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Everything posted by wooly

  1. Still can't catch up with one of the little buggers. That's ok, I'm keeping busy between thunder boomers. : Couple birds I think a purple finch but haven't looked it up yet. Best shot I managed to snap of the little sucker. Becoming one of my favorite targets lately. This guy reminded me of the little Darth Vaider kid in the Super Bowl commercials. This one is my card submission to Hallmark. "Got crabs....tell her you love her with flowers", lmbo! :-* Same toad as above from a different angle. My garage door in the background half open. Thought it looked pretty cool for what it was. and a wood frog. I'll spare yall the snakes this week. ???
  2. Toruk- some awesome shots there bud! Man your sceneries look sharp...nicely composed, and your zoo gallerie's pretty darn tight as well! Glad you posted the link. I'm looking forward to the updates! Good stuff!
  3. Nice shot of the survivor Doc! Glad you fought off the temptation Joe....your fawn will be better off for it. I think that's probably everyones initial reaction the first few fawns they find that way. You may be able to get away with that on baby birds fallen from a nest, but I think momma doe and her olfactory sences may percieve that fawn as contaminated if we put our stinking paws on them. ??? It can be tempting, but some guys need to conciously think about the consequences of human scent on a few day old fawn. I think the only situation I could think to pick one up would be to move it from the way of farm equiptment or something of that nature. Other than that, I'll just fill my cameras memory card and call it another great great outdoors experience. ;D
  4. Toruk-Makto, I still use my Sigma 70-300 (F4-5.6)for the macros. It has a macro switch on the side that works in the 200-300mm range. On a good day it can focus in around 3 1/2-4ft. Depth of focus is extremely shallow with it even dialed all the way down to F32. Anything outside 1-2 inches deeper than the focus point usually begins to get out of focus even at that aperture, so it really makes a difference what pose your subject is holding for the right shot. I always struggle with light as the sensor in my camera is not good at handling that. Pick a good day to shoot, or at least make sure your target is perfectly still in poor light and use your tripod with the timer or remote shutter release. Just a few tricks I learned work for me. Hope that helps ya out some. Post some of your pics sometimes with the EXIF data. We can discuss some tips and tricks. Hope that helps ya some.
  5. Thanks for looking guys! I'll be back out Sunday weather permitting. I've been sneaking out between thunder bumpers this last week but no fawns yet....just a few new bugs and crabs here and there. Nikon D-3000 with 70-300mm Sigma
  6. What county Doc? Only one fresh fawn drop I seen sign of localy. Still no sightings, but I suspect that may change any day now.. :-\
  7. Sounds like a perfect oppertunity to call the mother in-laws and tell them how we really feel once and for all! No more holding back fellas.....let it all out! ;D
  8. Now that's something I'd like to run into on my next hike. Just for the picture oppertunity obviously. I'd have to make him hold a dated Buffalo News paper in his chompers to authenticate the time and location of the shot of course,lol.
  9. That's what you get from well fed deer in a deer farm, not like the deer we hunt almost starved to death through the winter.Dave Yeah, I hear that. I saw a little nubbin' buck out back this morning with bone barely breaking the skin. I'm guessing these bucks have celebrated quite a few more birthdays already compared to him, but that's what most of us are faced with in the real life hunting world. There was also a fresh dead doe piled up along the inside edge of the enclosure..., so even the most controlled environments aren't immune to nature taking it's toll. What I couldn't get over is the height of the browse line compared to outside the fence. There ain't a leaf within 10-15 foot of ground level. They've been at this for a while apparently. All in all, it's cool to see when things get slow around here and keeps me occupied, so I aint complaining!
