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Everything posted by SmokeinTN

  1. You make a good point about the voters not turning out. When I was living in Steuben county I heard a lot of disgruntled gun owners complaining. When asked did you vote 50%asked said no. I asked them why? The answer was almost always what's the sense. I understand that the city has a lot of pull but get out and vote might be surprised what could happen.
  2. At the Bluffs drinking yeungling with pretzels and beer & whiskey cheese dip. Also spring rolls with a spicy dip. To much interaction to take pics.
  3. You are a lucky guy. I don't get invited. Enjoy :-)
  4. Meat Loaf with Scallop potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots. Merlot for enhancement.
  5. Stuck on Yee Haw 80 Scottish Ale. A few cases and I'll be over it. For now good brew :-)
  6. Happy Birthday :-) Enjoy your day.
  7. Egg noodles covered with canned venison. Veggies or salad your pick. Yum.
  8. Leftovers cleaned fridge out get ready for the new week.
  9. Happy birthday enjoy the time.
  10. 77deg. on the deck, another beautiful day. Yep old fashion and BBQing again. BBQ chicken with homemade tater salad and coleslaw. Chardonnay for enhancement.
  11. Like it even with the ears.
  12. Bloody Mary's to start. Pork loin roast marinated with cranberry sauce and Dijon mustard slow cooked in crook pot. Mashed taters and peas. For enhancement a glass of Chardonnay. Finished the wine on the deck and enjoyed the evening.
  13. That list is huge but no Gibbon's Black label iron city Utica club? What's the beer world coming to? Whoa got carried away there
  14. This reminds me back in the day when a count of 50 to 100 would be in the fields. Glad to see the numbers coming back.
  15. I had a Savage smokeless ML. Shot lights out. Bought it for Colorado Ml season. They outlawed smokeless ML same year. Needless to say wasn't happy.
  16. Not boring but very delicious. Thems good eats !!!
  17. Continuation from the beer bash this afternoon. Grilling on the deck with old fashion in hand. The final product Fillet with mushrooms and salad with Merlot. What a day!!
  18. A few libations this afternoon: 1st is a Foothills Hoppyum IPA an ok brew. Next Lagunitas IPA very good. 3rd Moo Hoo Terrapin out of Georgia Infused with chocolate, to sweet for me. last a Yee Haw Dunkel a good brew. Check whats for dinner continuation of todays festivities in the world of the retired.
  19. Never had the opportunity to try this. Looks great it will be in my future.
  20. No pics to thirsty. New England IPA. Nice brew.
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