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Napping in the woods

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    Southeastern Ulster County

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  • Hunting Location
    WMU 3M-Southern Ulster
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington .270, Weatherby PA-08 12 gauge, CVA Optima v2, or Traditions PA Pellet
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    Bear Method
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. I had a similar experience last year except it was the second to last day of the late muzzleloader season (Dec 18-ish, I think). Unfortunately I didn't realize what was going on until AFTER I shot and dropped the hot doe. I had 4 bucks literally doing circles around her body for over an hour before I felt safe to climb down and start "the work." It was intense and rare to witness those events that late; early november is one thing, late december is rare.
  2. 5 points for team 1 Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  3. I'm still very interested in joining in the festivities, pending coverage for our daughters.
  4. I'm in the New Paltz area and will put on my calendar and hope to make it. Two little ones under 4 might make it a challenge though.
  5. Got up expecting fresh snow, getting freezing rain on top of an inch of snow instead. Only going out back, but reconsidering as i'm not a fan of climbing into treestands or hunting in ice storms.
  6. Finally, after a horrible, horrible season i finally tagged a doe. Keeping in the bad theme of this season, she was in heat. I made the cardinal sin of not waiting to see what lurked behind...a young 4, a young 6, young 10 and a really, really nice 8. Dont ask how i know, please. Lets just say an aroused young or old buck will mount anything, or try and prod it back to life! Part of me is relieved, part of me wants to cry. My wife, almost 4 year old and almost 6 month old girls make the reduced stand time worth it though! Now the tough decision on what to do with the meat...steaks, roasts, sausage, snack sticks. There is never enough meat.
  7. I'm esstentially finished for the season, sadly. I have a 3J and several 3 m's...rough year with a newborn and 3.5 year old toddler...both girls.
  8. cut my finger pretty bad last night on a santoku knife while washing dishes. Six stitches on my right index finger above the second knuckle this morning...yup, my trigger finger. The good times keep on rolling along! Guess I'll have to train myself on using my middle finger instead. I am firmly entrenched in this group.
  9. I'm still with you as well. We have a 4 month old in the house along with our 3.5 yo daughter. I'm on paternity leave and my wife is back to work. So I"m playing Mr. Mom this season. I've gotten out back a few times with my bow but nothing to write home about...except that I had four different bucks (small 10, nice 8, scrawny little 6 and a typical 4) walk within 60 yards during archery but was not able to get them to move in any closer. I've seen one doe since opening morning. I head to PA for the new Saturday opener after Thanksgiving which will be fun and I"m putting most of my eggs in that basket. I don't expect much to transpire here in NY for me this year, but I'll be able sneak out here and there. I go back to the grind the week of MZ season, not sure how that will pan out either. The other big issue is that I've had a hell of time gaining access to land here in northeastern 3M. Starting to get to the point of looking for/asking for leases. Our 3 1/2 year old has taken an interest in what I'm up to relative to hunting, but I don't think I'm ready for her to venture out with me just yet.
  10. Is it too late to RSVP? I'll be there if I can sneak out of the house without my 3 yo finding out.
  11. I'd be interested in joining this outing...should we bring our own blind chairs? I'd be coming down from the New Paltz area. If Peekskill Brewery doesn't work, there is also Newburgh Brewing Company...it like a German Ale House with huge picnic tables, indoor corn hole, and other fun stuff. Happy to run to Peekskill though.
  12. In western orange county there are some public spots, haven't been to them but keep threatening to check them out but never have; life with a toddler, I guess. I think they Moungap and Roosa? Those may also be the one ones TurtleFace referred to. Huckleberry Ridge is east of Port Jervis, on 6 I believe and 3M's Western boundary pretty much follows Rt 209, but double check.
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