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RTF last won the day on September 19 2011

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cooperstown, NY
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, taxidermy

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  • Hunting Location
    In the damn woods

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  1. From one NY taxidermist to another, your deer mounts are outstanding. Glad to see quality work being represented from your neck of the woods.
  2. Very quiet afternoon in the stand after bumping. 3 deer this morning while heading into the woods. Now I remember why I dont morning hunt during bow season. It never fails.
  3. Here's a LIST of some close to Albany, NY
  4. I average 2 to 3 straps per stand on different sections of the ladder. Makes it much easier to put up and take down stand Sent from my LGL41C using Tapatalk
  5. http://www.staglianotaxidermy.com/page-index.html
  6. Not only that but a dog got it too from the same bear.
  7. You hit the nail right on the head right there.
  8. Looks good, nice deer mounts there. I'm jealous of your workspace.
  9. RTF

    How do you Cape

    Poor caping job CAN result in a poor mount. If the taxidermist capes it then he or she will have no excuse or anyone to bitch too. Now if anyone aint sure on how to cape you could do what someone did to me last season. Although I don't advise it. LOL
  10. Congrats on the bear. Not far from there up in Hancock they had a bear attack 2 nights ago.
  11. RTF

    My 2015 mounts

    Good job. I like them
  12. http://yellowhammernews.com/nationalpolitics/remington-arms-moving-1200-jobs-ny-alabama/
  13. RTF

    Anyone Ice Fish?

    If you do I thought I'd share this little handy APP http://icefishingdigest.com/
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