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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. What it all boils down to is do the police have the right to confiscate a persons firearms over a petty dispute, which somehow led to the police being called. I vote no. 

    no, but unfortunately we rarely get the full story in many of these cases....are they petty or is there a lot more to them? I could come up with a dozen reasons that could possibly fit in the puzzle of those two stories that led to the confiscation, but that would be pointless.

  2. OK I have to say it... YOU GUYS REALLY NEED TO LEARN NYS LAWS...if you have a family member living at your house beyond the age of dependency ...you have made a contract with them, you can not just kick them out. you have to give notice and go through a eviction process like with a renter.  If said child or boy friend  or friend knows the law good luck...and let me tell you...I have seen the cops inform ppl of their rights  just to screw with the person calling...


    My kids were out when they were out of school and they were told in advance to always make sure you can stand on your own,... I'll help but I'm not a walker or crutch..





    I'm well aware of how that works, but I didn't see where anyone mentioned throwing someone out of the house.

  3. You guys really think you would never be subject to police confiscating your guns in NY State?  You have no idea what kind of power the SAFE Act has given the police when it comes to taking your firearms.  There are a number of reasons they could come to your home looking for guns without you calling them.  Anyone can drop a dime on you for any reason.  Someone you've never met could just hear you own guns and decide to tell the police they think you are a threat.  Your wife may decide she wants to divorce you and being a gun owner will get a restraining order on you quicker than you can call your lawyer.  One of you kids may decide to mess with you and call the cops.  One of your firearms may cause an injury to you or someone else and the cops are coming to your home whether you like it or not.


    The point being made by this post is, don't assume you are above this scenario because you think you are.  You're not.


    These type of, "it will never happen to me" posts, do nothing to help repeal the SAFE Act.  They actually can be interpreted as support for the SAFE Act as if it only affects firearm owners that deserve abuse from it.

    oh,I don't doubt it can happen to anyone.............I was just posting my thoughts on people who invite law enforcement into their lives for nonsense and unwittingly open themselves up to more trouble then they were looking for..........what someone else does to you may not be under your control, but what YOU do to yourself or family members certainly is.

  4. If the situation was bad enough to have the police come to my home over a family matter. I or that family member would be moving out pronto! I couldn't or wouldn't live like that. I much prefer a peaceful and quiet life at home. And nobody especially the police,needs to know my business.

    exactly! but to some people having the police at their home is no different then seeing the mailman.............

    • Like 1
  5. my comments are pretty much about these nonsense Domestic disputes, which is where you can run into trouble when it comes to guns, there are way too many people inviting the police into their lives and homes for nonsense that really doesn't require police action, but is just about one person sticking it to another without realizing the potential consequences.....it's beyond me to even imagine calling the cops to help settle an argument between my wife and me.

  6. You live a sheltered life...those type of stories among family members are very common. Those are darn right tame actually.

    If never having the police come into my home to intercede in a family fight either while growing up in my parents house or as an adult with my own family, means I've lived a sheltered life, then I'm guilty as charged..........and I really can't remember any other family member needing them for that reason either............but we all have the dysfunctional family in our neighborhood that always has a cop car parked in front of their house for one reason or another, normal? not in my book.

  7. Read it again.  He allowed his mom to live with him in his house.

    if I remember correctly, the first story was an argument with Daddy over doing laundry or something along those lines.........the second is about a guy who owes Mommy money, so she takes his gun and hides it........pretty normal behavior between adults, wouldn't you say?............I just find the story lines behind each incident to be pretty comical.

  8. Currently in 8C (at least it was a we years ago) you can take as many does as you want, just have to keep checking them in. not sure about the other areas but the WMU's impacted in Region 8 are a pretty easy trip to region 8 headquarters.

    same thing in 1C on Long Island, pretty simple.........

