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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Take it up in the stand with you this fall, you may be surprised at what happens.   I definitely would not have taken my most symmetric and second largest racked buck ever were it not for reading mine up in the stand a couple years ago.   I just wish I could remember the passage I was reading when it fell from my hands, leading to the big bucks untimely demise, after I climbed down to pick it up. Happy reading and hunting JJB.    

    I'll tell you what jackass, I've seen enough good people and children die way too early, that to trivialize his existence to the point of it focusing on hunters making bad shots or choices that turned out well just to explain why they killed an animal, to be an embarrassment to truly religious people....and quite honestly you should feel the same.....and don't even say that "God" had bigger plans for them, because I doubt that many buy that.........happy reading wolc123.

    • Like 3
  2. Would make a great bow to give to a young person just getting started.

    I would be more than happy to send that or the youth bow to someone in need......I don't know of anyone who needs one, if anyone does, I'd be more than happy to hook them up, I might even eat the shipping cost if need be.

  3. I think about this everytime I hunt with my Father......that's what really killed it for me with the antler restrictions, he had to pass on bucks the last few years and it really bothered me thinking those deer might have been his last bucks, but hey, that's not what's important to a lot of people. 

    • Like 1
  4. I eat them indirectly.   They make great fertilizer when I bury them under my apple trees.  I just took my first of the season 15 minutes ago.  A fat one I have been after for a couple weeks crawled out from under my barn as I was doing dishes.  A rushed shot from our bedroom window with my .22/250 hit a little far back, leaving the entrails piled next to it.   A second, well-aimed .22 rim-fire shot to the center of the head quickly ended the suffering of the eviscerated chuck.  Hopefully it will be good for a half bushel or so of delicious Cortland apples this fall.  I only like to directly eat animals taken during the cooler months when I don't have to deal with the bugs.   Fish are the way to go in the warm summer months.    In the fall, I have often thought about tossing a young coon in the crockpot but haven't tried it yet.  Thanks for the tip about removing as much fat as possible, I will be sure to do that if I do decide to try it this fall.  They also make great fertilizer.           

    I thought Jesus guided all your shots for a quick, clean kill...what happened? was he on a break doing more important stuff like looking for a cure for cancer today?

    • Like 5
  5. In my perfect world I would eliminate doe tags statewide for 3 years and have a permanent statewide rule that only bucks 8 points or better be taken. Our deer heards would be rich and healthy while we would let the bucks grow. I know people say you cant eat horns but how excited would you be that you finally got that 10 point you've dreamed about instead of that 4 point.

    that's the solution we've been waiting for!!..........

  6. First Thank you to all the folks that chimed in on my truck problem. Seems like there are some knowledgable people on this forum. Again thanks! Just got the truck back from a day at the shop. It ended up being a defective plug. My original plug was replaced with a defective new one. They ran all the tests all passed except for the miss in #7. Last resort he pulled the plug and put in a new one and the truck ran great. The miss is gone at idling and at 1500 rpms. At the tune of $125 bucks for two hours of diagnostics and a new plug I'm a happy camper!!!!

    good to hear it wasn't anything major.......like I said earlier, my last tuneup produced 3 brand new Champion plugs that were bad right out of the box..............what brand?

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  7. Looked up the specs jjb. I have to pass, sorry. Throw it on CL for $125 and you might get around $70 for it.

    yeah, I know it's a hard sell......I would rather give it away then deal with that.

  8. Will look up the specs jjb, and after I hit the shop in morning I will give it some thought. I really want to keep at most around three years old at this point for used. I to appreciate the offer and I will take it into consideration.

    ok, no problem...and that offer stands for anyone looking for a bow, I'm well aware that a bow that age has little resale value and probably not very desirable to many, but I hate to have it lay around if someone can make good use of it......I also have an older PSE youth bow with new strings and cables that my kids have outgrown and I offer that to anyone with a little over shipping, I have sent things to others on here with no cost, so my word is good that I look to make no money.

  9. not sure what you're looking for, but I have an older PSE Bruin that I had the cables and strings replaced on about 3 years ago that alone cost almost $200............not the greatest bow and probably 8-10 years old at this point, but I would let it go for not much more than shipping as it is just taking up space and it is totally set up with whisker biscuit, sights and quiver as well as a release or two , shoot me a PM if interested and I'll give you more details....I rather give it a good home than have it sit here, not looking to make money by any means.

  10. My oldest grandson is now interested in taking the hunter education course. I would prefer we do it the old fashion way,and go to a local gun club. But he has a friend that took the course on line,and wants to go that route. So my question is, can he take an online course in nys,and is it something anyone is familiar with as far as knowing a young person that has done it.

    I think the online courses are only available in certain areas......but as far as my kids were concerned, sitting through the course came nowhere close to what they learned going out with me and me instructing them.

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  11. I'm not sure that's why folks in the watershed have a problem with NYC/DEP. One view is that anyone buying land in some areas is a good thing. Also, the less available land on the market, the higher price.


    The resentment I see is the DEP coming in with some over the top - and expensive - demands. They can be very pushy and definitely don't want anyone building anything. I was talking to someone who purchased two adjacent parcels near me - about 80 acres total. DEP told them they were not permitted to build anything on one of those parcels (completely untrue). They also directed them to a very specific place on the other parcel where they could build and gave them guidelines on how big a structure was allowed. More BS. Of course, if they didn't comply with DEP demands, DEP would not sign off on the necessary septic system plan.


