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Taylormike last won the day on November 10 2021

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About Taylormike

  • Birthday 09/16/1981

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  • Hunting Location
    9P Wellsville
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 1187
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I'm not really sure at this point. I'm new to food plots. I'm thinking whatever best food for October/November.
  2. You guys pretty much all have same thoughts. Can't go wrong with Ford tractor. All I need, I believe. There are some in excellent condition on marketplace too.
  3. Wolc123, that's good information. So you think any of those older tractors will work then. I obviously want to go cheap and I know they're out there for 3/4k all day.
  4. You don't think upgrade a little. I would prefer live PTO and power steering. That's really all I need.
  5. Hey guys, serious question. My Brother and I are going to finally venture into food plots for next season. What tractor would you guys recommend? Keep in mind, it can't be a newer compact. I'm looking for old model to pull implements and brush hog. Pull disc, bottom plow and possible tiller. No loader necessary. Mainly cheap work horse. Thanks.
  6. I pee in mine every time I walk pass it. I have some great luck doing it.
  7. I'm in the same boat, can't get out until Thursday. I hope bucks are still busy cruising.
  8. I think the chase is the most difficult. Seeking is my favorite time. Bucks walking through the woods, they'll still respond to calls and scents. Once they are on a hot doe, you can pretty much forget about it. It's going to be a great two weeks....
  9. Very interesting. I'll definitely stop. I'm skipping this weekend for Halloween weekend with wife and kids. Then I'll head back to camp. Thanks for the info.
  10. I've been to that plaza every weekend. I stop for a coffee and then Machias outdoor store. I saw that place, what is it?
  11. I always base the start of daytime activity, seeking, doe entering estrous on deer/car collisions. I haven't heard of much yet. I drive the 400 every weekend and haven't seen but a doe or two dead. I think we are a week out.
  12. I 100% agree. Do you know how many days I've said to myself, "yes, 5mph wind, sunny calm and I see little to nothing". I actually have been taking mental note for about 5 years. The windy days seen to increase buck activity, especially during the day. Until my personal observations change while in the woods, I'll be convinced of this. We have been taught to believe otherwise and IMO isn't accurate.
  13. Yep, I'm going to miss all next weekend so time is flying by. I won't take a small buck yet but I'm really looking for a doe.
  14. I respect this but I've passed 3x this year with the same situation. Now I would like to make meat. No more passes on my end. She's going to leave them very shortly anyway.
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