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Everything posted by ATbuckhunter

  1. Crap I meant to write Islam and Christianity. Forgive the mistake and thank you for pointing it out. And I mentioned this because It was a recent atrocity committed by Christians. Do I think that it was Christianity to blame...no not even one bit at all.
  2. I could easily provide news interviews like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foWTfuZ3AW0 or this show that majority of Muslims are denouncing the terrorist groups and articles that show the same as well and that these terrorists groups are all linked but honestly what will that do for you? It wont change your mind or get you to look further into the issue with an open mind. These groups generally come from the same specific region in the world and There is only one way to please you and we both know that calls for the destruction of a religion. The problem is that people are thinking that its the world against Islam when its really against certain terrorist groups. I do not credit any atrocities to Islam but instead credit them to the sick twisted mind people that committed those crimes. I think we should agree to disagree because it seems as if neither of us will give in.
  3. These are people from certain terrorist groups that brainwash others.
  4. No excuses here, I 100% agree what your saying and I believe that all Radical "Islamic" terrorists as well as any other should be on punished for any crimes they have committed.
  5. No propaganda was pushed on me as I was taught the good and bad parts of the History of Islam as well as reading the book my self and call upon my own experiences. No bigotry against Christianity as I find most religions to be a beautiful things which would include Christianity/Catholicism. The only thing thing that I don't like about what you said is that because I defend Islam and I call upon my own knowledge, that its propaganda being pushed on me. Either way we are all entitled to our thoughts no matter what any one thinks of them.
  6. I think it would be best to end this conversation since neither of us will have our mind changed and all we are doing is wasting each others time. It is unfortunate that we can not have an actual conversation about an important subject in an issue we all deal with today.
  7. Im in no way trying to equate the two things as equal but what i'm trying to say is that Their own rational is violating the Religion and that just makes them crazy people.
  8. See this is also funny to me because I am actually studying Islam. I can say it over and over again that Islam is not the problem but you wont listen to that so its hard to have a legitimate conversation. That is why I brought up things in history, because things have happened in the past that you could consider those religions to be violent as well.
  9. Until you have read the Qu'ran. I will not argue about what or what is not in it.
  10. Its obvious that its not easy to get rid of thees whack jobs but it is not my job in finding a way to get rid of them,
  11. That's funny because the book promotes religious freedoms and non-violence, which is seen in the Umayyad and Abbasid empires. The people committing these atrocities are not real Muslims.
  12. I understand that and I would feel the same if you said something about it to me. At the same time I have the same view of the links you provide.
  13. Its true that it would be terrorists using the banner of Islam but like paptist said about the Christian man who would beat his wife, these are not Muslims in the eyes of Islam. We do not have a Muslim problem but instead a problem with radical people since what they do is against Islam. All of these arguments don't matter since the people committing these horrible acts are not real Muslims.
  14. Of course I can. The Crusades were driven by the greed of the Catholic church who wanted to gain more wealth and used the rouse of of liberating the holy ground as their reason.
  15. Coming from you this doesn't mean anything. Its like the pot calling the kettle black. Any college, High School or even Middle school student knows what the crusades were about and the reasons behind them.
  16. You say they aren't christian if they do this but if a Muslim does it then it must be Islam that is making him do it. A religion can promote the most peaceful life style but its what the person has in his/her heart that matters. No religion is bad but instead its the people who can make it seem that.
  17. Sounds like fun! I hear those pigeons are actually not bad table fare if taken from a farm.
  18. Ya I couldn't find my tube of white lithium grease so I just put oil and didn't lock down the tubes. I think a stiff tooth brush will do the same thing as that special tool.
  19. For those that don't know a Sufi is a sect of Islam that renounces all material possessions and lives a plain life. They are also known for not being violent and not involved with any wars.
  20. This is factually incorrect... The crusades were not a "self defense" against decades of attempted genocide, in fact neither of those statements is true. And how about the genocide of Bosnian s and Albanians in Kosovo, Bosnia and Greece... is that recent enough? The problem every one is having is with Radical Islam which if we look at it, they are not even Muslim. They are violating Islam and have become what they think they are fighting. So basically we are just spinning out wheels because these people are no even Muslim in the eyes of Islam. Them killing in the name of Islam is like me doing the same in the name of Judaism... holds no merit since I am not Jewish.
  21. Ok so I wipped my gun down a few times with Hoppes #9 and I cleaned out the threads in my shotgun with a tooth brush and it looks like I have taken out all of the rust which was really just a slight discoloration to begin with. I put a liberal amount of oil on the threads of both the shotgun and chokes and I think i'm in the clear. I appreciate the help guys!
  22. Except the Christians embarked on holy wars during the crusades and Christians they tried doing that in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990's. And that video you have up does nothing. By his own account he said 49 countries had large Muslim populations and yet he only had polls from a fraction of those countries. He also mentioned how female mutilation was a Muslim thing when its really an African thing and happens in Christian countries too. Not only that but in some of those countries there are more Women heads of state then the US has had. And yes Christians are killing gays, selling girls to sex slavers and attacking NYC police. Its just that we tend to look at the crazy people as a representative and look at a few countries as a representative for every other country that has a large Muslim population. Any one who says that radical Muslims and moderate Muslims have no difference has a one track mind and can not have a legitimate conversation on this subject. Ben Afflack was 100% correct and I gained respect for him while I lost respect for Bill Maher because he does something that no real tv host should do. Radical Muslims have killed more Muslims then any one else, so there is no love for radical Islam in the majority of moderate Muslims. No ones comparing apples and oranges, you guys are just making it seem like Christians have done nothing wrong in the past.
  23. I should describe it a little more. From what I saw it was only a slight discoloration and when I whipped it down a couple times, a light coating of it came off.
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