I'm a horrible person because I called you out on the internet? Get some thicker skin buddy, not everyone gets a trophy in life. And next time you call out someone's intelligence check your grammar first.
Congrats on injuring a nice buck and enjoy your life.
I'm not arguing that. I love opening day, that tradition and hunt is different than the challenge of archery. but to expect some sort of pure hunting with fat guys hiking into the deep woods is silly.
We are all still waiting for pics. He should have found the deer with the neighbor by now. Wasted meat of not; where's the rack?
Assuming you will hit deer poorly with a bow is a piss poor excuse. Do pro athletes assume they're going to play bad before a game? No you prepare to do your best. And if it happens, you learn from it and get better.
If you're new to the internet you need to understand that you can't just post without some calling you out on occasion.
Walk around all you want, you'll just push them towards me. I prefer a stand, keeps my scent away, my movement concealed and some great angles. To each his own. I do laugh at the guy who puts his stand up the weekend before though.
In the stand by 6. Flame on but the DEC times for legal shooting are whack. Good moonlight or snow on the ground and you can see just fine.
Some of you guys get a little carried away with scent attractants I think. I've seen it scare away more doe than attack bucks and I'd rather have real doe bait anyday.
you didn't specify feral dog.
i have pheasant hunted with some great airedale. I have seen my labs snap the back of an injured squirrel. I guess my thought was that there's a difference between a dog meant to perform a certain task in aiding hunting and one that is basically to hunt the animal.