hurt the poor the most. Democrats still tell you they are for the poor though. They're liars!
  12. The Derek Chauvin trial was a travesty. Prosecutors were allowed to break all the rules. Whether that was because Judge Peter Cahill is a Democrat in a heavily Democrat area and wanted to convict Chauvin or whether he didn’t want to take the heat for declaring a mistrial, prosecutors realized that they didn’t have to follow the standard rules. One can only hope that the appeals court judges have stiffer spines. https://townhall.com/columnists/johnrlottjr/2021/04/22/the-derek-chauvin-trial-was-a-travesty-prosecutors-violated-rules-that-protect-us-all-n2588370?229&fbclid=IwAR2H5HTjfjwiok8hfMrgNHeb81mPUgcBV_MEJM72X83AJfGEIpb1vdKA2Vk
  13. In certain pockets of the state. But total population in NY overall, not so much. Habitat and predation seem to be the biggest factors affecting the population total.
  14. People are poor in America because they choose not to work their way out of it, and the government encourages them not to, with handouts. This is the land of opportunity, where anyone with some intelligence, determination and hard work can do OK without much effort. No other country offers the opportunity to succeed as well as many have. If they dropped out of high school, had kids out of wedlock, abuse drugs or alcohol, don't show up for work on time, or at all, and never learned how to save money or mange it properly, they will always be poor, because they make poor choices. It's self inflicted. If anything prevents success in this land it's government regulation and taxes, which work to stifle all new business startups. Rich people always encourage others to do what they can to become better off. They didn't steal their wealth from us. We willingly gave them our money because they offered something we wanted. They filled a need and we paid them money to fulfill our need. What did it cost anyone for people to get rich? You will have to tell me the answer to that question because it's a myth. How much did Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or even Donald Trump cost anyone and who paid them? Anyone who isn't happy with an economic system that allows anyone to become better off, is a fool. They believe the leftist, Marxist idea that anyone who succeeds did it at the expense of other people. That is only true if one became wealthy in politics.
  15. You obviously don't have a degree in Economics. You also have no knowledge of the free market in this land since it's founding. No other economic system in the world has come close to lifting as many people out of poverty as the American free enterprise system. It's attacked by the left because the left would love to make everyone dependent on the government for everything. Hell. even Communist countries have come to accept free market capitalism to survive.
  16. Longevity and health has to do more with culture than healthcare. When most of your population is fat, smokes and does drugs, no healthcare system is going to be able to save them.
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