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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. the majority of these wealthy people who spend fortunes on these auctions do it because the money goes to a cause, not to "steal" it from a less fortunate person......they certainly can afford to hunt pretty much anything at anytime they choose. It's no different than the guy who over pays for something being auctioned off for Ducks Unlimited or The National Wild Turkey Federation......

    • Like 1
  2. I don't understand what you are trying to say??  I don't think hunting licenses sold has anything to do with the amount of people owning assault styled weapons.  I would say the majority of hunters do not own assault styled weapons, while there are plenty of non-hunters that do.  I do have a ruger 10/22, but I have no need for it to be "tricked out", since the normal configuration stock does the job just the same for me.  I think most hunters that might own one probably have the garden variety version like I do, which needs no registration.

    I know at least 25 people who buy hunting licenses each year............only 1 or 2 own "assault weapons" that require registration, 5 or 6 of them don't even own their own guns.....so, I agree that license sales don't reflect the amount of people who may own "Assault Weapons" or even guns in general for that matter.

  3. Honestly, how many of those per year do you hear about? You hear far more stories of idiots driving drunk and killing people on their way back from a fireworks show every year.

    there's always a couple really good ones, they usually happen right after someone says "hold my beer" and/or "watch this".........

  4. Did you know one New England state auctions 3 of the permits allocated in the quota? Did you know the SCI itself also manages to auction off tags - I dont know exactly how that works but it is done.


    So now, wealthy people really have few competitors in such an auction I would say... Plus it fits right into their ego - I can buy anything right out from others..... Silly lotteries are for peasants.... 


    Auctioning tags is NOT consistent with the Public trust Doctrine, The North American Wildlife Conservation Model, nor the mission statement of the NY DEC or any other state wildlife agencies.... Yet it is done.... 

    I have heard of those auctions, but I figure the guy who could never afford a $5000.00 - $20,000.00 Moose hunt out of State or Country, would be more then willing to throw a few bucks into a lottery for a chance at a hunt that would cost him thousands less.

  5. But, a wealthy trophy hunter, is not going to travel to New York, Maine, Vermont or New Hampshire in search of a "trophy" Moose.......not to mention, why would they play around for years and years applying for a permit they will probably never get?.......I haven't looked into it, but it is it a fact that SCI are a driving force behind this? I actually look at this as a "poor mans" moose hunt and actually something the actual "average" hunter could pull off.

    • Like 1
  6. Your breath is baited with bovine feces.... Would it be enough to answer NO, I am not saying any of that?


    Just because you or someone else has the resources to do any of the things you list, doesn't mean the majority of people do as well. I would say, that in terms of increasing hunting opportunity and/or recruiting hunters, moose hunting is not the best path. If you cant understand that, oh well... 

    I think you're underestimating the amount of hunters in NY who have the means and resources to hunt moose in NY should the opportunity arise....

    • Like 4
  7. A challenge?????  :)  I love to give it a shot!


    I'd think my family would come up short.  We can consume 4-5 boned out deer in a year.  What do those deer yield, maybe 30lbs of raw meat? So 120-150lbs or so? 


    Not sure what one of our moose would yield boned out but MAYBE 300lbs?   Clueless here and don't want to Google it now............gotta run. 

    300 lbs is about right......I should have said family & friends.

  8. That all ya got? Pay attention much? Ya didn't have an issue hijacking my thread to sell your bow now did ya? Even with my new username. No, I didn't think so. Nice try.

    Prime example of taking the heat off and commenting about things that have no bearing on the topic.

    you mean the bow I initially offered to basically give you for free? no, I didn't have a problem with that, nor do I have a problem pretty much giving it away to the guy who does need it...............time to get your meds adjusted again.

  9. Now I"m a derelict ( in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect.

    "the cities were derelict and dying"
    synonyms: damneddoomedlost, condemned to hell )

    ! Fantastic! So, let me get this all in order:


    I am a derelict, because I posted this thread.

    I am a slob because I get gas on the way hunting and drink Bud Light from time to time.

    I am scum because I can't work and can't afford all the top of the line gear.


    Wow. I think this is the most insulted I have ever been. But, who cares! I made an honest post and called out the liars. So I must be the Anti-Christ...Woo is me! LOL

    Hey, look who's back with another username change..........LOL!

  10. I don't get the over penetration comments. I have a dozen that I bought with my new bow. 5 deer with the same arrow and same broadhead. quartering away at 35 yards, perfect shot and through the off side shoulder blade. All the way through an no damage to the arrow. The only arrows I lost were the two I messed up with a robin hood.


    I have not had one issue with the inserts either.

    yeah, I don't think I've ever heard of someone losing an animal due to penetrating it too deeply.........

    • Like 2
  11. I have no real issues with NYs hunting laws and have the right to finally hunt with a crossbow, which I think is great.

    Yes I have problems with the safe act but have come to realize that the need for owning 30 round mags and AR style rifles(which you still can own) aren't really a life changer for me.

    I still own all the rifles I need to hunt, I have plenty of ammo, and feel very safe in my home with a Mossberg 500 in my room.

    Im not worried in the least that Cuomos coming for my deer and turkey guns and the idea that we need military style weapons to go up against our government or defend myself from ISIS coming into my town is something that I have outgrown.

    Get out hunt, fish, and enjoy what this state has to offer.

    If you really need to own AR/AK rifles with bayonets, flash hiders, and drum mags this is not the state you can do it in.

    I pretty much feel the same way............I'll continue to write the letters on issues I feel strongly about and cast my vote for those who support gun owners and sportsman, but you'll never see me standing in a crowd with a poorly written, handmade sign or an "F Cuomo" t-shirt on.

  12. I avoid most "rally's" and "protests" like the plaque.........most make the protesters look like buffoons with their offensive t-shirts and handmade signs that usually have a misspelling or two, and instead of making those on the outside looking in jump in to support them, it makes them turn away in disgust........but, that's just my observations.

    • Like 1
  13. to be quite honest, if someone killed one and properly cared for and prepared it, I would have zero problems eating one............I may have missed it, but I have yet to see many chuck hunters carrying a cooler full of ice out with them to throw them in when they kill them on those 100 degree days, what I have seen is them laying around all day with flies all over them......so yeah, if your sole intention was to harvest them for food and properly care for them, I say eat them all...........as with any other animal the bugs and parasites usually start to bail out once the body heat starts to drop.

  14. Hey jbb how much are you looking for for that bow?

    which one? to be quite honest I'll take $25.00 over shipping cost....I'm not looking to make money....and that would include a release or two.

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