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Everything posted by wooly

  1. It's ok Burt. Denial is step one in the healing process. :'( I know it may seem like the pain will never end, but I can assure you it will............in just 3 more games. I caught the 3'rd period and overtime of that game. Sure thought the Rangers had it in the bag with 7 minutes left in the 3'rd. I was actually quite impressed with the game your boys played from what I saw. Looking forward to tonights 5-3 Sabres victory in Philly.
  2. Sure is a real shame them Rangers lost like that. :'( ;D
  3. I'll bet a lot of guys would be surprised what a clean method it is if done propperly....and you're right, it's why I don't own a butt-out tool.
  4. For fear of being ridiculed I never mentioned it, but I do the same thing. Always have. Once the guts are free from the cavity walls and you pull the poop forward close to the exit, you can reach in and cut it free with no fear of any meat contamination. If a turd or 3 fall in the cavity I just pluck them out with no further worries once the poop shoot's empty. I never like to run my knife around the bung-hole. I reckon deer get the Hershey squirts at times too, so it's just something I stay away from. Alot of times I get back in the carcass and trim out some other loose junk after the guts are removed. If you take your deer to a processor, they may look at you kinda funny the first few times untill they see exactly what you've done...opposed to what they thought you did.
  5. My 100% sucessful predictions always keep my clients coming back for more. Dissatisfied customers get put on hold until my highly qualified staff in the complaints department picks up or their call gets redirected to my [glow=red,2,300]XXX[/glow] phone chat. :-* ???
  6. Call your bookies and get in on my hot playoff picks! Call me now if you'd like to know what your own future holds. .99 cents the first minute, and $4.99 each additional minute. :-\
  7. Hehehe- that's all it was...nothing more than a little horsin' around.
  8. : C'mon Ed...you're gonna have to do better than that. I'm calling photchopped on this one. It's painfully obvious the rusty grasses in the foreground don't match the lush vegitation in the background. The main beam on the bucks left side is totally dispropotionate to that on the left by a solid 2 inches. Neither deers tarsals are stained in the least and they pee on them all year long....... Dayum,.. why didn't they just paint a bullseye on them while they were at it. .
  9. Some awesome match-ups set to play out! Hmmm....lets see... :-\ Sabres in 6(4-2)- Starts out a close series 2-2, then Sabes take the final 2 games. ;D Caps in 5(4-1)- This one aint even close. Caps take first 3, Rangers save the sweep in game 4 but fall in 5. :'(
  10. Good to see some of yas still on some good horns. Keep after them fellas. I've only got a few more serious hikes left in me for the season. BURT!!!!... Woooohooo!!!! ;D Nice one pardner- glad you broke out of your slump.
  11. Wooo-hoo! ;D A well deserved playoff clinching victory! I hope they got enough gas left in the tank to make a long run!
  12. Hawkeye Bowmen runs a good shoot and shouldn't be too far for ya. http://hawkeyebowmen.tripod.com/
  13. Got onto a new chunk o' land today. No sheds but did turn up these 3 old deadheads. .....here's a few shots that got the imagination going. I was just thinking to myself that I haven't really found anything strange as I usually do yet this year durring my hikes. I came across this old barn today. Seemed innocent enough, so I poked my face inside to take a look around. Nothing really jumped out at me out of the ordinary at first. Pretty empty except for a mess of empty beer cans and a few liquor bottles, and 2 chairs.... Oh yeah, then I looked up above where one of the chairs was tipped over. The bigger picture... I can only speculate what may or may not have happened in here....but I think it's plain to see the writing is on the wall......litteraly. It was kinda creepy once you put all the pieces together. Check out the last shot....kinda paints a picture,no? ??? ??? ???
  14. BTW Joe, carefull who you toss the insults and personal crap towards. You're too easy to find.
  15. Let me be the first here to man up and apologize for my unruley behavior in some of the threads mentioned. Sorry guys, I almost fell into the trap on this one too.
  16. ;D > :( ??? : :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'( !!!
  17. Caught you before your somewhat intelligent edit bubs, nice try. The more you type the less we listen. You should have quit while you were ahead.
