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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. Drive in at 320 saw 4 doe feeding, three doe just came out into field already
  2. Buddy just had a giant chasing a doe on cam at 9 am here in 7s
  3. Looks like a warm spell coming the next few days, debating on taking my son down to pa sat for early MZ doe or just waiting for the next weekend for youth antlerless rifle. Might sneak out with the bow this evening.
  4. no only hangons for me. I do harness in once up top though.
  5. My sons patience ran out 13 minutes before the legal end of youth, does were over a knob in the field. Rainy and getting dark, We made the move and he 10 ringed a smaller doe at 150 yards. She ran right to us and died 50 yards away with both front shoulders essentially useless.
  6. His patience is something I wish I had sometimes. Maybe he can teach me something!
  7. Son passed the doe this am, this evening all bets are off.
  8. Nephew shot a doe tonight, one of the few times I’ve found parts of lungs on the blood trail. My son showed some patience tonight passing a spike and 7 other doe after nephew shot his at 5:30.
  9. Had a small buck come out with 3 doe at 630, doe ain’t walkin no more.
  10. Nice morning across the border, 2 doe 3 fawns nice frost. Got a nice ground setup for early mz for my son, right by the apple tree every doe stops at.
  11. Windy as heck tonight, as soon as it died the deer poured into the field at 6:45. I was already down setting the blind up for youth hunt. With my vehicle running right next to it, deer were walking right to me. Maybe that will be our strategy lol
  12. I went out Monday saw 5, only two buttons came into range, Gonna sneak out thurs after work and Friday. Gonna get the youth gear for my son and nephew ready tonight. Ive seen lots of deer every sit this year, Moving to differnt properties much more than i usually do so i dont burn spots out and its helping i think.
  13. I’d find a dog, 5-6” can be fatal or one lung and can go along way. Grid searching might have messed that up. But 1 lung pushing him with a dog is the best option
  14. Evening sit in 7s Saw a spike, 2 doe and 4 fawns. On my way outa there was 20 doe/fawns in the neighbors yards. Never seen this many fawns as this year. Ever doe has 2-3 it seems. Really need to thin some doe out, youth hunters gonna help out sat hopefully.
  15. I bought a marlin 336c 3030 for this year, paired with my howa .308 with hand loads I’ve got everything covered, browning .243 or Winchester 25.06 might make an appearance, and if the weather is terrible savage 6.5 creed that I won’t cry over if it gets soaked.
  16. Pretty good morning, went south of the border. Saw deer every hour almost on the hour. Left at 10 and they were still up but have some stuff to do. Might go out in the evening. I hope my son can get this lil guy with a jacked up right side. Coulda shot all the doe within 25 yards eating apples. 7 doe/fawns 1 lil buck
  17. Prop owner mowed right under me till 6:15, like clock work he shut the mower off and here they came, doe, button, and doe fawn, shot right under her misjudged the distance, forgot range finger. They had no clue what happened and kept feeding. They’ll be back.
  18. Might do a quick sit behind my house about 4:30 pm, I've got 4 doe comin through every evening about 6-7pm. Then ill hunt tomorrow morning, and sat might head south of the border for pa opener.
  19. I just used a Ziploc and my back tag holder I don't need anymore, worked fine, I mobile reported my doe before I even left the property too. was pretty easy.
  20. I went out yesterday evening, neighbor kids were rippin atvs and dirbikes behind me about 75-100 yards. These deer don’t care where I was hunting , had 3 doe come out right from where they were riding at 6:15 action like nothing was going on.m walking right under me, passed. Also saw three hens which I havnt seen turkeys in a couple years in this spot, excited about that.
  21. less than 24 hours! I was able to take tomorrow off, gonna try to get some slickheads in range!
  22. Havnt seen a buck with this much potential in awhile. Hes a no doubt pass for everyone!
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