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Everything posted by bubba

  1. As stated I have 220 Hornady xtp 10 mm .401 180 grain bullets. I purchased these to shoot in my 45 caliber muzzleloader, but I am getting better accuracy with a different set up. They sell for 20.09 plus shipping at midsouth. Asking 42 dollars shipped in a small flat rate box
  2. I saw a post last night about this . ridiculous
  3. If you showed this pic to some anti-peta wacko, they would contend it was done by wounding it by a hunter, and the pic would be on the front cover of their most recent propaganda rag. Why give them ammo.
  4. http://www.scribd.com/doc/84722383/DEER-POACHERS-SENTENCED-JAIL-TIME-IN-LYONSDALE-COURT still not enough in my opinion
  5. Thank you I will have to remember that one. However I seriously doubt it can be enforced. Upon appeal it will fall. That is a very smart ploy of a judge to get votes. Everyone thinks he can really do business. They changed and no one hears about it.
  6. I use a corded hand held drill for 29 bucks. Works well.
  7. also be careful not to over tighten the forend.
  8. ants now that you have the oring in check to see if you can slip a dollar bill between the barrel and forend. If not try a second oring or sand the forend enough to get the clearance. Remember the dollar will only go down far enough to get to the lug. This in essence floats the barrel. It makes a big difference.
  9. Had the same thing with Buckmasters. Then they wanted names and numbers of friends to sign up. When I refused that, they quit sending crap and I got out. But when I joined a got a sweet western buck knife set I still use.
  10. yeah it is only part of the state where you have to wear a back tag. Us hicks in the north are not required to. I guess less outlaws here so no one has to look at my tag through a scope
  11. congrats on the new job
  12. I was thinking last evening it is sad that the only objective to a thread is to "kick a members ass." So foolish to be so biased that the only way you think you get your point across is to attack others. I have made my point several times and some of the brain trust have also helped me to do so.(Burt) This is not the first time that the little clique has attempted this. So I have decided I will not post again about BO. There is no sense. So consider my ass kicked ok boys and I mean boys. You win. All I can say is I am so glad I live in a part of the state where logic and common sense and respect for other hunters still prevails and I do not have to dress like a pumpkin to go out in the woods and enjoy myself. The point still stands that if BO is mandatory incidents like this one will become more prevalent and there will be more blaming the dead or wounded guy. BTW I do wear a either a hat or toque (knit cap for the brain trust) that is orange when I hunt. I never have said I do not wear it, I have said I am against it being mandatory. and I do not find it makes me a safer hunter. But I was a very safe one to start with. And another point, I teach for the state. I have done so for over 25 years. No student in any of my classes has shot someone or has been shot. I think that says a lot for itself. I teach the curriculum as it is laid out and do a damn good job of it. So your feeling the need to point out I teach and that how horrible of a job I do, well your opinions are based on what comments I make on a forum with my own opinions? Seems pretty weak to me. I again invite any of the brain trust to come to my next class starting 4/14 and feel free to sit in and critique me. I am always open to new suggestions that may make it better. But the powers to be in the state have not found and concerns in my classes, so I doubt you will either. I also invite you to visit the DEC website and become an instructor so you can right all the wrongs. I will even let you do the mandates in my class and I can get you certified if you do a good job. I am so sorry I am spoiling your high school fun, but it isn't worth the effort to try to explain logic to some people. This situation in this thread is a tragic one, and the one part that no one wants to discuss is the human factor. In my opinion the father should not have had a gun in his hands if his health is so bad. But to blame an article of clothing is just plain ridiculous. This guy was not hidden in trees in camo, he was in the middle of am open area. I guess if I was forced to hunt in an area where if I was standing or kneeling down in an open area and was gonna get shot, I would quit hunting and stay home. I am so glad I do not have to worry about this.
  13. yeah sure they are. Just like a little group if high school boys on their gang. Big and tough all together. Another candidate for the idiot group.
  14. Again with the hunter safety crap. I have it on every post I have on here. Explain to me how wearing orange makes you safer? It makes you feel safer yes but does not make you safer Do you suddenly get more brains wearing orange? Do you pay more attention to your target if you are wearing orange. Do you take a second look if you are wearing orange? Umm No moron others see you which makes them safer and less likely to shoot at you. So by common sense which I know was sparingly passed out to you, I make you safer by wearing it. If I see you, and you see me, we are less likely to shoot at each other. I know I never would because I follow the rules of hunting, and do not rely on a color to decide what to shoot at, but you I am not so sure about either way. Take a couple minutes and let it sink it and spend less time making sure you try to discredit my posts and it may make sense to you. I doubt it because your mind is already made up so there is no sense confusing you with the facts. Are you the new one in the posse now who turn it is? OH and btw Burt. I have a class starting 4/14. I will pay for your gas and lodging to set in on the class and then you would have a basis to form an opinion on how I teach a class. Until then keep your biased unknowing responses about my classes to yourself just because I have adifferent opinion than you do ok. I can also give you the address where you can become an instructor and make it all better. Gotta love armchair quarterbacks. Oh you are out as usual. Spew your vomit and leave as not man enough to hear the response. I am starting a new thing for myself on here called the idiots list. Perhaps you would like to be the second member, just let me know ok. Be sure to read the paragraph you posted as it says exactly what I just said. It says wearing bo increases your safety. It does not say it makes you a safer hunter. shaking my head.
  15. just another case of the human factor and that bo is not the cure all everyone thinks it is. I guess if you feel better wearing it then wear it for every season. That is your choice. But I still find it funny hat all the proponents think it should only be worn during gun season. If it should be mandatory and seer do not see it, why dont you wear it during every season? I have heard the argument that less likely to get shot with a bow so no need. Well less likely still means there is a chance. If you really feel it is such a great thing take it all the way, not just make it a convenience when you think it is needed. If and I doubt they ever will as DEC is not for it, but if they make BO mandatory and it goes for all big game seasons, you guys will be the first to gripe about it Also I would be interested to see how many of those incidents are big game and how many are turkey. The numbers there increase almost every year. Where are the drum bearers calling for that to be made mandatory also.
  16. that is entirely wrong wearing blaze does not make you safer it make others safer. You are safer for not shooting at others wearing orange . It is not my job to make others safer. You may feel safer, but it is a false sense of security.
  17. weird i just went to the cabelas website. i clicked the archery link and what pops up a crossbow sale hmmmm says a lot
  18. umm one mans bs is another mans reality I guess. Just because I do not agree with the great and powerful doc makes my opinion BS? Pretty judgmental and close minded I would say. I am sure this will be BS too. Burst the bubble and see reality for a change.
  19. unfortunately if bo is mandatory it will come to that mind set
  20. and you said I could have the last word. But I knew better. I have a better idea. Positively know what you are shooting at. This guy was not hiding in a tree in camo like you think we all do. He was in the open 100 yards away and got shot by another person who had no clue what he was shooting at. And to blame the fact he took off an orange coat is at the least preposterous. And to justify it in that way is just an excuse to push a personal agenda.
  21. a hahaha get original once in awhile. My point is simple but I guess I should have simplified it more for some. It is actually obvious to most that this is the way it will be if BO is mandatory. You refuse to see it because you refuse to see anything outside your realm of reality. I personally do not care if you wear orange long johns. That is your choice. But it is not your choice to tell me I have to. Take the blinders off and see the whole forest not just the few trees you hide behind. I hope this simplified it enough for you. The truth is logic seems to evade your responses.
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