  9. It's all about accuracy when shooting a bow.  Don't understand the above comment "if your pre-occupied with making bad shots", who in their right mind would be doing that? A mechanical will always fly truer than a fixed head type of broadhead just by their design. I understand that their is quite a lot of brands out there and some might be questionable with light weight poundage to work properly. I'm referring to the tried and tested, best of the bunch. Again, accuracy with your equipment is what we all should be striving for. Like mentioned in my post above, I haven't tried the Slick-Trick brand of broad heads, but I have very good reports on them.

    who would do that? people who have had bad experiences that only had happy endings due to a large broadhead.......bad shots stick with most normal people long after it's all said and done, and they carry that with them into future hunts by remembering that bad shot and why it turned out ok in the end......not really tough to understand.

  10. if you're preoccupied with making bad shots, then by all means go with a large diameter mechanical that can make the difference between a loss and a recovery and set your bow up so it can allow them to perform properly.....and I don't mean that comment in a negative way at all............I personally like to use a fixed blade and hit the woods thinking positively.

  11. Yes 5.3 fuel injected. He changed out the injector today, no luck. The truck does have 157, 500 miles on it. The motor is strong for sure but I guess I should get ready to put some money into it?

    yep, my Dodge has 205,000 on it and running strong and I've put about $3000.00 into it the past 2 years....but still better than a monthly payment........

    • Like 2
  12. I could think of 3800 additional reasons and years of hind sight that would cause a poacher to think twice.  many of you seem to have the mindset that all poachers are the same and they're not.  I think this would deter most of them.  except the very hardcore boldest ones.  then if they get caught, especially more than once, they won't be able to afford to do it again.  the only reason I can think of why someone would seemingly ignore this as a good thing is an unknown fact they probably have a bait pile at their honey hole and they're afraid it'll come back to bite them.  any step in the right direction is something worth while.  here in NY we've got to take what we can get.

    don't get me wrong, it's definitely a good thing...but I think most guys who do that kind of stuff won't stop until they get caught......hopefully I'm wrong. I just don't see guys thinking to themselves "oh man, if I get caught this is gonna cost me a $1000.00"...to me, the loss of a license and hunting privileges is worse than a big fine and this consequence has been out there for awhile, but guys keep doing it.  

  13. I'd be lying if I said I never got out of the woods and didn't crush a cold one from the cooler in the truck. So, I'm sure I'm not alone. But never in a million years have I not put the can back in the cooler. 1 beer is not evidence of anything. Just people being the a55sholes they are in my opinion.

    oh no,I'm not talking about things like that, I'm talking about the ones who pick up a 12 pack and cruise around consuming the whole thing and toss the trash so it doesn't build up in their car...obviously the only evidence needed would be their drunkenness.

  14. Mississippi is disgusting for this. So much worse than what I've seen in NY. Most I do believe are not people actively hunting but those driving around the dirt roads or after they get out.

    I tend to think that most of the beer cans are not from hunters as well, it's the slobs who can't control themselves and need to drink and drive around for one reason or another, they just get rid of the evidence as they go along......suck one down and toss the can out of the window, and when they stop and urinate on the roadside they toss whatever else they want to get rid of........I was driving behind a car a few weeks back and watched as they tossed out the wrappers from whatever fast food they were chowing down on, and it was the kids in the back seat, who were obviously taught that by the adult slobs who were driving.

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  15. I work around Republic Airport and get to watch the planes as they come and go to the Airshow at Jones Beach......good stuff for sure. The coolest thing to see is the Blue Angels "Fat Albert" jet assisted C-130, I don't think it plays a part in the shows, but more or less brings their gear to the shows, but I may be wrong. Either way, very impressive to watch it take off.

    • Like 1
  16. The above is true and contains so much " fail" it makes ones head spin. Stiletto is a style of knife NOT a means of opening , a gravity knife opens by well gravity not centrifugal force . Only in NY is gravity and centrifugal force considered one and the same . Where is Sheldon when we need him ......,

    Personally I ignore it all and carry what I want , worked well for decades .

    I think and I may be wrong, that in NY the term "Stilleto" (right or wrong) means the blade shoots out the front of the handle, while the "switchblade" flips out from the side when the button is pushed in, activating the spring that opens the knife.....

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