  10. I stopped by the deer farm yesterday to check on antler growth. Yup- they're growing!
  11. That one gave ME a headache,lol! ??? Good shootin'!
  12. That's awesome! I got a few hanging around here too. First year I ever really payed any attention to them. After some quick research I found out they really like orange halves and grape jelly over seed. Keeps them coming back to my feeders over the neighbors but I aint telling him my secret! ;D
  13. Thank you so much guys! I was worried my pics with no dead deer in them wouldn't see much attention. You all have proven yourselfs true stewards of the lands by taking the time to recognize these lil' suckers! Enjoy them when you see them, and if you can't......, I 'm happy to bring them to ya from my perspective! Next up is fawn day to get there pics taken! That's more time consuming than you may think, but it's all good to me!
  14. Simple minds,lol..... : You need to get back out in the work shop Ed!
  15. Still going through a bit of a lull with the furry critters so I decided to head down to the crick the other day to turn over a few stones durring last weeks nice weather. Needless to say, photo oppertunities presented themself darn near every step of the way...even though most would have gone un-noticed unless I'd been looking for them in the first place. A nice little gulley-washer on the way with just the right amount of flow. I also liked all the tangled mess in this one. On my way through the timber, I caught this little chipper spying on me from above. He was very content to just hang tight and watch me as well from his window. A little further along I came upon this little Red Eft. I can never pass up a shot at these guys as common as they are. Now making my way across the fields above the crick, I didn't see a whole heck of a lot, But these out of place beauties caught my eye. A nice bleeding heart planted (transplanted) right along the edge. After that, things were kinda slow for a bit untill these 2 giant kamakazee skeeters came by and touched down not far from me. May have just been another case of air traffic control tower falling asleep at the terminal! :-* Snapped a few shots of that mid air maylay before moving on to find another no-shoulders hiding on the hillside leading down to the crick.....just taking in the sun th way I was after a long week of crappy weather. He had a dislocated jaw, so he looks kinda goofy. Finally at the crick...under the first rock I turn over is this Northern Spring Salamander. I can count on one hand how many of these things I've ever seen and still have fingers leftover. A very cool find for me! He was about 6-7 inches long and has found a new home in my pond outback now. Made my friggin day! And finally... what I went looking for in the first place down here. A hostile craw-dad full of rage,lol. > It took a while to find one like him, but I love playing in the crick like I'm a kid again! The weathers's not supposed to clear up here for the rest of the week, so it may be a while before I get to go out again. That's all for this weeks installment!
  16. I'm not much of a motorhead, but that's pretty good stuff. Best I ever did back in my haydays was turn a Cavalier into a lowrider with a booming stereo system, and blacked everything out,lol. It didn't have to be fast, just turn some heads and make the ladies want a ride in it! :-*
  17. wooly


    From 5.6's link.. Aint that just some of the coolest crap you ever read,lol. I think these guys are workers. They sure are advanced for such a simple little creature. : I don't think I stand a chance,lol! > I did put out about 10 of those Terro bait traps. They seem to like them, but I'd feel much better taking them all out at once instead of one at a time. I better check the batteries in my smoke detectors!
  18. The 300 is 70-300. The lens' are inter-changeable. For the macro shots(like the beatle) I'll use the manual focus and hope for the best. Auto focus kinda sucks with this set-up that close. It tends to stop focusing at the subject and doesn't hit the details. It's hit or miss with this lens. I'll dump 50 pics for every one I save. Got rain on the way for the next week so it's a good time to stay in and play with the previous weeks pics.
  19. Again...I apppreciate the comments and you all taking the time to look. Another installment is on the way. Another un-hunting related series coming up, but man is it all naturallll! I was hoping for some fawn shots, but no luck yet here with that. The does are ready to drop here any day now, so it should be action packed soon!
  20. The friggin things are crawling out of my moldings along the ceiling from any tiny crack in the paint. No overhanging trees above the house... I'M INFESTED, and need help! ??? Lots of anthills around the lawn about to get burnt to a crisp, > but that doen't help my in-home invasion???? Household remedies to spray around cracks and crevises are more than welcome as well as outside perimeter control if anyones ever found that approach usefull??? I've tried damned near everything on the outside, but it don't seem to knock them back none.
