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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Witty

  1. I don't shoot xbow but my components shoots around 325 so this wouldn't be a bad target for me to look at.
  2. I'd be interest how that thing holds up to daily practice. The two finger removal is a nice feature.
  3. Best part is when he closes the door on the deer and then locks it. Did he think the deer was going to try to open the door? I got a kick out of it anyway.
  4. Those that hunt, what arrows and boardheads are you using?
  5. This is why I have changed my mind on AR, 1.5 YO can still be take with AR. That's not what I want.
  6. Interestingly enough my fiancé is an animal lover. I never thought she would hunt. She said something to me the other day about how she sees death on almost a daily basis and she thinks she would have no problem taking an animal. I have my doubts that she understands completely what it means to take one though. We will see I suppose, hopefully she still likes it.
  7. Haha I sell cars for a living and I don't even put much pressure on people to buy. I get POed when people do it to me so we just try and avoid it. Thanks for all the input, I'm excited to get her involved. I know she is excited too.
  8. Haha what being pretty isn't good enough? We got a good laugh about it when she said it. I've gone around to bow shops when I was looking for mine and I can't stand the pressure some of these local shops put on you to buy. Was trying to avoid that but might end up doing that. <br /><br />She's pretty strong, she's a vet assistant and wrestles dogs and goats all day that are getting shots, nails trimmed or X-rays. <br /><br />I'm looking at the Parker sidekick extreme, it has 40-60 lbs of adjustment 18-28 adjustable draw length and is shipped ready to shoot. If that doesn't work out we might go check out some bow shops.
  9. How does that shoot whacker? I've been looking at the sidekick extreme and I like the looks of it. She actually said "that's a really pretty bow" lol it was the pink Parker sidekick extreme. Does she hunt with it?
  10. I just don't get how the do it. Ill definitely check it out. I might take her to a bow shop that sells em so she can shoot it.
  11. 5 to 70lb draw weight? That's a crazy gap, makes me a little nervous.
  12. I bought my 500 when local Walmart decided to stop carrying guns. I got one in camo with the vented barrel for 125 bucks. The action wobbles a little but the gun shots straight and has been a great gun. Even after my dog got a hold of the but stock and decided to naw on it for a bit lol mines 8 years old and has thousands of rounds through it and its still my favorite turkey and small game gun. I'm going to buy a slug barrel this year I think.
  13. My fiancé is going to take her bow hunters safety course and hunters safety course this year. She is more interested in bow hunting/target shooting then gun hunting, so we are trying to decide on a bow to get her started with. We figure she is a 26 to 27 inch draw but we aren't sure on draw weight. I know everyone is different but I was curious on some set ups you are shooting.
  14. No idea what I'm thinking. Only things I know is it's pouring outside, no one is coming in to buy a car today and I appreciate this conversation not turning into a online argument lol. I'm hunting a new area, for all I know there are pics on my trail cam showing 10-1 buck to doe ratio and I have no need for AR lol
  15. If that is true (I'm not sure I totally agree with that statement), maybe I'd be more in favor to a earn-a-buck program.
  16. Montgomery county (charlton state forest area/rual grove state forest area and I few private parcels). This will be my first year hunting in Saratoga county.
  17. I not what I want to see either. AR or no AR, I want to see a better buck to doe ratio. Any way NY gets there is what I'm in favor of. If it's AR ok, if its education to hunters even better and if there is another way to do it or help do it fantastic. I wouldn't exactly call what happens on all of those "hunting shows" hunting. More like going to the farm and picking out your cow.
  18. You are right, I'm an awful shot that's why I'm in favor of antler restrictions. You found me out. <br /><br />I'd say I practice more then most. I'm obsessed with accuracy, please don't question my shooting ability. Experience on the other hand,I'll give you that. I've been reading as many books, magazine articles and looking to places like this to improve as a hunter. On the other had I've had many encounters with bucks, large and small. So some may count experience on number of dead deer, that I don't have.
  19. I've shot at 2.5 year old deer (clean miss) and a much older deer not sure but had a heavy rack and you could just tell it was much older then most deer I've seen (neck, gut and rack were much larger) Both of them jumped the string and the arrow flew over their back. I've only been bow hunting for a short time (3 or 4 years).
  20. CX Hunt Club- Thanks for enlightening me, I was not aware of that. You are correct about gun hunters. I'm not sure how to handle that. I've had this conversation with people I hunt (friends & family) with who are opposed to AR, we just hunt for different reason I guess. It's hard for me not to be in favor of something I think would improve my hunting experience. I think most would feel the same way. <br /><br />Phade- thanks for the information, it makes perfect sense. To be honest I've never killed a buck in any season. I've had opportunities to take a shot at spikes and fork horns but have opted to pass. I don't think that is the norm from most hunters in my age group or experience level. I've filled doe tags almost every season (either with gun or bow). If we provided better education on QDM how soon would we see results as opposed to adding in AR? I know there are many variables when trying to manage deer (or any wild game) and I know I'm no expert.
  21. Phade, Don't all WMAs allow for anterless deer to be taken with a bow or muzzleloader? Maybe I've read the laws wrong but that was my impression ( I don't hunt in these areas so I'm not 100% on the laws for them) I too would much rather see better information put out about QDM by DEC over AR. I do know in the areas I hunt, I see a lot of 1.5 year old bucks hanging or in the back of pick ups. In 4A, where I've hunted my whole hunting career, you get a doe tag ever three years. I believe that would fit in with your misguided NY statement. My question to you is what harm would come from AR? I personally don't see any negatives but again that's my opinion.
  22. I said up too. We don't see that because most mature deer don't need to fight other mature deer to breed hot does. Thus they travel less because they aren't driven off by bigger deer. The buck to doe ratio in NYS is out of balance and that has to do with better deer management.
  23. Does have tenderloins too. And if I could shoot a hefty black angus I would lol. I'm not saying my opinion is the only way to think on this, or that it's right. It is just how I feel, personally I prefer rabbit, squirrel or turkey over deer meat. Maybe that's why I think the way I do. Most of my venison is donated to families that need it more then I do.
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