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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Yeah they link to pages that do not exist, I have sent an email to them with some feedback and included that as well.
  2. Yes, and oddly it completely ignores the address and phone number information you put in during registration. In addition the site freezes for me when trying to edit my sportsman's profile in both Chrome and Internet Explorer.
  3. Ok, so I registered and it pulled up my info and shows I have my licenses and preference points. Seems OK other then it ignored my new phone number and shows an old one from 5 years ago, and I can't seem to find where to edit it. * found it, had to go to Activities. It also stated my browser was not supported but the site worked fine.
  4. Does it work for anyone else once you put in your info?
  5. Yeah, and I'm trying to register and it doesnt detect that I have any licenses or hunting classes completed.
  6. The NY DEC's new e-licensing system to purchase sporting licenses and report harvest numbers is now up and running. You can check it out here: https://aca.dec.accela.com/dec/ This post has been promoted to an article
  7. The NY DEC's new e-licensing system to purchase sporting licenses and report harvest numbers is now up and running. You can check it out here: https://aca.dec.accela.com/dec/
  8. OMG they are watching all of HuntingNY too. Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
  9. My mancave is the size of a closet But perfect for me. Need new pics
  10. Happy bday old fart! Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
  11. Which we already know is BS Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
  12. They already see you making those hats! Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  13. What time should I be over? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  14. That could have went another way if you played your cards right
  15. Welcome! Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
  16. Beer Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
  17. 3 years ago bow season I walked into my stand at dark. I had on my dinky little light built into my hat that gives enough light for a few feet ahead. I looked up for a second because I heard a noise and see 4 sets of eyes staring at me roughly 20 ish yards away. Grabbed my bigger light and made out to what looked like yotes as they ran away after i made a girlish noise to spook them. TP was used immediately after for a cleanup.
  18. It's just an old joke. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_foil_hat And for more reading - > http://www.scmagazine.com.au/News/368562,dell-others-named-in-nsa-spying-program.aspx http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/report-nsa-intercepts-computer-deliveries/2013/12/29/dc14c3da-70a2-11e3-bc6b-712d770c3715_story.html?clsrd
  19. And for you tin foil wearers they are in your iphone too http://www.dailydot.com/politics/nsa-backdoor-iphone-access-camera-mic-appelbaum/
  20. Its going to be right in Rome, NY at Griffiss International Airport
  21. As many of you know we try to take as hand's off approach to things here as possible. However, there are a quite a few folks that have been asked to tone things down a few times. Some resulted in temp suspensions to allow them to cool off a bit some are gone for good. We can't make everyone happy, no one has the time to watch every thread / post / war going on. I still can count on my left hand how many we have banned over the last 4/5 years, it rarely happens. You have no idea how much I depend on these guys to help moderate the forums, I wouldn't be able to do it with out them. From moving threads to the proper categories, editing posts for curses, nuking spammer / bot accounts, and the countless other things they do. I do appreciate everyone that reports threads, it pulls immediate notice to a problem. Some times they are edited, sometimes they are left to be. But to be honest, who has been banned / warned / suspended is none of your concern. These guys and myself have been more then fair with folks.
  22. Got battery heated socks hope they work? And thermals. Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
  23. Nice! Sent from my LG-VS980 using Tapatalk
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