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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. This amusing video from Scotland illustrates the absurdity of retro-actively attacking history. A few swear words sprinkled in, but appropriate given the content
  2. George Lukacs, one of the chief brains behind the cultural Marxist revolution that has gripped this nation (Pat Buchanan thinks they have won) was quite explicit about the role and purpose of the Frankfurt school as being about the total destruction of Western Civilization in order to make way for the Marxist Utopia: http://smashcm.blogspot.com/2013/11/how-handfull-of-marxist-jews-turned.html
  3. Did you open the canopy? I did that this Spring for cover, but it looks like it will be 2018 before It gets decently thick. Need to down a couple more trees also
  4. MSM, Democrats, And Police Continue To Award Antifa Thugs A 'Rioters Veto' http://www.dailywire.com/news/19688/msm-democrats-and-police-continue-award-antifa-john-nolte#
  5. CNN JUST JUSTIFIED VIOLENCE FROM ANTIFA; SAYS THEY SEEK “PEACE THROUGH VIOLENCE” https://ilovemyfreedom.org/disgusting-cnn-endorses-antifa-says-want-peace-violence/ Peace through Violence. Note the Orwellian, Marxist language
  6. There was a book written by a former atheist Jew turned Lutheran. He recounted his experiences in communist jails in Romania. This book is not for the feint of heart. His accounts are far more shocking than anything I have read about the Nazis, and we all know how bad they were: https://www.amazon.com/Tortured-Christ-Richard-Wurmbrand-ebook/dp/B0045JL63C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1503431029&sr=8-1&keywords=richard+wurmbrand+books
  7. It is not the violence or brutality of the Nazis that upsets the left. Rather it is the ideology that drove it. The Left has always been supportive of violence in its own name . The brutalities of the gulags were on par, if not in fact worse than the Nazi camps. My Father in law fought both the Nazis and the Reds. He said the commies were a lot worse and more barbaric. In fact on one occasion the Poles and Germans forgot their differences in order to deal with the Soviets together
  8. As with all successful revolutions, they required the average Joe to do nothing. Will that happen here?
  9. There is very little real journalism in the Mainstream today. It is mostly ideological propaganda and biased opinion pieces now
  10. This is apt: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/media/347091-americans-dont-trust-the-media-and-for-good-reason
  11. This is how they lay the foundations to controlling your future life. George Orwell was not a prophet. He simply retold what he saw the communists doing in Spain and elsewhere. Read his Homage to Catalonia
  12. found a 410 shell in my woods today!
  13. Imagine my shock Woman Who Destroyed Durham Confederate Statue Is A Pro-North Korea Marxist http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/16/woman-who-destroyed-durham-confederate-statue-is-a-pro-north-korea-marxist/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
  14. Dartmouth Professor Defends Antifa Violence http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/20/dartmouth-professor-defends-antifa-violence-video/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
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