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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. Raining Bucks n Does here today. If it were not for the high winds I might try one of my umbrella covered stands. Maybe later
  2. Quick sit this am before work. No action. Gonna give the woods a rest for a few days. Maybe wait till Sunday evening or Monday. Those last few days of Oct usually bring hot action.
  3. correction. I believe the ridges should be down wind of the prevailing winds. This makes for easy escape down the ridge while also being able to detect thermals rising from below
  4. Any ridges facing into the prevailing wind. 2 looks good just by visuals
  5. So this was happening as I approached the stand covering this new scrape at 1:30 pm . Lil guy was really going for it. I waited for him to wander off then climbed into the stand over-looking this scrape. Soon after a doe arrived and bedded, trapping me there for 2 hours. Fun all the same. Sadly, the big 10 never showed. Gonna try a quick morning sit before work. I had night footage from this scrape as well. It is 60 yards from the heavy bedding. My job is to snipe a giant buck as it nips in out from this hiding area.
  6. Mexican News Outlet: Officials Say 14,000 Honduran Migrants Heading to U.S. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/23/mexican-news-outlet-officials-say-14000-honduran-migrants-heading-to-u-s/
  7. I was going through older buck pics and found one from 2016 that looked just like the buck from a couple of nights ago that I caught on cam. He looked like a good 3 year old in 2016. You guys do the math! Only one way to be sure tho, in terms of aging. I am heading out to the big scrape and new stand set now.
  8. We are always late to this particular party by a couple of weeks it seems. All is calm in our woods now. No chasing or daylight action yet. 10 more days!
  9. Smacks of a George Soros operation. Funny how everyone is aware of Mr Soros' shenanigans these days. 20 years ago you were a cookey crackpot for suggesting rich powerful men manipulated the direction of nations.
  10. 'Human Caravan' Paints Swastika On American Flag - Declares President Trump Is 'Going To Hell' http://dcwhispers.com/human-caravan-paints-swastika-on-american-flag-declares-president-trump-is-going-to-hell/#PXFwXsEEwV3DIyIV.97
  11. Things are happening. Got a nice Buck on cam last night and I found a 3 foot wide new scrape, made last night. I am currently moving a stand by it, down wind. Same spot I killed the big 4 year old in 2016. In for lunch now and then I am hunting this spot till dark. It is the same area I saw the deer come out from last night from the thick bedding in the neighbors clear cut zone. I also keep getting a big yote on cam. This one is not shy unlike previous animals I have caught on camera. The deer in the pics here is likely the one making the scrapes along a ridge I am hunting. This ridge is downwind of the prevailing wind and so sees a lot of traffic.
  12. Something weird is afoot. I have noticed a major uptick going on 3 or 4 years now in terms of lung infections. I am shaking something off myself now and I had a very bad dose 2 years ago. I rarely got sick before this and now I get something in the lungs every year. When I was teaching the students were often down with respiratory issues.
  13. Actually saw some deer tonight. At least one had headgear but all were some distance away. Right next to the stand I almost sat in in fact. Nice to see some action tho.
  14. Gorgeous evening in the stand. Everything felt good. The deer however did not seem to think so. I am finding scrapes and rubs galore now all over the woods but they must be nocturnal endeavors as I am seeing nothing near these areas in daylight. My tally tonight was 1 big yote and 1 small but extremely fat squirrel . Have to work in the am but hoping to be in the stand by 2 pm tomorrow
  15. Was gonna do a sit but now I have to cover for a colleague and head to work
  16. So, my Horizontal Rub got its first visitor this morning just before 10 am. I did a quick scout b4 work. New rubs and scrapes identified. All near stands. Very exciting. All day hunt tomorrow!
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