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Everything posted by Grouse

  1. Actually, a turkey's head and neck move a lot and very unpredictably. But the base of the neck, where it meets the shoulders moves very little when the head and neck move. That base of the neck spine shot isn't hard to do with a rifle as it is a target about the size of a baseball, which isn't hard to hit at 100 yards. If a turkey is standing still looking at you from a distance, which they often do, that lower neck shot would be easier to do with a rifle than a close range tight choke pattern shot at the birds head with a shotgun, especially if the bird is alert and moving.
  2. That's a video of 4 years worth of Trump flubs. Biden has only been in office 2.5 months and could triple that amount of flubs right now, and he reads from a teleprompter. Biden hasn't got the ability to accomplish 1% of what Trump did for freedom and liberty in America. In fact, he's doing all he can to eliminate much of it every day he breaths our air. How anyone can still support Democrats after watching the last four years of insane leftist lunacy and now Biden as President? One really has to be completely delusional to do it IMHO.
  3. I would hunt turkey with a rifle. I'd use my Rem 700 in .223 with FMJ bullets for shots that were 60 yards or more. Placing a shot at the base of a turkeys neck, just above the breast meat, will take out the spine and drop it where it stands with no meat damage to speak of. If it were legal to do so, why not?
  4. Ultimately, the most obvious question is this: Why should illegal aliens get anything since they are not legal resident of the U.S. and broke our laws to even be here? The fact of the matter is that legislation like this only encourages illegal immigration. It's proof positive that Democrats have no interest in ending the border crisis. Indeed, to these radical leftist Democrats, even the concept of borders is immoral. Ironically, they see no immorality in taking tax dollars from hardworking American citizens and giving the money to illegal aliens who have expressly broken our laws and do not pay taxes. They see it as virtuous. But if this is how tax dollars are being used, why pay taxes? Isn't it better to remain a noncitizen and not pay taxes while getting government handouts and having protected victim-class status?
  5. 80 million people thought this guy would be a good President? Really?
  6. AFT - American Federation of Teachers Chipman won't have any control over us as the head of this private org. LOL!!
  7. Perhaps if people understood their rights, they wouldn't tolerate this crap.
  8. The Dems aren't worried about elections anymore since they've mastered how to steal them.
  9. And the UK isn't any better. Shooters of the U.S. beware. Give way an inch to the anti-gun lobby, and you'll end up like the poor folk here in Great Britain. And it's not just handguns I'm talking about. https://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/2021/4/1/an-enfield-destroyed-the-impact-of-british-gun-laws/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=insider&utm_campaign=0421
  10. The U.S. government has spent around $6 trillion during the coronavirus pandemic, in addition to regular government appropriations. The $6 trillion figure does not count the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that President Biden signed a few weeks ago. The deficit set a record in FY2020 at $3.13 trillion. And the national debt has hit a record $28 trillion. It's a cheap time to borrow and some people are using that as a reason to borrow. The problem that looms is our interest rates flow. The U.S. has the ultimate adjustable rate mortgage, which is the rates can change. Senator Angus King said. "And if the rates go back to 4 or 5%, which is where they've been historically, we're in a heap of fiscal trouble. The math is pretty easy. Every 1% is $250 billion a year of interest costs. So 4% is $1 trillion dollars; 5% is $1,250,000,000,000, which happens to be the entire current discretionary federal budget."
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