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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I wish I had hours to waste in the side of the road
  2. I was just posing probable scenario questions to the law experts that's all. I wear casual camo too. I meant full camo'd hunting gear.
  3. No. You eat all of it. Neck roast is great. Grind the little bits you can't. Taste is indeed subjective, but why are you hunting if you're not after the venison or at least trophy hunting?
  4. if the deer is in plain view; can they search your firearm case? if there is blood trickling out the tailgate of your tonneau covered bed; can they search the bed and then the firearm case? if you're decked out in hunting camo, boots etc. can they search your bed?
  5. typo. I meant that I would not shoot a deer I wouldn't eat myself. And that's some pretty wild speculation dude. I'm not sure hunting would be outlawed. I stated I'm not against others doing it, I just said it's not for me. no reason to get all bent out of shape. I do bet there are some guys in areas without dmps and lower populations that would be a little more disagreeable.
  6. junk... perfect response. I'm glad you refer to the very edible and delicious parts of a deer as junk. You eat the neck and the ribs. but the hell with the backstraps and tenderloins. god forbid grinding anything up either. I don't need to say anything else Shawn.
  7. i would do the same. but someone can correct me if i'm wrong. the DEC have more power in some areas then troopers. probably true, but it wouldn't look too good especially if you had a buck in your bed. has a cop ever pulled you over and not asked? lol. you know what my point was. I'm not a cop or cop lover. But I also do not understand the guy who is just a pain in the ass because he feels he can be. You're not doing anything wrong and you go on your way. You be a stubborn pita all you're doing is delaying yourself from getting to where you were going.
  8. if you're stopped for speeding right now you must disclose that. If an officer wants to check my broadheads, why am I going to put up a fuss unless they're illegal? Why do you mind showing him your rifle unless you're traveling with an illegal loaded gun or using some sort of illegal bullet? listen, i'm not for rolling over and letting the gov't into your personal life, but when you travel a govt road and participate in a regulated sport you have to expect to be checked in on. This is no difference from baseball doing stereroid testing. if they didn't test they'd all cheat. If the DEC didn't check for poachers, more would do it then already do and most here seem to be anti-poaching. So what's the big deal?
  9. I guess ethics was a poor word choice. Me personally, I wont shoot a deer that I'm personally going to eat. This is just how I feel and I do not judge others for what they do with their meat. I just do not see the point in shooting a deer to donate to homeless like I'm some good samaritan.
  10. i guess my point was that i'm sure they do it, but not as much as they'd like to. And i'm thinking that limited funds are why. I don't view a DEC officer checking your truck bed and weapon as any sort of invasion of privacy.
  11. i too will give some meat away, but if my freezer is full and I'm not filling doe tags because I can. I personally don't have a lot of people willing to pay for butchering and receive a whole deer. I have nothing wrong with donating it to friends either, but part of me likes the fact that i'm feeding my family.
  12. find is nuisance permit thread. He posted a nice picture of several doe with summer coats stacked up. He then let us know he only eats the rib meat.
  13. i doubt it, but looks a little fake.
  14. i doubt the state has the money to do this, but i would welcome it. so longer as you're obeying the law and nice enough to the officer, i doubt they would harrass you. If you're trying to hide stuff, then you deserve the harassment you get.
  15. i have some land, that while legal i would not gun hunt. It's right out my back door so I am considering some bow sits this year. Otherwise I would not. Bow season is long and I get my fix. No reason to "decrease" your odds I guess unless you're just in it for the challenge.
  16. KE is one thing. Penetration of various medias is something else.
  17. My .02 is that ethically you only fill as many tags as you need for your freezer.
  18. Technically you could shoot off your craper if your neighbors are ok with it. Or not within 500' or line of fire
  19. Shawn doesn't even eat venison, and is not a horn hunter. so lets just leave it at that.
  20. that's not stellar dude. Although there are some guys on here that have missed a few times already this year. The game is hard, as long as you're practicing hard and feel prepared just keep on keeping on.
  21. agreed. and not condoning poaching. but you might as well take the whole deer. no reason to waste the meat. that's what really bugs me.
  22. maybe. regardless they don't take archery and I never felt comfortable. just my .02.
  23. i'm sorry. i still can't buy that. I would be more apt to believe it COULD be the same buck, then it IS the same.
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