  21. I went through 2 pair of LaCrosse Burleys in 2 years. They always seem to crack on me right at the top front of the ankles durring or just after deer season. Guessing the sub-zero temps and post hunt warm up wears them out quick. My father on the other hand has had the same pair for going on 7 or 8 years now with no problems. I bought a new pair of LaCrosse "Viper" snakeboots last fall that were supposed to be 100% waterproof. They were....for the first 3 months. They're already ready for the trash almost 200 bucks later. Glad I never had to test their fang proofness.., they're just glorified sock covers anymore. : I've heard nothing but good things about the Irish Setters. Wish I would listen sometimes to all those reviews out there.
  22. Great show! Have fun adding to your awesome collection of pics this summer!
  23. Now that's thinking outside the box! ;D I like it!
  24. See...now that's one photo opp I wish I was there for,lol. If I brought that here, you all may be bowing to Ali..Alah...AHJIBABA...Ahh heck...Kunamatatta, whatever! Beautifull pics wooly,LMAO! I coulda been a hero myself because nobody else knew how to work a damn cam! :
  25. Yep, if it wasnt true, dont you think Bin Laden would take the opportunity to show the world how smart he is and make the US look completely stupid by proclaiming his continued existence? It would be all too easy for him to do. The simple lack of that happening is proof enough. Sorry but sometimes I like to play on the conspirousy theorist's side! If you believe everything our government releases as fact, perhaps there's some finer details that need listening to in many cases that cry cover-up. What you say here may be true......BUT!!!! A few things to ponder as we all say our prayers tonight for UBL's exceptence into hell with open arms! Our government has released a statement, and many other organizations and reports of his own oversee'rs have already began to take credit for UBL's demise..not to mention that he may have just as well killed himself. That's not even remotely my concern who killed him, just the fact that somebody got him is good enough for me, dead or alive. Anyhow, you need to ask yourself, how good is UBL to the U.S. DEAD? Via such a secretive opperation they've been planning for months. Wouldn't you think if this mission were so secretive they would have well thought out damn near every aspect of the public perception to every possible response, from every foreign coountry covered beforehand? THEY DID! That's exactly why the had a clergy on-board that ship to pronounce a propper burrial at sea for the fallen leader. In the next breath they act like they didn't know what was gonna happen untill now to decide if they should release pics or not? ??? C-mon now.... : They are much smarter than all uss with the kill 'em all attitude. Hell... that's how they get away with murder! I ain't complainin'. Got the pics...but not releasing them. Got video of the shroud capsuled body going overboard. Today Pakistan releases photos of the bloody aftermath our local news edited for rating PG-13. Now what have we been told so far is that we had 24 Seals carry out this mission. In the next report, I hear there were 25 women and children inside the compound and possably more. Pay attention here! ??? Day or two before this all came out they were all reporting a few women and kids in the mix that the Seals all took good care to "cover there eye's" from all the mass murder so as not to...well, leave them in a state of depression I assume from what they may have witnessed. OR Was it just to get rid of witnesses as they hauled his ass out the door while dumping a pile of UBM's blood for the locals to discover and just say..., That only leaves 2 Seals left to do the 2 shot shooting....get my dirft or no? Ummm. I think we may have been out numbered. ??? "Yep, he's dead..they musta got 'em"" : Who's to say first of all that he's NOT dead and the government has CAPTURED him for interrogation. We all know the UN would never stand for us "stealing" a war criminal on forbidden land without authorization and torturing the info out of him.., right? There's much more to this than any one of us will ever know, but who cares! Time to have fun with the fact the suckers finally not a leader of the Taliwackers anymore!!!! I give credit where credit is due, but in this case the credit's being spread around like butter on hot toast. Anyone that is farmilar with body language will tell ya O'bamas hiding something from America. We'll never know the truth how it all went down and a pic aint gonna prove chit with todays advances in PhotoShop,lol. We got him one way or another, whether we're being lied to or not, his carcass has been disposed of perfectly fine by me or his body is in United States of Americas hands to put the nipple clamps on to gather more intelligence. If you took the time to read all this crap, I salute you! Must be an American!
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