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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Here's the definitions from the NYS Penal Law........

    4. "Switchblade knife" means any knife which has a blade which opens
    automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other
    device in the handle of the knife.
    5. "Gravity knife" means any knife which has a blade which is released
    from the handle or sheath thereof by the force of gravity or the
    application of centrifugal force which, when released, is locked in
    place by means of a button, spring, lever or other device.
    5-a. "Pilum ballistic knife" means any knife which has a blade which
    can be projected from the handle by hand pressure applied to a button,
    lever, spring or other device in the handle of the knife.
    5-b. "Metal knuckle knife" means a weapon that, when closed, cannot
    function as a set of plastic knuckles or metal knuckles, nor as a knife
    and when open, can function as both a set of plastic knuckles or metal
    knuckles as well as a knife.
    5-c. "Automatic knife" includes a stiletto, a switchblade knife, a
    gravity knife, a cane sword, a pilum ballistic knife, and a metal
    knuckle knife.


    • It is illegal to own a pilum ballistic knife
    • It is illegal to own a metal knuckle knife
    • It is illegal to own a cane sword
    • It is illegal to own throwing stars
    • It is illegal to own any knife if you are not a U.S. citizen
    • It is illegal to own any knife adapted for use primarily as a weapon
    • It may be illegal to own a gravity knife, without a valid hunting and/or fishing license
    • It may be illegal to own a switchblade knife, without a valid hunting and/or fishing license
    • New York does not have concealed carry laws, therefore it is legal to open or conceal carry any knife that is legal to own and that the carrier does not intend to use unlawfully against another.


    how do people who are not U.S. Citizens cut up their food?

  3. And once again we are attacking a management problem through a campaign of harassing the very people we are expecting to do the population cuts with new additional  rules and regulations. We just love heaping more and more limitations and then sit around wondering why the size of that army of population controllers dwindles every year. Never mind educational efforts or trying to get hunters on the right page of what the DEC is trying to do. No, instead let's just throw more limitations on hunting and then whine about hunters disappearing. We do love our regs, don't we? EAB, ARs, and all kinds of initial programs each designed to take more and more opportunities away, using the blunt force of the regulation stick. I think a little more persuasion, education, and trying to get hunters on the side of cooperation rather than trying to force hunters into buy-in by just throwing new restrictions and limits and harassments at them every year. I'm afraid that all these fancy fad regs is simply going to regulate hunters right out of existence, and the very thing we are trying to do will be driving out exactly the resources that we need to do it.


  4. While I like that they are doing something about the population I think the 15 day doe only is stupid.If you want doe killed make it a earn a buck.Fair for everyone and it allows a hunter to go after his buck he has been after all year as soon as he tags a doe.

    earn a buck makes sense............how many guys won't even hunt that portion because they have no need or desire to kill a doe?......make it mandatory in order to get that buck tag..

    • Like 1
  5. I absolutely knew that they were not a bunch of choir boys. And at first was very intimidated by them, knowing their reputation. But I tend to judge people by how they treat me,not by their reputation. I'm sure they have done and seen things I would never want to, I am not that naive. I myself,never observed any illegal activity being his neighbor. I gave and received respect from them just like anyone else. I'm sure alot of people will disagree with me for obvious reasons. But as I said, to me personally, they were not not the monsters many make them out to be. And I don't regret having him as a neighbor.

    If I recall correctly, John Gotti was supposedly a great neighbor to many..........well, all except for the guy that accidentally killed his son, whatever happened to that guy anyway???

  6. Why not make Sat and Sun of opening gun doe only? See how many tomatoes and eggs end up on the windows of regional offices then...


    you have any idea how many yearling bucks would also be saved it that was implemented?.....if you ask me, that's a great idea.

    • Like 2
  7. from what I understand, the Law Enforcement part of the DEC is separate from the Wildlife management part.......unless they are being told not to respond to those calls???????? from my dealings with Police Dept.'s and the way they operate, if someone calls 911 an Officer responds regardless of how petty or ridiculous the call or complaint may be, not responding isn't an option....maybe they weed out the calls due to the volume and their inability to handle each and every one because of manpower issues??

  8. So what is the solution and what have each of us done to help push for it. And no. Bitching about it doesn't count

    I guess you could say the solution would be to hire many more ECO's, which I doubt is going to happen any time soon.....you could also train Local Police in The ECL and have them respond to these calls as well, which would also cost money and infringe on the duties of another agency, so that would probably be like pulling teeth....there is no easy solution.....what have I done? since there is an almost nonexistent poaching problem were I live and haven't experienced it as a major problem when I do travel to hunt, I haven't done anything........but then again I don't bitch about it either.

  9. some of these little dying towns are the type you miss if you blink while driving through..............I doubt they offer enough local business to really turn things around for the residents, my guess is the larger portion of the money generated is being put into the bank accounts of the big landowners and gas companies.......maybe if it was allowed, and being done right next to the big Towns/Cities that are crapping out you would see a turn around, but the tiny Town's? I don't see it............and that would go for any type of business that would be touted as a lifesaver for these little Towns, not just Fracking.

    • Like 2
  10. the last time that happened to me, it was an empty beer can that got stuck under the pedal...since then I just toss em out the window as I finish em.........little bit of humor I threw in to lighten things up, sorry if I offend anyone.

    • Like 3
  11. a few years back, probably 10 or so, we planted a bunch of trees that would fall into the Christmas tree category....after the last two winters they look like hell and are all browned out and we even lost a few, but they are showing new buds/growth.....anyone know what causes this and is there any hope they will ever fully recover and fill out and look the way they once did?

  12. well, I have no dog in this fight, but can see both sides of the argument..........I can't imagine how pumping chemicals into the ground and disrupting what lies beneath can't at some point create problems....on the other hand, I can understand how some want to create jobs to save the economy of their dying towns...but, I also would think that the larger amount of money being made would go to people who don't live in those towns but live elsewhere..I know plenty of people looking to cash in on natural gas wells and wind turbines who would put zero money into the local economy.

    • Like 1
  13. If I had to guess, I'd say most of the LEO's that will enforce this unconstitutional law are either on Long Island or in or near NYC.


    Cuomo doesn't have the resources, or the revenue, to enforce this law across the entire state with that level of non-compliance.  Don't forget many upstate sheriff's and LEO's refuse to enforce it as well.


    Of course it goes without saying, you need to be smart about your non-compliance.  It has been said, the best way to build resistance to any unconstitutional law, is to vigorously enforce it.


    Until this law is repealed, jury nullification is the best course of action to defend anyone charged under this law.  NY citizens need to educate themselves on what that's about and get it into every Judge's instructions, to every jury in a SAFE Act case.

    I would think the NYS Police would be pretty strong enforcers of this law...........and don't they provide Police services in areas of NYS that don't have their own dept's? and that's a pretty big area. I know if 911 is called in our area of Delaware County it's the NYS Police who respond.

  14. I didn't look too deeply into it, but pretty sure this it the charge for failing to register..........but like I said, I didn't dig too deep so may be wrong.

    265.01-b Criminal possession of a firearm.
    A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm when he or she:
    (1) possesses any firearm or; (2) lawfully possesses a firearm prior to
    the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand thirteen
    which added this section subject to the registration requirements of
    subdivision sixteen-a of section 400.00 of this chapter and knowingly
    fails to register such firearm pursuant to such subdivision.
    Criminal possession of a firearm is a class E felony.


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