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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. the reason you see people at football games in camo bibs is because generally camo is some of the warmest best wind and rain blocking stuff you can buy. It's more about the comfort of some good camo then it is about the pattern for me. mossy oak, realtree etc. I have a few mismatched combos realtree hardwoods bibs with a realtree max jacket. who cares, they were on sale.
  2. you left out the asterisk. You're required to take a pic, brag about it and let us know you're not going to eat any of them.
  3. that's encouraging. Any cams out there where you might get some shots?
  4. standing corn saves a lot of deer. the difference is night and day when they leave it up versus cutting here. no reason to leave the safety and food corn provides.
  5. are you kidding me? they don't bone and only take gun deer. enjoy your hair and bone chips? I didn't. stay far, far away. It's probably a little farther then you want to drive, but smith's packing in marion. They have a cooler, they number and tag your deer, vacuum seal and give you everything back in a nice bankers box. all meat is labeled.
  6. it is weird. i never got around to getting a rifle. Most of my stands do not reach out past 100 yards anyhow. my rifled barrel Browning should be just fine for 90% of shots. Next year...
  7. A property that doesn't have bedding and a trespassing problem will have its issues. How about food sources?
  8. he does indeed have a big body and it does look a little more mature than some typical 2.5's. If he is a 3.5 it's too bad as he would be on the lower end rack rise for a typical well fed 3.5.
  9. let me take a step back. In the wilderness a 3.5 is certainly hard to come by and harder to get a shot at. Most don't let 3.5's walk as between 3.5-5.5 they are growing their best racks and tend to be the most aggressive during breeding. I would consider a 3.5 to be a mature deer, but fully mature would be 4. fwiw, this is all just shooting the bull. This deer is good to shoot in my book i guess it's just fun to discuss aging.
  10. it was just a question not a situation i was in, but i was in it last year.
  11. sooner than later she will show up without her fawns and a few bucks on her ass. literally. wait till then.
  12. I know you've had a rough season and that's a nice heavy basket rack. congrats man. Rub it in the faces of your inlaws if you haven't already.
  13. i hate to be a wet blanket, but that is not a mature deer. He's probably a healthy 2.5 or maybe a 3.5. Most consider mature to be 4.5.
  14. I have so many scrapes on the 2 properties in 8F I hunt that I have to be careful not to step in them. I have to ask though... why would you be traipsing all through the woods during the season? I'd advise you to spend more time in preseason and maybe invest in some cams. Walking all the runs and invading the bedding areas might not spook the little guys and the doe, but it sure as heck will turn an old burly buck nocturnal real quick.
  15. great story and a very cool experience. It's actually pretty rare to see a buck mount a doe, but just goes to show that when they're thinking with their other head even the big guys can be killed.
  16. a doe will push her fawns away when she's ready to breed. If you're seeing this doe a lot, and she is a big breeder doe, there is no better bait for bucks then when she comes into heat. Generally though, the fawns should be able to survive on their own by now as they'll (especially the bb) will be shunned soon anyhow. This is when the bb's start getting blasted in the woods. they're smart enough to seek shelter and feed themselves, but they're the dumbest deer in the woods.
  17. How are you so sure there aren't? One of the properties I hunt I thought was filled with small deer and doe. Put a cam in a spot a spot I doubted they used but just to see. Needless to say I found 3 8's and a massive 10 I didn't know we're back there.
  18. A good sized fawn? I'm not sure that's a thing.
  19. My thoughts too. If this is some hair brained scheme where any press is good press these guys are idiots. If you buy a product off amazon with 1 star and it sucks; you should only blame yourself. Bad rep equals a drop in sales. A refund would increase this guys rep and he'd be better off on the long run.
  20. Seems to be the new trend in phot taking. Makes the horns look bigger. I thought my cousin shot a huge crotch last year looking at his Facebook photo. It was not so big in person haha.
  21. I've read this story several times on the web over he yeas. It's funny but not true and not original to the OP
  22. Breasting is very easy. There's some good YouTube videos on it.
  23. So I have a question. When bow hunting, when it gets light and you realize there's a turkey roosting in a tree near you; can you shoot it? Part 2. Would you?
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