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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I rarely hear Robert and occasionally Bob. Mostly bubba
  2. not anything i can add despicable
  3. go to the dec website and look it up. It lists all in the state.
  4. this is my lab Emmitt. I rescued him from a client. I had to put him down on 10/18/10. He was 17 at the time. I can not bring myself to get another one.
  5. been bubba since third grade. It has stuck. Most ppl call me tat when I see them. Few call me by my name.
  6. I will have to get a copy of one and give it a whirl. I love the no viruses and so much quicker than microsoft of much less resources
  7. I have not used linux since the days of red hat. I messed with that a lot
  8. about the big game I thought. But hey football is football.
  9. and Rudy, but I am hijacking the thread.
  10. I have it in dvd. Great day to watch it
  11. The local school band does a fund raiser of wings and fries and other deep fried delicious foods. The fire hall does the preparation. So, I will order some food and eat and I doubt I will make it to half time. I feel as wny said in jest, it is not much about the game anymore. It is all about the commercialization. Neither team I like, so, it is not a big deal to me. I may watch Brian's song and reflect on the days when the game was more about the game and not the business. Just my sunday rant. My tea leaves say pats 24 giants 20. I know this will not make me popular, but it is what the leaves said.
  12. If you cant call bs when you see it, then there is no sense in having anyone post. I am more than willing to bet there is a lot of bs on here from more people than we would think. They are just seasoned enough to keep it believable.
  13. lighten up francis lol I like that but call me psycho. I know it has been said over and over but the ones who keep complaining about this thread keep coming back and posting Are they here to defend the honor of the young man as I feel 16 is well beyond a kid, and he should know better. If you do not like it, move on. And btw this is my second reply to this thread and the first was a joke, so feel free to jump on
  14. that was frightening now i will have nightmares
  15. My go to gun is my encore in 25-06. That is what I take out the door the most. I just got a 7-08 barrel for the encore, which I am starting to shoot a bit now. encore 45 muzzleloader then my model 99 300 savage that was my dads. I also have my moms model 94 3030 pre 64. I have not hunted with it yet but do shoot it occasionally. I hope to take it for a walk this fall.
  16. And when they are committing these crimes, I am sure they are identifying their target and what is well beyond it. I think it has more to do with the entitlement mentality. I am entitled to that deer regardless of how I get it. I bought a license so I can use it wherever and however I want to. And if the cops catch me, they should be chasing real criminals. Oh I shot a guy over there, well he should not have been there and he was not wearing orange, so it was his fault. In todays world of participation trophies and no one is a winner or loser we are all equal, there is no pressure to work hard to do anything
  17. ok I gotta ask. Was officer Miller Barney Miller by chance? Also paint the house orange and no one will shoot it. just saying.
  18. If there was one I would have made it.
  19. oh ok now i get it an wny I did not see the sarcasm. But it was a good one
  20. huh I am not following your post.
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