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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by A6A6

  1. Elmer.. channel 788 is outdoor channel on calbevision. .. burmjohn is right, its part of theyre sports package.
  2. i have participated in 3 deer. and the guys i did it with have done many before.... it is alot of work. idk how your camp will be set up but having the right workspace is def. key. and you will need minimum of 3 guys. one to cut one to wrap and label and one to help both of them. its also helpful to know all the cuts of meat before you just start cutting away. you need to break down each muscle group all i can say is it is not an walk in the park. skin it, cut a shoulder or a rump off , then bring the whole thing to the butcher block and break it down into different groups then trim the fat if any and make sure to get all the tendons and ligaments. also look to get that "See-New' tissue .. ( idk how to spell it ) clean it again and package it... you will need a strong place to hang the deer as youll be tugging and pulling while skinning and cutting the deer .....also a couple of sharp sharp knives small to large and a mallot to pound out cutlets.. also , a butcher block or wood table then your gonna need a roll of butcher paper and pen/marker or labeling system so you know what is in the wrap. and also some ziplock bags to put all paper wrapped meat into .. or maybe vacuum / foodsaver so you can keep meat longer. ....also make sure the area your cutting the deer from is well lit.. even though you start cutting away and its still light out , once it get dark , it gets harder... no way you can do it with just a flash light. and make sure you use certain knives to cut glands off ... dont reuse those knives to cut meat or it may spoil the meat and lastly, if its cold, the deer will get stiff so dont hang it out for a whole day then try to cut a shoulder off.. aint happening. like anything else , the more you do something the better and easier it gets but first few times aint easy work, then you have cleanup too.. and make sure you use certain knives to cut glands off ... dont reuse those knives to cut meat or it may spoil the meat fyi... if you have the foodsaver , you can also start marinating your roast or cut it open and push in a few cloves of garlic and inject flavouring into the roast and then tie it and vacuum pack it so it marinades the whole time it is in the freezer.. imho its an experience you should try once to see it you like doing it and if you got good guys doing it with you , thats even better youll all learn a little bit and have some good laughs.... but if you have an honest butcher at a good price, ide keep him around
  3. in the past 20 years.. minor ups and downs but for the most part we appear to be on the up in harvesting which probably means overall population is growing..we have almost doubled since the 1990's in reported harvest's check out this page from DEC. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/42238.html i hunt in margaretville and roxbury and we have tons of them over there.. too many.. they forage thru everything and will pummel your stainless steel bbq for the grease tray. ..
  4. No way would I enjoy it. as much as i bitch and moan about things like climbing trees and hanging stands or hiking up a mountain till you find your perfect spot or draggin your deer uphill for a mile or sitting there freezin your ass off....... thats all the stuff i live for .. thats the hunt...
  5. The crush stands out for the obvious reason (Tiffany) but i like jim shockey, ted nugent and north to alaska and the truth about hunting are my fav's jackie bushman is a dork but i like em.
  6. I jumped on it this year. I was able to get it at the lower price before they raised it. I just wished I had bought it when I started hunting 15 years ago. im 30 now. and mostly always bought the sportsman plus turkey stamps. had I bought it straight from the get go , ide prob be even . but as for the future.. i really dont predict prices ever dropping only increasing so i think it was a great buy for the price.
  7. hey guys. i had a homemade treestand on a friends property a while back . i used burlap and stapled it to the hand rail for some stealth and after one season the wind, birds , coons and weather destroyed the burlap. so what i did was i took some parachute rope and tied it tight from limb to limb between the 3 tree's and made a sort of "curtain rod". then looped a few zip-ties around the string and thru the burlap leaving enough material around the string to keep the burlap strong and not able to fray and slid the burlap to the tree limb and rolled it and wrapped a bungee around it when not using the stand. if your handrail/shooting rail is at a perfect height then try to make the curtain rod an inch below it so you dont tug the line while your resting your gun on it. just a lil thing that worked for me. good luck. its still up and wrapped around the tree in good condition. 3 years. and check those nails in the 2x4's going up your stand. the tree grows but the nail stays in place and sinks into the 2x4.
  8. I think i can agree with you Mr. Fudd. ive seen and heard more and more coyote in the past 3 years than i can remember in other years in the past. just from browsing the hunting forums you can see more and more guys even talking about them. and they are getting bigger and bigger. the eastern coyote is generally larger than those from the midwest . bigger coyote needs bigger food source. fawns are prime eating and easy catch for em i guess.
  9. hey doc. i was in sterling forest few weeks ago. there is a trail at the end of ironwood drive under the powerlines past the gate and uphill and on the right , just past the highest point in the immediate area. about 150-200 yards into the trail there is a pond on the right of the trail 30 yards . squirrel all over.. and bold ones may i add. just be careful. ticks tick ticks all over too.. had them crawling all over me. come fall season that should die down a bit but be careful.
  10. hEY GUYS. Im trying to find a couple of good spots to scout out for next season predator hunting . Anywhere in Region 3 or Region 4. I am really looking for some open fields with high ground or rock cliffs to post up on. Pheasant fields would even do.. if anyone knows of release spots. I want to get on it now so I can scout and get a plan going for next season. Rifle area's are optimal.
  11. I dont usually shoot all year thru. after the season ends I give it a few months and pick up the bow again in april. normally moderate weight lifting for shoulders, biceps , lats, and triceps help while at the gym but when im home i sometimes like to take a 20lb weight in each hand and just try to hold it elevated as if it was my bow and I was in draw with each weight with a slightly bent elbow and bent arm behind my head... ..Ijust hold it there and try to be very very still.. Usually while watching Tv. for about fifteen minutes on and off.. and thats it.. Try doing that for about a minute.. its not easy, but it keeps some of the muscles a little tone while not in the routine of drawing a bow. regardless to say, when i started in april and every april i always get the slight soreness until i wake all the rest of the muscles up from slumber.. after about 3 times at the range , your right back to where you left off. @ bullseye !
  12. hey all. I figured ide post the emails i have for all the senate and assembly in hopes that we as sportsmen, hunters and gun owners can make our voices heard. Its no secret that were always under some kind of scrutiny and someones microscope for reasons that most of the time aren't all our fault. Sometimes we are even stereotyped as criminals just cause we enjoy shooting and target or even own guns to protect our homes and families. Well, if you value your rights , hunting , sport , and guns here is the info that you ll need to contact your senators and assembly. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS, BEFORE YOU HAVE NONE TO FIGHT FOR ! It is as easy as copying and pasting ... Don't be the first to complain if your the last to step up and speak . Senate [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]> Assembly [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>
  13. hey , is liberty far from downsville ? I hunted a piece of state land last year archery a few miles south of downsville , i believe it was called plattekill mountain .. (not sure) but i think its not too far from liberty.
  14. Hey guys. how did everyone do this spring season ? I was able to get out a few times. twice up in delware county at a friends and twice in sterling forest.. no luck at either.. saw a few hens in deleware but at sterling , nothing but tick's .. .tons of em.. i hope you guys had better luck.
  15. hey john. I cant speak about calverton but ive been to brooklhaven and I can say that i had a good experience there. safety is as it should be No. 1 priority , the guys around there are all knowledgeable and will help you if you have any questions .. wasnt too crowded when i went .. and not too far from parking area to bench..
  16. hey guys . just saying whats up. glad to see the forum is back up. looking forward to bs'ing with all about all. .
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