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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Maybe so but you are no doubt in the minority.  Walk into any diner opening morning before first light and ask 100 hunters what they hope their day turns out to be and you will hear 90% of them say...Standing behind the big 10 point i have been watching or behind the buck making all the sign down in the swamp. Then you will hear them follow that up with..We are also going to fill the meat wagon full of doe's.  That is a fact!

    there's very little doubt that a big buck always draws the biggest crowd when it's hung in camp or in the back of a truck at the local watering hole or diner, as well as every hunter having visions of a nice buck stepping out in front of them, and there are many many guys who set their sites on one deer and nothing less will do..........but quite honestly, it's not what DRIVES me to hunt, I'm pretty satisfied with a doe or small buck, am I in the minority? maybe, and I'm ok with that.

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  2. I think for anyone that is set on taking a mature animal they will eat it as they have done in other years. It's really the guys on the fence that this may have just pushed back. IMO

    I agree on that point.......guess we'll see just how important taking a mature buck -vs- taking no buck is to some guys who now find themselves short on time and opportunity.........I have zero problem with guys taking any deer of their choosing, but if they were the ones putting down guys in the past because of others deer not fitting their criteria and now they change their tune, that I will find to be total BS.

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  3. a lot of interesting comments............I always thought of a trophy hunter as the guy who would rather burn his tag then put it on a lesser buck no matter what the reason, guess not.........why not just shoot those does and let the 1.5 go another year?

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  4. I'd really like someone to name these people who are supposedly crying over not being able to kill a buck?  Most of the people who might be complaining have made it no secret that killing a big buck is what drives them in hunting.  Who are the rest of the complainers here?  I didn't see any.  Getting some meat is what drives me, and this new law has ZERO effect on me since I've never hunted in that area.  My complaint would be that this law will do absolutely little to nothing to bring down the doe population since bowhunters kill very few deer.  Not being able to kill a buck would get NO complaints from me if someone handed me a handful of doe tags instead.  Some here are desperately attempting to get their lame point across that the biggest motivation for ALL hunters is to collect antlers which is BS.  You guys have completely FAILED in trying to convince anyone that this is true.

    no complaints from me either...........the fact that I commented on it and think it's a sh*t deal for those who it effects, and that it's a terrible way for the DEC to accomplish the goal they are after is beside the point.

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  5. And if the problem of hunters hanging up their hats because of age and such has not shown yet it very well may after this year. Cant kill deer with no hunters in the woods.

    yep, I think many underestimate the amount of casual hunters out there who really don't need that big of a push to just say screw it and not bother going. I know a few older guys who retired and moved out of state, but each year made the trek back home to deer hunt..........they threw in the towel after they implemented ar's and zero chance of doe tags for non residents...............I know many may say they could have looked for new areas and maybe they weren't real hunters, but at 70 plus years of age, that really wasn't possible or the case.

  6. Because of these changes that really do impact those affected and are already changing the way hunts are planned, tools used, licenses being purchased, etc ...


    My question is - Will these changes make you consider hunting out of state or expanding a scheduled out of state hunt?

    no, as long as I can take a doe or two I'm satisfied..........I don't hunt for trophies.

  7. Can't you say the same thing if bucks were legal on October 1?  Will the guy who is at his hunting spot on September 30 have any better restraint if he happens to see that big buck?   Look, we all know what goes on in hunting, but you guys are killing me with these innuendos of the illegal activities that you surely think will happen because of this new doe only law.  Just because we don't like this rule, doesn't mean we now need to resort to illegal activities.  I've heard this saying that those who think that everyone else is a crook are probably crooks themselves.  Kind of fits some of the comments on this thread.  Those who say others will resort to killing bucks on October 13, might probably be the ones who would do it themselves also if the opportunity presented itself.  Not accusing you of anything here, Belo, you seem like a decent, reasonable sort, but just making a point.

    I would guess the same people who would bend the laws because of these new regulations, have been bending them all along.......not much will change.

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  8. Where do you get ppl shooting a few doe the first two weeks?...WE DO NOT HAVE THE TAGS! 2 tags from the get go and many like I split them that leaves me 1 doe tag ..because I'm certainly not burning my either or tag on a doe the first 2 wks. You are not allowed to use your reg buck tag in bow season and NOW your not allowed to use it in ML season either in these areas.

    We do not get any extra doe tags until NOV 1.....

    on L.I. you get a bonus dmp with every antlerless deer you check in........we can use all our tags during bow season, because that is considered our "regular" season.

  9. No he meant 1.5 year old's ...because the same guys that would and do hold out for the hopes of a bigger buck into the ML season or bow will now take that smaller buck as to not burn the tag....but Do Not Underestimate the spitefulness of a ticked off hunter. There is going to be and echoing of ..F--- It's through out the SZ Hills as younger deer hit the ground. I guarantee this.

    kinda the attitude I developed the first year of AR's in my zone...........after seeing nothing but small antlered bucks, when late season rolled around, I took whatever antlerless deer I wanted, I got over it the next year......but all it takes is a bunch of guys to adopt that attitude for a year or two and it may have devastating results.

  10. many other options seem to make more sense than this if the main goal is to kill more doe...........are they banking on the fact that most hunters can't stay home when the season opens and will get out there early and start killing them? are there less hunters that care about whether or not a deer has antlers then we think? is this what they got back through the surveys?.........it only makes sense that implementing something like this for gun hunters would achieve their goal much quicker and easier. I'm not a fan of anything that places a restriction on a hunter in one area that isn't done statewide, at least when it comes to bucks.......I'm not a trophy hunter so I will go out either way and shoot antlerless deer, but I do care that it affects many in a negative way.

  11. Plus if anyone bothers to participate in the early season and shoot a few does all that's going to do is give the bucks 2 weeks worth of human scent / gut piles on the ground and put them on alert and make it even harder to take a nice buck on DEC property.

    you beat me to it..........the DEC properties will be so beat up by the 15th that the bucks will be on high alert.

  12. quite honestly, what bowhunter would venture out onto their hunting land for two weeks prior to being able to kill the buck they had been watching all summer and further screw up the area by shooting does? These guys are just going to sit back and wait until they can take a buck...........burn vacation time to hunt those first two weeks, why? it doesn't affect me at all, but it makes no sense the way they set this up.

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  13. Hmm mm who wants to be i the stand and watch big bucks go by

    even worse, for the buck hunters anyway, is you will have guys stomping around the first two weeks sending the buck that they have been watching all summer into alert mode......kinda screws up the early season ambush.

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  14. I've heard more than one person say "if I had to do it all over again I'd be a cop or fireman"...........now I know why. I've also heard that many of them retire and move down south taking with them the pension that NY pays, sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

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