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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. One word of advice, if you are dead set on going on the hunt of your dreams ( do it when you are young enough to do it ) if you can afford it. Old age will creep up on you faster then you think. I never had a desire to go to the above mentioned places, just wanted a place of my own to go and sit and listen to the little furry animals singing and jumping  from  tree to tree and watch an deer or two walk buy and some turkeys ahead or behind.And on ocasion a bear might pass by also. It is all happening lately and just happy to be here.

    We once had a family friend that had a great business and loved hunting, He went all over the world and had a room full of mounts of just about any animal you could name , he once said to me most of these hunts were just being placed into a certine spot and Shooting an animal. The real hunting is deer hunting in New York with a friend or two.

    not to mention the hunt that's affordable today, may be way out of reach in 5-10 years.

  2. Agree 100%  But while I can not judge the skills they have I can sure judge the knowledge they present and that goes a long way, especially on forums.  That along with the general attitude gives me a good impression of these people.


    I won't tell you the members I dislike but I will put a few up on the pedestal because I do admire them for one reason or another.  Could be integrity could be the adventures they go on or just a great outdoors attitude.  I can't post them all but these are some that get my blood pumping in a good way!  Growalot, Phade, Grampy, Belo, Skyhunter(Don't see him much anymore), FastEddie, Wooly, Borngeechee and Lawdaz.  If your not on here it does not mean I dislike you!     

    damn, and I was just about to say something nice about you!

    • Like 1
  3. My ideal hunt is one where I do it all myself, from start to finish, and succeed.  I don't care if it's Whitetail, Bear, Moose or Elk.  The important thing for me, is being able to do it on my own, no guide, no other hunter's help and no outside assistance.


    I want to meet every challenge and obstacle head on, and overcome it.  I want to do the research, planning, scouting, equipment acquisition and set up, sighting in and practice, hunting, shooting, tracking, gutting and butchering all alone.


    It is only when this is done that one can truly say they have mastered a particular hunt.  Knowing you have done everything necessary on your own, is the greatest reward in the hunting field.  And the satisfaction of knowing you can do it alone, and do it well, is the ideal.

    absolutely, after my last guided hunt in Newfoundland, I said to my brother that I get more enjoyment out of hunting and killing deer back home on our own..........the adventure of travelling there, meeting the people and the scenery in general was far better then what I got from shooting the Caribou.

    • Like 1
  4. With that said, I do agree I rather that not be the focus of the recent topics for guests / new members as some of you have pointed out, I'll see if I can exclude that by default.

    exactly, I have no problem not reading or commenting on many topics...but that's what I'm talking about. Like I said earlier, it does keep the board alive to some extent, but I would rather it didn't dominate the forum.

  5. So , I take it some members want Censorship on the site  ........ Is that correct ?

    nope, if the Forum owners are content having it pretty much overrun and controlled by a few others, then I'm OK with that as well..........it's an interesting place to visit.

    • Like 1
  6. Interests also change too. Plenty of sites and forums just go downhill as that interest wains from the ownership and admin/mods. There are mods that aren't posting near as often as they used to. It's the broken car window in a nice neighborhood paradigm....a slippery slope.

    I remember when I first joined and posted a few inappropriate things, the mods were all over me pretty quickly.........now it's a free for all.

  7. This post says it all.  When I first came to the site it was all about hunting.  If you are new and have no clue about filters this just seems like a political site.  I would put the political post on a separate feed instead of the main site (recent topics).  It would keep the clutter from that part of the site down and people interested in that part can click on politics to keep informed.

    I have no problem with whatever people choose to post, if it wasn't for a lot of the topics outside of hunting/fishing/trapping related issues this site would be pretty quiet .........but, there is no question this site looks like a cluttered up mess.

  8. I have no doubt that many on here could consistently kill deer with a small caliber by choosing only the most perfect of shots.......I'm confident I could, but I'd rather not have to pass up a shot on a deer because it's too far, or not at the perfect angle for what I'm going to try to kill it with..........If by finding more of a "challenge", you mean accepting the fact that you may have to let that buck of a lifetime walk because the weapon you chose that day is inadequate for the opportunity that was presented, then have at it..........too many variables in the hunting world, so it's not for me.

  9. I've done Newfoundland and Maine.........to be quite honest the people, scenery, food and driving through the different areas and seeing the sights, was just as much if not more of a thrill then the hunting itself......my daughter moved to Colorado this past year so I'll eventually wind up doing a hunt out there, Mule Deer and Antelope have always interested me.

  10. For 8-9 months of the year its non-huntingny.com and 2-3 its huntingny.com.


    Shame, really.

    and I don't know why, is it the relatively small community of people that frequent it? you look at some of the other sites they keep it flowing pretty good year round, some even ban the ones who do nothing other then stir sh*t up.

  11. Why thank you jjb! Those numbers still do not add up to the alleged loss ( if you think they do then show the math like I did ). There is no way 30,000 or more people stopped buying licenses, stamps or tags. Much less 60,000 or more. But, yet again, I am wrong and the 'clique' are right! So let it be written, so let the 'clique' word be law!

    I didn't do the math..........was just providing the link that so many were requesting.

  12. quite honestly, I was more disgusted by his attitude then by what they did to the mount......it was only brought to him by my own lack of time to deal with it.

  13. Did he make you actually pay for that "work of art"?

    Darn shameful work from a professional taxidermist.

    no, I had a pissing match with him and asked he give them back as is with my money and he did.........I actually wanted them back as is even just to put the quality on the internet.

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