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Everything posted by mmkay

  1. protection from?...nothing in those woods that will attack you...
  2. Washington police are operating under orders to arrest tourists and other non-residents traveling with spent bullet or shotgun casings, a crime that carries a $1,000 fine, a year in jail and a criminal record, http://washingtonexaminer.com/warning-d.c.-cops-under-orders-to-arrest-tourists-with-empty-bullet-casings/article/2535216
  3. “First they came for the communists 1 percenters, and I did not speak out— because I was not a communist 1 percenter Then they came for the socialists Journalist, and I did not speak out— because I was not a socialist Journalist; Then they came for the trade unionists tea partiers, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist tea party member; Then they came for the Jews hard worker taxpayers, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Jew taxpayer; Then they came for me— and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
  4. can't we just split NYC off of New York and be done with them?
  5. Here are three for the last four years, didn't get one last year. All from public (NY City land) in Carmel NY (Putnam). Biggest is the cross over rack, was about 220 lbs live. shot at 730am, didn't get it out the woods until nearly 3 pm. Rack aren't all the big...maybe 100 inches tops
  6. YES..Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola. was a wacko that left his country after the it surrendered in WWII and went to Germany....he was a true believer....SS follower head case But don’t confuse a fascist with a right winger nut job. Fascists are socialists, more in line with today’s far left Democrats then Republicans…both of which equally suck
  7. When a civilization is reaching its end, it is difficult to achieve anything by resisting it and by directly opposing the forces in motion. The current is too strong; one would be overwhelmed. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the omnipotence and apparent triumph of the forces of the epoch. These forces, devoid of connection with any higher principle, are in fact on a short chain. One should not be fixated on the present and on things at hand, but keep in view the conditions that may come about in the future. Thus the principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when 'the tiger, which cannot leap on the person riding it, is tired of running". quoting an Italian Facist (Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola)....gotta love it
  8. then he should save his money and get a bird barrel for the Ithaca
  9. If you have an Ithaca 37, save your money and buy another barrel for the gun you have. I think you would be able to pick one up at most gun shops. I have a few ithaca 37's in different guages and each has more than 1 barrel...real easy to switch
  10. Very Slim if Upstate NY, but kinda high in Greenwich CT.
  11. 'The Belt' is figurative language for punishment and corrective parenting. Setting rules, curfews, taking away games explaining what is expected...nothing more. My point is there is lack of family structure in this nation. I believe the cause is the governments policies...others disagree and believe there are other reasons. I'm not advacating corporal punishment...sorry if there was confusion
  12. I know the two side Rep. Dem's suck, Just Dem's are worst in my opinion. Most of the white liberals I know are pure racists. The think people of color are children that need to be cuddled,,,that blacks can't take care of themselves. The great society that LBJ put in place placed the chains back on blacks that Lincoln removed. LBJ put them black on the government plantation! The economy is a factor, but I think the break down of the family unit is larger cause of todays troubles. A child needs to learn his limits and get corrected (the belt) from a dad every now and then.
  13. The fall of civil society can be traced back to the rise of the Liberal Great Society. In the 1960’s government replaced fathers as the family provider. Inner city, poor and others saw that the government was the answer to their problems, the government would provide for them. Yes the government fed them, housed them and educated (indoctrinated them) towards liberal group think. But at the same time the father was removed from the picture…The man wasn’t needed anymore. Today nearly 80% of black kids are born to single mothers. Before the 1960's more black kids were born to married parents than white kids. For those of you who vote democrat, look in the mirror to see who to blame. Sorry to be so blunt. But in elections between Republicans and Democrats. Its choice between a Turd Sandwich and a Giant Douche. But the democrat is always the worst choice.
  14. not sure...saw it on reddit...they claim its real
  15. Al Gore actually killed the last Man Bear Pig...mmmmkay
  16. While visiting Australia, I got this on my trail cam...I think ther are in NYS now!
  17. WNYBuckHunter perhaps...but #1 would still appy. maybe they don't exist here. Rarely does one migrate here. I said trail cam pics would be next to null...never mentioned cell phone camera. maybe this increases the odds. but how many wandering Mt. Loins are in NYS today? let's say it's 5. NYS is 34.9 MILLION acres. Are people on all 34.9 million acreas right now? will they remain there 24/7 365 days with these crappy little phone cameres? will all 34.9 million people on this land be quite enough?, scent free enough? hidden enough? to see one of these 5 cats? I'm not saying that they are here or not here. I know folks that swear they are here. It's going to take a very lucky person to get a photo. The probability is very low that all i'm saying
  18. Woodjr55 The answers depends, is it going on state land or your land? if its your land put it in now. State land will lead to it getting stolen before opening day.
  19. NYSBUCKHUNTER - then #1 applies. I'm a trained a statistician I make my living building databases and predicting probabilities. The probability of a breed population of Mt. Loins in NYS is near nill. The probability of a wandering animal being captured by a trail cam in NYS is also near nill.
  20. For those that wonder why a trail camera has yet to capture a Mt. Loin, possible answers might be: They don’t exist in the stateOr (2. ) NYS is roughly 54,556 square miles or 34.9 MILLION acres. Let’s assume that of the 34.9 million areas that ½ (17.4 million acres) is suitable for wildlife. Let’s guestimate the number of hunters in the state at 1 million and that each of these 1 million hunters has time and cameras to cover 1 acres 24/7 for 365 days. This leaves 16.4 million areas of land suitable for wildlife with no camera, or 97% of the total state with no camera. But this is very conservative. I would bet most hunters don’t have cameras. That the ones that do don’t cover more that an acre and don’t leave them out 24/7 365 days. I’m not saying Mt. Loins are here, just pointing out that NYS is a large state and very few trail cams are out there.
  21. is his name Eric? does he call you twice a week? hit you up on FB?...he's a great guy, good hunter. but energy nazi!
  22. I've never seen one. But have heard from many local farmers that they have been in Duchess County for about 20 years. These are men that know the land and animals that inhabit the land better than I will ever know. They don’t report the sighting to authorities, because they don’t want to be looked at funny, nor do they care what roams their land. Some of them have had their family farms since colonial days. They claim the Eastern Cougar has always been here. Some claim that they are released pets. I don’t know. But I do know that 25 years ago, NYS DEC claimed that NO Coyotes lived in NYS. They would call you a nut, drunk or other names if you reported a coyote. I personally think it’s quite possible that mt. Loins are repopulating our state. You would be very lucky to spot one. Maybe in 50 years they will be as common as bears or coyotes
  23. Just be direct with the guy. Don't play games, Tell him to fix the problem. Tell him to get bark collar for the dogs. Give him a due date...get the dogs to stop by X day or you will need to get the court involved. It sucks that he's making you be the hard ass, but if it truely bothers you, you need to take the lead My dogs barked all the time, the collars corrected the behavior in minutes.
  24. Getting permission to hunt someone’s land is harder and more work than all the hunting activities combined. Best bets is to always be on the lookout. ALWAY be ready when the chance arises. I once got permission in Westchester when I bought a new car. Another car buyer was complaining about her landscaping being eaten. I sparked up a conversational and within 5 minutes had access to 15 acres. Sometimes co-works will mention the farm they grew up on, or at church the guy next to you might be a landscaper. The guy on the side of the road selling vegetables might have land. Your Doctor, Dentist, Landlord might turn you on to some huntable land.
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