Not sure if this was already posted, but here it is:
Does anyone have the numbers for states that recently passed laws allowing crossbows to be used during archery? I am interested in the number of archery tags purchased before and after.
I hear ya. I apply every year in Maine, Vermont, and N.H. for moose. Being able to go and hunt them in Alaska on a somewhat regular basis would be a dream come true. Throw in bear, caribou, and blacktails and what more could a man want?
Can't answer your question about the DEC, but I can tell you that I have seen more fisher in nothern Cayuga and western Oswego counties in the last 5 years than the 15 before that. I had one within 5 yards last year while turkey hunting. After he left, my 11year old son whispered to me, "how do they taste"?
I wonder if the DEC knows their numbers are growing and are trying to get a grasp on how many there may be.
People are naturally resistant to change. The same thing occurred when the DEC wanted to allow Sunday hunting, people came up with a million bs reasons why it would ruin everything. Then it came and nothing changed. Same thing with the recent passing of the youth season. Paranoia is a strong emotion...
An increase in testosterone in late summer is what causes their antlers to harden. A decrease after breeding season is what causes them to fall off. I would assume that a hot doe could trigger enough testosterone to jump start their hormones enough to make them want to breed her, even after their post season testosterone dump. I would also think that if enough does didn't get bred during the normal season, that the bucks wouldn't lose interest as fast and keep their rack longer.
It's funny you bring up fisher. I have seen more fisher in Oswego and Cayuga counties in the last 5 years than the 15 before that. Pretty cool animal to watch.
I love reading about everyone's best memories being with their children. My oldest is just coming of age and I can't wait to start making these memories. We get our first chance this April with the youth turkey season.