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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. My sound processing skills are pretty solid at this point in the season but it doesn’t make the squirrels any less annoying or frustrating Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. You climbed into a stand that wasn’t yours? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Not my style. Brown it’s down. Even bb’s. But I am well aware of the karma and thinking of clowning around haha. Most of the block was logged last year and we lost 2 stands. Plus no corn this year has made it tough to figure out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Last week this newbie neighbor kid comes in and sits by the creek. Shoots a small doe. Good for him. I see nothing all morning. This morning neighbors north of me come in after 7 in their orange jump suits. I watch them from a distance and hope they’ll bump something my way. I’m in well before sunrise and in a great stand in some thick stuff with good active runs. 2 separate shots not 20 min later. This sport can be frustrating. Who wants to join my pity party? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So carry a predator call and light and not a butt out if yote hunting [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. The problem I see at this point is that the op has waited so long that the buildup has us at anything less than an 8 will be unfairly a let down haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I will add that this might be the first sit in a while where there’s a crunch on the ground and no howling wind Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Snuck outta work and in the stand for the first time in 5.5 days. Feels good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. where? Is it by county? Maybe i got mixed up. I'm pretty sure tully where i hunt sometimes is still shotgun.
  10. until this morning i never thought about a jerky gun. Instead I have tried making jerky by slicing steaks/roasts. My slicer is this ancient commercial thing that requires 2 people to lift. Thinking about a new one but now wondering if the jerky gun is a better rout? I already have a grinder. pros and cons to each method?
  11. If it's a Mila with a gender of he, I think I know why it was so cheap
  12. this is the part you're misreading and it's not well worded to your defense in any county or portion of a county where deer hunting with rifles is prohibited. so basically shotgun only like 7J does not allow rifle hunting at night during deer season. But 8F, where it is allowed you're ok. the funny thing in all this, not to sidetrack is that these areas are ok with your 30-06 at night outside of deer season, but not with your 30-06 during the day. f'n NY
  13. well if we're getting technical on definitions.. yes i'm your stalker. wright rīt/ noun archaic noun: wright; plural noun: wrights a maker or builder.
  14. we have the same neighbors. afraid of the dark i think. they walk in well past 7 and i have a couple nice bucks to thank. they know it too but don't change. fine by me
  15. she will when the power goes out and she can't use her straightener both are good practical items. You're good!
  16. are they posted somewhere? makes me sad. I'd have trouble with even a grown piebald and never sure if I would/could do it. I guess I would make my mind up when/if presented. But she deserved a longer life regardless of coat.
  17. Fair point, but for arguments sake (that's what we do best), what if this guy would have claimed he was shooting at a coyote (heck she was walking a dog), and missed...
  18. it's not. and is it legal? Nobody knows. Technically I'm "hunting".
  19. i'm not giving you crap. I'm stating what most of us do. It's my opinion that the majority of hunters do not get down at sunset. And the majority carry loaded rifles/shotguns and chamber one when they're in. nonsensical laws.
  20. let me know how that goes. I have always gone the slicer route for jerky and never had great results. Assuming that's ground?
  21. thanks for the tip. I guess i never thought to find a generic brand. i'll do that next round. I font like the bags though because a lot of my meats are packaged differently. but for $29 for 9 rolls I think that's fair. Certainly still saving over the butcher.
  22. you don't get to backtrack bub. You didn't say anything about trespassing in your first post.
  23. 5:30 is an hour past sunset. in Rochester sunset today is 4:35. You hunted till "dark", which is what most of us do just fine. You want to get all technical, you should have gotten down and spooked those deer rather than be in the tree (even if not planning to shoot). Heck, unload your weapons on the way out and way in guys!
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