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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. So no new toy/equipment then...so sad

    take a look at L.I. fireman.....all volunteers, do it all for nothing, and I'm sure many other places are the same.....volunteer ambulance company's, volunteer firefighter's....they do it all for pretty much nothing....not every place gets paid, I'd give them the shirt off my back to keep them doing what they do....and most paid dept's are far from rich, I have no problem giving them the best tools they need to the their job....they don't benefit from the new toys, the people they serve do.

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  2. I agree that cops and fireman can have all the new equipment they want, when they want. If they agree to retire or start collecting their pensions at 65 years old...deal?

    as long as the people who really benefit from it understand that they may get sub par service because of less then reliable equipment those guys have to work with.......you have to realize that equipment advancements that cost money, benefit the people they serve more than they do the people who get them in order to serve the people better....I'm sure the average cop or fireman would be content with less then the latest gadgets, but who would really suffer?

  3. The more I think about it, the more I think I'll leave the deer around our place in the Catskills alone, Ar's and few doe make it hard to keep me motivated.......I'll make a few trips up to sit around the fire and smoke a few cigars and take in the sights and smells that keep me coming back and enjoy some good company, maybe I'll try some small game hunting.......I'll get all my venison down on L.I.

  4. I'm pretty sure there are standards that are set as to when a police vehicle should be decommissioned, when bullet proof vests should be replaced, how often service ammo should be replaced and how often weapons should be replaced.......I would guess that every agency would try to stretch it as far as possible to get every nickel out of everything they could, but there also has to be someone who keeps that in check as well......it's quite different from the guy who drives 45 miles an hour to work that's 2 miles from home everyday or the taxi driver who drive's 5 miles an hour in stop and go traffic for 8 hours a day...these are guys who may have to drive a 100 miles an hour to catch someone who just murdered your wife and kids, I would hope you would want them to have the best equipment to do that job, if not I don't know what to tell you.....I don't know why anyone would complain about that, but have at it if you want.

  5. Unless you are in the military, you are also a CIVILIAN...police don't count, nor do fireman, nor garbage collectors or any others...just Military

    can a police vehicle be both civilian and a police vehicle? pretty sure he was talking about a vehicle, not a person.

  6. NYC taxis don't run 24/7?   they are yellow money making machines....they never tun them off, just swamp out middle eastern drivers

    like I said earlier, many taxis are old police cars bought at auction............and I almost puked in my mouth just thinking that someone would put Police on the same level as taxi drivers......

  7. new Police cars are the least of my worries when it comes to wasteful government spending.......like I mentioned earlier, at least we can benefit from them at some point..........I wonder how many government officials have take home cars and free tax payer provided gas and ezpass that is only used to get them to and from their gov't office jobs? the spending is disgusting, and I realize it's easy to point the finger at what we can actually see with our eyes, but it is even more disgusting what the average person does not see......you can even go as far as to look at our utility companies who do the same and pass that cost on to us.

  8. 125k on a Police car is entirely different than 125k on a civilian car. In addition to the actual miles, Police cars are almost constantly running. An officer running radar is sitting in a running car…an officer writing a report is sitting in a running car..an officer who is out side of his/her car investigating an incident where the flashing lights are on leaves the car running. An officer who is outside his/her car investigating an incident, in the winter time ,will leave the car running to keep the windows from frosting up. At the end of a shift the officer turns the keys over to another officer, and the cycle continues. Idling hours take a toll on cars. after 100K things start to break.

    yeah, look at engine hours instead of mileage..........Police car usually ='s 24 hours a day, average civilian car ='s less than 2 (on average)..........big difference.

  9. Your taxes are paying for all of that. Its cheaper to fix a car than replace it. Hell you can swap an engine and transmission for far less. Unless the frame is rotted out and unsafe, its cheaper to fix. 125k miles is nothing.

    yeah, but at least if I call the Police they will come and hopefully the problem will get resolved or at the very least they will have to listen to me bitch for 30 minutes or so...........where will I ever get the chance to cash in on a Welfare recipient?...just imagine this phone call "Hello, is this 911? yes it is sir, how can we help you?...... my grass is getting too high what should I do?.....stay on the line with me sir and don't panic, we have a welfare recipient on the way to cut it for you..."

  10. I have not heard from too many of the anti crossbow folks who are willing to admit to the far greater effectiveness on the x-bow.   The truth will set you free.  This ones for you JJ: If my best buddy upstairs were to hunt deer, what weapon would he choose?  

    he would crush it with a Crucifix....................but seriously, the whole argument to keep them out of bowseason falls on their superiority to the longbow, unless I'm missing something.

  11. just found this on the web...not confirmed, but working in NYC its seems accurate. 


    According to the Taxicab Factbook, the average NYC taxi drives 70,000 miles per year. The average age of a NYC taxi is 3.3 years. If we assume that a taxi will likely last about 6 years, then you're looking at a 400-500K miles



    If a NYC taxi can last 500,000 miles, so can NYS police car.

    the funny thing is, is that many taxi cabs are decommissioned police cars that are bought at auction.....

  12. at least drop that argument that a x-bow is the same as a regular bow in effectiveness. Anyone with a spare $30 and an hours time can easily disprove that myth with a "subsonic" BB-gun using the little experiment I outlined in my prior post.

    of course they're not the same, that's why many believe they should have separate seasons......and you do realize the argument you put forth is the same one that the anti crossbow crowd has to keep it out of bowseason, do you not?

  13. I wonder what costs more, replacing a Police car or supporting a family of 5 or 6 via our Welfare system for a year or ten????????? and hey, the Police may actually be of some use to one of us some day....the latter? not so much.

  14. I guess you just gotta hope that the day you or a family member needs The Police, is not the same day the car they're responding in decides to crap out.......but seriously, I think the theory is that the older and more mileage there is on a car, the more it costs to maintain.........and obviously this is mostly true for fleet vehicles, not cars that are cared for by the owner.

  15. I have a weapon for every season and or opportunity to hunt deer knowing full well that I may very well not get to use many of them.........never looked at it as a waste of money, just something to keep me in the game if one doesn't pan out.

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