    I played that game with DEP. They held up my project for over a year. The only way I was able to build anything is because I hired a VERY expensive lawyer to fight them (and make DEP pay all my legal bills). I can see the benefit of keeping water clean, but DEP/NYC is a bully.

    that's just a small portion of why some people are not happy, at least the real estate company's...........from what I've heard, they move in and grab up land that has been on the market for awhile and the people who are sick of trying to sell jump at their offers, thus taking a bite out of their business, but either way I'm happy with all the land that has opened up.

  12. I have to give NYC credit for all the land that they have been buying up around the watersheds and opening it up to the public......for all the crap they get for other things, I see this as a good thing on their part. I do know it doesn't sit well with people in the real estate business because it's land that is taken off the market forever and cuts into their business......but either way it's a government entity doing something good for sportsman for a change.

  13. I notice the same.  many would care if they couldn't hunt.  they take for granted that deer are just always around to a degree and assume their hunting situation can't be changed enough to warrant doing anything about it.  kind of like voting in an election.

    I know maybe a dozen guys or so that deer hunt.........the majority find out about any changes that occurred when they buy their licenses in the fall

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  14. Well I had a surprising conversation today...where the person blurted out ..."For as much as I pay in taxes, I be dipped if I'm paying for a hunting license...especially when I don't go out much!"...Ouch! my chin hurt when it hit the floor...but I've been thinking on this today..If that particular person would say that and out loud....I have to wonder how many other ppl are saying/doing  the same thing? :dontknow:

    that's classic.........you really gotta wonder how much of that is going around. I'm willing to bet the population of hunters who really care about deer and the management behind them is tiny.

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  15. I guess it's a good thing that I didn't have any problems with my mount. I asked for my deer to be scored but that didn't happen, which I didn't care too much about. The one thing I would never do is send a deer to be butchered there. When I dropped my buck off, I saw the piles of deer being dropped off for butchering and I know people aren't getting their meat back. I also wouldn't bring anything other then deer heads to him. I saw his other mounts and wasn't impressed. All in all I have no complaints but then again, I've only had one thing mounted by him.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    luckily this was a small buck that I didn't want to deal with at the time and being this clown was right around the corner I just dropped it off to him because it was convenient.....lesson learned. I've had all my previous mounts done at Eastern Taxidermy in Farmingville and those guys are absolute gentleman and I'm sorry I didn't take the time to bring this one to them, but who would think a taxidermist could screw up a European mount?............and decent deer butchers are hard to find as well, that's why I started doing my own butchering again, the guy I had moved out of State.

  16. The sad reality is that a lot of people don't know the difference between a good and bad mount.  That allows for some less then talented taxidermists to stay in business.  I have no idea how much this particular taxidermists charges for his work, but a cheaper price shouldn't be the determining factor in choosing a taxidermist. 


    Sorry that you got ripped off!!

    yeah, I normally do them myself but just didn't feel like dealing with it this time...........I think it would have been $160.00 with a plaque, certainly not cheap, but I got all my cash back from him and thankfully it wasn't the trophy of a lifetime.....and I agree, I think that truly talented Taxidermists are few and far between.

  17. Wow that really sucks! I used that same taxidermist and have nothing but good things to say! He was a great guy, shook my hand and congratulated me on killing my personal best buck. This was my first year that I was allowed to shoot a deer, so i thought it was nice of him to do that. My mount also came back looking awesome. Sorry to hear about the experience you had. Not the guy i remember but I people change.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I have no doubt that many happy customers walked out his doors, I've also used him in the past without a problem.....and it wasn't even the ruined mount that really pissed me off, it was the attitude he gave me, I couldn't believe what I was hearing and couldn't believe that he would have no problem letting that garbage leave his shop......maybe he just doesn't know how to deal with unhappy customers so he gets defensive or just flat out tries to avoid them.

  18. here's some pictures.....note the huge split down the front, the missing teeth and hopefully you can see how poorly the antlers were reattached, and not to mention that it had to be painted in an effort to hide everything.....a look I absolutely do not like even on a well done mount.







  19. I now this topic is a little dated, but let me tell you this, steer clear of Fish & Wildlife Unlimited in Oakdale, NY...............I just took my European mount home the other day and it is an absolute disaster and embarrassment for this operation. I dropped it off in November, was called in March to pick it up and I refused to take it because it was so bad, missing teeth, antlers had fallen off somehow and were poorly put back on, splits and cracks everywhere........The woman working said "Danny" was away and would call me asap........no such luck, I called him back two weeks later and was told "we hire kids to help out during the off season and that's what happened to my mount", "they over boiled it"......what??? but he promised he would make it right in about a week or so, fast forward 2 months without any response from him, so I called a few days ago and he gave a story about an illness/death in the family...while this is understandable, who can shut a business down for two months?? he also said it was on the bench right in front of him and he was gonna get it done right away.....I had a bad feeling and decided to stop on my way to work. because I wanted the natural skull and knew there was no way I could get that...it had to either be patched up and painted or the antlers put on a fake skull, not what I wanted..........anyway, the sh*t attitude I got from this clown was unbelievable and quite frankly worse than then the ruined mount, and to top it off he couldn't even find it, so his "I have it right here in front of me" story was a bunch of BS..........his response? "take a look around this shop, do you think I can do all this myself?" and then went back to the story of how he hires kids to help him out and that it's their fault.........anyway, I requested my deposit back and mount as is and walked out, I honestly can't believe that this clown didn't bend over backwards to fix this and prevent this disaster from leaving his shop...........I would rather have the mount in this horrendous condition to show others then to have him patch it up............I'll post pictures within the next day or two. 

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