  18. See thats where it all goes wrong for you wolly.. nobody is trying to prove any point.. just offering an opinion... you either like it or you don't... if you don't thats okay... there are a lot of others... if you have an opinion it is nice to back the opinion with some argument or facts... not just get bent out of shape because someone has a different opinion and an argument to back it up. There are some that think I am pushing some agenda here... If I were pushing any agenda... I could do that all I want on my website... but If you check my site.. I am pushing nothing other than getting hunters to send in their deer stories and pictures... there is no mention of AR or QDM or Crossbows... this is the place to discuss those issues and voice those opinions... well I thought this was the place... I think I might be wrong... this is more a place where lots of guys are threatened by opinions.. because some of them come with intelligent facts or arguments to back them up.. That was good elmer! Ya know Joe, I used to like the way you voiced your opinion. Then you started forcing your own views and disrespecting others. I don't give a rats ass about how someone types, I can always see their points even if they don't convey it perfectly to the post. The highjacking of threads has gotten way out of control here by a few select members with thick skulls and those with thick skin are retaliating and forming their own alliance, so when bubbles backs you, don't feel like you're in the majority. I tend to fall into both categories myself, and really could care less about reading your 100 posts on a topic that has no end and your opinions are as good as mine.....just opinions. If you guys want to segregate the board that's fine with me. No need for us all to get along, but don't tell somebody they started something and you have to finish it. BULLCHIT!!!! I'll go round and round with ya when I got the time...but I just aint got the time for that. There's a certain sence of community that needs to be respected before anyones gonna give a hoot about what you have to say anymore. If you care to keep taking jabs at others here who also have a voice, some will choose not to listen or not post a reply due to your bullheadedness on said topic...especially when some have already given you personal info you didn't deserve to know in the first place. That's when you and bubs pounce. Let it go bro! Ya can't bullchit me. You and bubs have crossed a line and both of you very well know it. It's just a matter of how far you two are willing to push it untill someone calls you out or you can't get away with it no more. If either of you get banned, as per your request, I don't think anyone here is gonna loose any sleep over it...your replacement is waiting in the wings to fill your shoes, I'm sure of it! And just for the record....I don't get bent out of shape reading anything posted here no matter how much I disagree. It's all good with me, but sometimes you guys find a way to twist the topic. Now if you and bubbles would like to start an intelligent argument in a seperate title, I'd be more than willing to entertain your simple minds.
  19. Perfect respose to what I was hoping for out of your site Joe. That's the tradition I was talking about passing along in another thread rereplied to you. No need to put these guys down, or say you're better than them.... I'll bet ya Rocket will out hunt you on his back 40, just because he pays attention to details, and Dave will most likely do the same i nhis neck of the woods. When you come across as all knowing and oppnionated the way you do....well..that kinda sucks for anyone looking to get a hint of information from this site. Heck,...I don't take the personal challenges seriosly here far as you and bubs, but you guys sure like to throw them out in deffence, PUNKS
  20. Finally an admission of stupidity. :
  21. Now it's on!!!!! You neever disagree with Joseph! 2 peas in a pod! Honestly, ....I think your both buch of jokers that don't stand a chanch on proving a point in any aspect of the hunting community any more. At least Joe built a site to carry on tradditions the way I se them....But bubba, you're a failure from what I read hear. One post don't clear you slate brother. :
  22. And to think this thread was started by a 15 yr old..... :
  23. wooly, Could you please explain this post. I have to say I do not understand what you are trying to say. Thank you very much for your input. I'd be more than happy to! #1- YOU'RE NOT on the dec's payroll so I take your advise with a grain of salt as much as others may dissagree with the way they handle things.....understood? #2- I agree with a few others here you have joined an alliance with Antler(Joe) and try to fight off any opinions that go against your own. #3- Half the chit you say don't make half as much sence as Pats to me. You just like to hear yourself yack anymore. As far as your informative post...I think this place would do better to have many more like them instead of crap like this....but I fell into your trap myself....sorta.
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