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Everything posted by wooly

  1. 3-1 end of the 1'st! Philly's playing hard. I expect this one to tighten up quick in the 2'nd. Plan on seeing Boucher from here on out I'll bet. Gonna be a close one. ???
  2. All items SOLD here through the forum pending payment. Thanx for looking.
  3. Maybe next year fellas....now step back from that ledge nice and easy! Nobodys gotta get hurt. ??? I found this prediction pretty accurate so far. Might have to change my username to Nostradamus,lol!
  4. Yup, that was another nail bighter alright. ??? BUT, it's like they say.... Good teams find a way to win....just ask the Caps! ;D
  5. LMBO- what do you suspect he was practicing for! :-* Should have just put a big magnet on his camels saddle and gave it a swift kick in the keister!
  6. Yeah no doubt. I wonder if it was his same buddy that shot him taking the time to snap a few pics. :
  7. Here's a couple adds I'm runnining on Craigslist if anyone here is interested. Preferably local pick up but would most likely make an exception to ship here through the forum. Any questions just ask if interested. http://buffalo.craigslist.org/spo/2340058867.html http://buffalo.craigslist.org/spo/2340068002.html
  8. That was an awesome game Doe! Never expected them to come back from 2 games down. Lots of good hockey left to watch for anyone that's not a Rangers fan,lol.
  9. Gotta admit, I was one of those crying for Enroth to get the call last night. :-[ Do we rest Miller at any point or no? :-\
  10. Big ol' congrats papa! Glad to hear everyone's doing well.
  11. LMAO- yup, that aint no way to go in double OT. :'( Kinda makes you think that Drury trade wasn't so bad after all! Thought for sure they would tie up that series....that was even painfull for me to watch. >
  12. Yeah baby, 2-2 series! Miller was on fire! Rangers in a tight one with 3 miutes left in ot.
  13. I think you're supposed to burn the map once you get to Florida so you can never find your way back. . 2 questions... why'd you leave....? ...and secondly, why'd you come back? :
  14. I guess all you guys that never had a wild and crazy uncle got one now... like it or not,lol.
  15. Really no surprise here. I was hoping we wouldn't meet Philly from the start....not that we'd have matched up any better against the Caps. Kinda why I was hoping for that 6'th slot, but even Boston's playing desperate hockey now. I'd like to think we'll be facing a best of 3 series coming up, but that's most likely just wishfull thinking.
  16. Lens is like brand new. Maybe 10 total clicks on it. I never use it anymore and it just takes up room in my bag. Bought new with camera. Auto or manual focus and vibration reduction(VR). No scratches or wear. Glass clean and dry inside and out. $90 TYD
  17. Good game, if the league had called me at the end of the 2'nd the game would have ended 4-2! I figured you guys would be rioting in the streets instead of posting about it here tonight. Flip a car or mug a little old lady for me if ya get out yet!
  18. Post game chatter was based around how good the penalty kill was. : Ummm...you don't win many games playing short handed for nearly an entire period. Hope they can get their act together for Mondays homer. ???
  19. LOL- there goes the whole lucky rabbitts foot theory.
  20. I hate to say it, but that wasn't even close. Almost looks like they're content to have made the post season and ready to play some golf now,lol! :
  21. I believe they are switching into their summer coats. I've seen quite a few ratty looking wild deer much the same here lately. Doesn't make for the prettiest pics, but it is what it is. :-\
  22. I took these shots through the fence, I didn't go inside. Good observation on the web slinger!
  23. Out for a hike today when my internal compass malfunctioned,lol. : I have no clue where I was or how to get back here. Saw what looked like an old chicken coop back in the woods so of course I poked my face in there as usual. All of a sudden, a crap load of piebald bucks began to surround me like I was a giant cob of corn! I scanned inside the cage for antlers but didn't see any. : Here's a few shots from the day. My day wouldn't be complete without a bee shot or 2! ;D ...and just when I thought I was done, I found this spider slurping down on a fly.
  24. Oh man, I freakin missed the game! :'( I'll have to catch the replay in the morning.
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