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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I see your point but its the dates that are lost, not so much the amount of time that bother me. Im usually tagged out by the 7th, this thing seems useless to me now.

    oh, I thought you were bothered by only getting to use it for two weeks........the later date actually puts you closer to the rut period which is a good thing, at least most of the bowhunters I've spoken to are happy about this.

  2. I just checked out the dec site, crossbow starts nov 7th this year.. it was nove 1st last year...So I shelled out 700$ for a crossbow and I only get to used it for 2 weeks assuming I havent tagged out with my compound yet. SMH

    what????? it's only two weeks regardless of when the start date is, is it not? I think archery runs a week later this year, which in effect bumps the crossbow to a later start date..........you didn't lose anything.

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  3. But they attacked it with a bow and arrow and chopped it's head off

    actually it looks like he crippled it with an arrow and 40 hours later they killed it with a gun...........but, the whole story stinks, from the hunt itself to the guy being crucified and attacked by the antis.

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  4. so, if genetics and nutrition are considered by many to have the biggest influences on growing big deer, is there really a point in imposing antler restrictions in an area that historically have neither? I'm assuming the nutrition would have to remain consistent throughout the year(s) and not change drastically from year to year. Take the Catskills for instance, after 3 years worth of AR's, all we're really seeing as far as legal bucks are ones that would probably get a pass in many other areas of NY that do offer those two things.....

  5. Good answers but not to the question...What about the DEER makes you tick...What makes one deer different from any other. Would you let one walk to wait to kill another. They all pretty much look the same really. What are YOU looking for.  

    Not why do you hunt. What does the deer have to have for you to kill it?

    the one with more meat on it...........

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  6. social media is tearing this guy apart. trying to ruin his life. I am not going to back up his actions. Poaching is despicable. But there a lot of families fed by his practice and the amount of death threats are astonishing... like somehow violence is the answer to violence.


    I do wish for him to be punished, but his family and practice had nothing to do with his actions. When you signed up for a job did you ask your boss if he or she might do something in the future that would get your business closed due to public outcry?

    ahhh, Social Media...........what a great invention.

  7. do you have a license? I dealt with something like this in Suffolk a few weeks ago so it may be different..........the unlicensed spouse has 15 days to "dispose" of the handguns either by surrendering them to the Police, selling to a gunshop or selling / transferring to another pistol license holder.The person I know chose the last option and if you're a license holder I would just have him transfer to you while he waits for a permit..........I think the bottom line is he has to do something with them within that time frame, if not, he may very well need an attorney, but at this point I think that's unnecessary. 

  8. Draws is the answer. Many states you can't hunt a buck every single yet, let alone 2 bucks every single year. I'd be fine with hunting every 3-4 years if it meant better hunting

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    kind of along the same idea, but I say you get a dmp tag with ur license and the buck tag is lottery..........same thing we have now except reversed.

  9. I wouldn't pass a 140" deer and would love you shoot a fair chase buck over 200" like one of my buddies did.  I think this explains my dilemma, except I haven't got a wall of booners as he does....



    ...even a scrub mature buck will have antlers big enough for me.


    ....anyway most here just shoot a doe or two based on how many deer they're seeing.  how do hunters on here determine how many doe to shoot is a question that's still got me curious.


    This past year I chose not to fill any doe tags Upstate where we hunt because the deer population sucks and I don't need a deer in my freezer as much as those deer need to live to hopefully build it back up.........I let the same four doe walk everytime I saw them. I live on Long Island and shoot as many as I can eat or give to others to eat, usually around 3 or 4. I'm ceratinly no biologist, but am at least smart enough to know what the population looks like in the areas I hunt.

  10. Kids just aren't trained like they were when I was growing up. What ever happened to the Generation that could drive, drink a beer, smoke a cig and still turn around and slap the crap out of the kids in the back seat for fighting....at highway speeds. Good ole' multitasking.

    you forgot to mention that the kids were also standing up on the seats and weren't wearing seatbelts............

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