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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. i agree. chops are the best cut to just eat lightly seasoned off the grill. No need to break it down. Not that it ruins it, but there are plenty of tougher cuts that we throw in crock instead.
  2. man photobucket broke this thread though
  3. hows the movement though? I always felt like it would be a big commotion to unravel and then grab the gun.
  4. I have a 1/4 zip long sleeve warm weather moisture wicking shirt and Russel black water repellent hoodie for blind hunting. Both for under $15 from walmart that are a regular part of my gear. Mixed right in with some of the overpriced under amour stuff.
  5. agreed. However, working with and for unions in the NE in both salary and hourly roles, I can tell you that you will get some of the best and most skilled labor available, but at costs that are becoming hard to justify and compete when less talented, but capable labor is available for a fraction of the cost in the south. This is also on the high cost of living environment this blue state and others have created.
  6. In Mississippi, if hunting state land you were required to wear a harness and blaze orange. Are those industries pushing this in NY? Did rifle companies push the adoption of rifles in some of the counties we've seen? If so I haven't heard it. there's a few
  7. Not true. What industries are pushing OBRs, ARs, limited doe tags, setback rules, youth hunts, and shooting hours? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. It’s a pipe dream that’ll never happen in NY where politicians set the rules that’s why. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I disagree that many who shoot at those distances actually hunt and kill at those distances. While a small set of NY hunters, this site alone doesn’t have many of any stories at that distance. Now to the caboose for you! Haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I agree that late mz combined with some snow and possible second rut can be some of the best hunting of the season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. yeah 1 non-life threatening injury certainly makes it even.
  12. i guy killing a woman and another shooting a truck...
  13. That's the seesaw that rocks back and forth with no facts backing either side. What level of challenge is acceptable? Nobody can say as we all hunt for different reasons, in different areas, with different physical capabilities and on different schedules. That's honestly I believe what fuels the debate and because no side can prove or disprove the other, it will never be settled. Ultimately my stance has remained relatively unchanged. Make it easy for disabled and elderly, even if some people take advantage of it. But don't try and fix what ultimately isn't broken. Besides the disabled, who is really pushing crossbows? You're ignorant if you don't believe there isn't a multi million dollar industry behind it. 2 weeks of primetime crossbow really isn't that bad. btw, I've been on this site long enough to know that my experience is not unique and is shared by the majority, not the minority.Not just a narrow vision.
  14. your point is correct. But I stick by my belief (we're no longer in the fact game), that archery was meant to be a challenge. It wasn't meant to be easy. It's my opinion that the crossbow lessens that challenge. No it's not the wondergun, but it's not the same as a compound. what? I'm saying I like the challenge and natural movement of deer during archery. More pressure disrupts something I value deeply. Obviously I wouldn't be so adamant if I didn't care. Think about the Bills playing in Toronto. Bills fans were pissed because it disrupted something they held near and dear to them. It changed a product many felt wasn't broken. the biggest tool does not mean it isn't flawed. Look at how vast 8f is. I see most roadkills in suburban unhuntable areas. Not near the huntable farms and wooded areas crawling with hunters.
  15. you weigh less than 175? dude did you shrink? heck i'm 190.
  16. this is a whole separate topic. One that everyone on this site knows is flawed based on land access. and we're not talking doe. we're talking those things with bones sticking out of their head.
  17. dude. You said you don't see other hunters. I don't care if it's owned by the queen of england or open to anyone with a drivers license. unpressured is unpressured. I am surrounded by pressure on a 30 acre plot, and my other piece of land is a 90 minute drive. I did it last weekend, but it's tough to get there with 3 kids. yeah woah is me. btw I too hunted public land and did well for myself, but it's a lot harder to hunt pressured land. Fact. Both these spots are instant kills during bow season. Nobody hunts then but dad and I. Watching football Sunday afternoon after a morning hunt and working Monday through Friday is not quitting. I'll be out next weekend. Good day to you.
  18. You're putting words in my mouth. Lets look at the line of questions and answers. You asked this question above. I responded about the range difference. It's simple fact. Not disputable that more hunters harvesting more deer will decrease the odds of others. There are a finite amount of deer. We all agree on this right? ok, so moving on. The opinion comes in to question on how much it will affect the other hunters. I don't believe the sky is falling, but I do believe that more hunters does affect my hunt. It's a harder to pill to swallow if one believes (like me and others) if this new hunter is not playing by the same rules. To head off one of your questions. Would I would be ok with more compound bow hunters? The answer is not a simple yes, but the pill goes down smoother. I'm an engineer so excuse me for thinking so logically, but simply put. Yes more hunters means less deer = disadvantage. We will all be just fine if full inclusion passes but I was simply trying to answer your question with fact, not opinion.
  19. So you called me butt hurt and challenged my hunting style remember? I didn't start the dick measuring contest. you did. But thanks for partially answering my question. You stated that you do not hunt pressured land, so no sir you don't get what most of us who live near big cities have to deal with. I do worry about me, I don't quit after the first week either, not sure where you got that from. I hunt all 3. But again, I was answering a question that was posed to the group, not just spouting off nonsense for no reason. Finally, I have no doubt you're a good hunter even if you didn't answer one of my question.
  20. are you a bigger boy too? i'm wondering if that's the differentiater?
  21. thorns are their nemesis. Mine made it just about 10 before the soles separated. I think you're a bigger boy than me though
  22. well any pair of boots or shoes is good for a year of constant use. I have a different pair i use for scouting and field prep. They get beat up bad from briars and stuff. 90% of my hunting is treestand hunting and the turkey hunting I do doesn't expose me to crazy terrain. So basically my boots aren't exposed to damaging conditions. I do replace the insoles though. I have to stay VT, if they're overpriced why do you keep buying them?
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