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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Terry

  1. I will be out both days with my 12 year old son. Good luck to you as well!
  2. Great video! He had some pretty good spurs.
  3. Wow, what a buck. I am in love with his mass.
  4. I try for the same. However it's success depends on the situation.
  5. We're a non-profit organization. However, publishing a book, promoting, running a website, etc all cost money. So, yes we do charge, but no one is profiting. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread. I was just curious. Again, that's a beautiful bear, congrats
  6. I score for the NYBBC and see it differently. The score is as you say, a way to compare animals. The record books is a way to record the best of the best. To me it's always about the animal and has nothing to do with any kind of fame. What makes a trophy a trophy is too subjective to offer any kind of fame or ego boost. I guess everyone has a different view and perception, but to me the record books are more about keeping a record of the top animals taken for future generations to enjoy. Anyways, congrats on a beautiful bear and a gorgeous mount!!
  7. I would love to score a bear for someone. Out of curiosity, why wouldn't you have it entered?
  8. I don't know anything about the new A5's, but the old ones are not shoulder friendly.
  9. I guarantee if CWD was proven to be harmful to humans it would not affect my hunting at all. I would have to have all of my kill checked, but I would be at it none the less.
  10. Agreed. I recently sat through my sons gun and archery course. They go farther in depth than they did 20 years ago and seem to be more hands on. I am thinking about becoming an instructor.
  11. That has been my fear and what's kept me from trying it.
  12. It is getting old. And really this a hunting forum, not farming. Isn't there an off topic forum all this crap can be moved to?
  13. Seven years ago I ccould hunt anywhere and hear toms. Now I am driving back in forth to all my spots trying to find a bird. There definitely doesn't seem to be as many as there once was.
  14. Nice pics! They really put me in the turkey mood.
  15. Very nice! Where is Matt located?
  16. It depends on what kind of season I am having. If I have access to a lot of toms, then no. But some years the birds are just not around, so jake it will be.
  17. Terry


    I go through it about 6 times a year. Freeky stuff until I figured out what it was.
  18. Here is a pic of two pics of the one I shot
  19. I shot one, not nearly as white as yours though. All I have is a couple pics. I was going to get it tanned, but was waiting due to a lack of funds. The freezer it was being stored in crapped the bed without the owner knowing it. By the time he realized it, my hide and all his meat was long gone. Never keep a freezer somewhere you go days without visiting it.
  20. I guess I get it now. The DEC is completely wrong about CWD in this state. Even though there is no proof, it is running rampant through our deer herd. The DEC along with several well respected nonprofit conservation groups are all conspiring against us. The high fence industry who has millions to gain by spreading paranoia about CWD, are all just telling the truth and "schooling" the rest of us. Even though physical signs that an animal has CWD exist, none of the deer live long enough to show them, not even one of them. Even though CWD has yet to wipe out any states deer herd, it is going to happen because we let too many young buck walk. Therefore we should abandon all fair chase hunts and only fake hunt on deer farms. This will lead to less money for nonprofit conservation groups trying to protect are natural wildlife, and more money for the all profit high fence industry. Which is good because remember, these nonprofit organizations despite following strict rules are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes including the governments. Luckily the high fence industry knows all about this and keeps us schooled. It all makes sense now.
  21. I have seen a couple in full strut, but haven't heard any gobbling.
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