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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I agree that's wrong... a problem wearing the other shoe is some will do the right thing and ask for permission first to pass through in one spot, not racing and causing hell, and their treated like a**holes.  not saying that's the case with anyone's situation here.  I know for a fact though that when that happens word spreads and some bad apples will make it a point to tear through there.  just making sure some on here that feel very passionately against these things are aware and can learn from my personal experiences.

    the people who come off of their private land and drive onto State Land really baffle me, I'm sure these people would be plenty pissed if someone did the same to their property........it's just like anything else, I have nothing against the machine or any other object that is harmless until some idiot decides to use it to create problems.

  2. it's apparent you've had some bad experiences.

    I just find it disgusting that people have no problem going onto land they shouldn't be on and using it as a race track, no doubt these are the same people that throw trash around wherever they go.......like I said people are free to do as they wish on their own land, but why be an inconsiderate slob when what you do effects other people's enjoyment of the outdoors?

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  3. I really don't care what people do on their own property.....they can race around and crash into trees and kill themselves and it doesn't bother me one bit, they can go out and buy toys they can't afford and that's even better. The problem is when they're used in places they don't belong.........idiots racing down the street every time there's 2 inches of snow on the streets and going onto public land and unposted private land and destroying the landscape, that's the problem.

  4. I'd agree with you that the Jake may have spooked him. I have a Jake, but I don't use it because I'll gladly shoot a Jake given a chance & I don't want to risk intimidating him. I could see it spooking even a big tom if he's not in a fighting mood.

    I'm right there with you.......although two years running I had Toms come right to the Jake and Hen setup, even pulled him away from the Hens he was already with on one occasion. But, probably gonna just stick with Hen decoys for now on.

  5. I've always used dekes, unless I was runnin & gunning & a bird was coming in too fast to set it up. Never had a bird spook because of my deke as far as I know. I bought an avian X Lookout hen this spring. It blows any other deke out of the water. I cant believe how real it looks. The tom my son missed on Saturday locked on to her and seemed to have no doubts. They were normally $80 at Field & Stream, but I got it on sale for $60. Got one for the Girlfriend too, as an early mother's day gift. Are they expensive? Yes, but considering the $ we drop without a thought on a box of turkey loads, I guess it's all relative. I'd rather spend a little more to maybe make the difference in one of the few opportunities I get at turkeys. It's a one time thing, I'll never need another one unless it gets shot or something stupid.

    I use the Avian X as well, I'm pretty sure it was the presence of the Jake decoy that took him by surprise..........I chose not to wait and see how it was going to unfold.

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  6. I set up with a Hen and Jake this year........when the Tom I got came over a little rise and got sight of the decoys his whole demeanor changed.....and not in a good way, good thing he was close enough for a shot when he spotted the decoys. I'm gonna put the Jake away for the rest of the season.

  7. I almost always pluck them, trick is to do it asap after shooting while the bird is still warm if you let them cool off it's pretty tough to do. It's more of a psychological thing for me, I have a tough time just cutting the breast out of them and tossing that big bird in the trash, you really don't get much off them other than the breast and maybe the legs if you make some type of stew or soup out of them..........and I roast them like a regular turkey.

  8. I don't have the time, desire or need to read this entire thread.....but yes, if you do something stupid with a gun, you may deserve to lose the right to own one, Constitution or not.......I know many say that owning a gun is a God given right, but I can't find that anywhere in the Bible...nor can I find proof that God even exists...enjoy.

  9.  Anyone who would shoot a dog for pooping in their yard is a loon, and loons should not have guns, so it sounds like justice was done.   Could they have taken his guns without the SAFE act?  If not, then score one for the act.  I am 100% for taking guns out of the hands of proven loons.   This guy certainly proved what he was. 


    I have been on the giving and receiving ends of dog attacks, so I can understand both sides.   The first was when I was about 13 years old, sitting on the bank of our neighbor's pond, fishing with our family pet (black lab) by my side.    The pond had nice paths around it and was used as sort of a neighborhood park.   A pretty girl, my age, who I knew from the school bus ride, came walking by with a young, miniature Siberian husky on a leash.    When she got right next to us, my dog lunged with no warning at the little white husky, tearing a chunk of flesh out of the side of its neck with a single lunge.   I will never forget the sight of that red blood all over the white fur.   I apologized and said my folks would pay the vet bill.  A couple stitches and the little husky healed up good.  I was very thankful that no charges were filed, and that our dog was not taken away.  


    The other attack came a few years ago, and it happened on our farm.   I was deer hunting on the last afternoon of gun season, from a ground blind near the center of our land.   Reluctantly, I had posted the farm that year, at the urging of my wife.  I had never had any luck with posting in the past, and without exception, have had more trespassing issues with the signs than without.   About a half hour before legal sunset, I looked up toward the road and saw two women and two dogs come walking down our lane.   I could see a big, loose German shepherd and a small "yip-dog" on the leash.  


    They had no idea I was in the blind, located right near the center of our "back 40".   When they were about 30 yards away, on the other side of a thick hedgerow, the big dog must of picked up my scent.   He began barking loud, and when he saw me, he charged through the hedgerow.   I timed my shot perfectly, just as he jumped into the back of my blind.   My placement was a little off though, just to the side of his head, close enough to likely cause a little hearing damage, possibly some powder burns, but no bodily damage.   He let out a yelp and turned tail at the mighty report of my 12 gauge, 3" slug.


    The women said "that shut him up".   I asked them if they had noticed the posted signs and they said that they didn't think I would be back here.   That was the last year I put up posted signs and I have not had any trespassing trouble since.   That "miss" was a heck of a lot more effective than any posted sign ever was.  I won't call it a warning shot because I heard they are illegal.           

    you should have used a crossbow on that Shepherd..........much more effective. 

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  10. I do not understand the expression of outrage over police brutality justifying the burning and looting of neighboring properties. Where's the logic in that? That kind of lends credence to the suspicion that none of this really has as much to do with police brutality as it does with a simple excuse to hold a party and burn and break things.

    most animals, when threatened, scared or just confused because of their lack of intelligence, will usually attack whatever they can............there is no thought process behind it.

  11. I hate to see a kid get discouraged as much as getting scared of shooting. Have you tried her on any shotguns? I love my 410 for bunnies but I have knocked feathers off pheasants and had them fly away with it. a 20 with low game loads to practice, a really good recoil pad on the stock and when on game she won't even notice if you put high brass loads in.  IMO

    that's what I did with my kids, they only shot with skeet loads when practicing and I would stick the 3" magnums in when we went turkey hunting.........they never noticed.

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