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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. I am currently overseas for two weeks in total. Put my cams out b4 I left. Can't wait to see what was captured. Woot Woot! The season is soon upon us
  2. Liberals are allied with Islam in a cultural and societal Jihad. Neither will stop until victorious . Linda Sarsour, the Hamas agent of Jihad in the US has aligned with the anti-Gun movement. Islam cannot dominate if we are able to fight back
  3. Double standards are methodology whereby authoritative states to let you know they rule and you obey
  4. Yes. I don't tweet on my phone. Twitter works best as an aggregator of news and stories. You seek out people to follow and then you see their tweets on your main page. It is a constant flow of tweets and info. Seems overwhelming at first but you get used to it.
  5. The war front is currently on social media. It is amazing what is going on in places like Twitter and Gab etc. Spend 5 minutes to sign up for a twitter account. Well worth it. Not complicated
  6. It was almost certainly Disney's Bambi movie. I remember, as a small boy, the scene where the evil hunter terrorizes the woods and kills Bambi's Mom. I knew then that I to wanted to Kill Bambi's Mom
  7. Barns are iconic and awesome. Wish I had one.
  8. Leftist busy-bodies who want to control every aspect of our existence. Probably a government worker-drone or a College Professor.
  9. Thanks for that piece of narcissistic philosophy Plato
  10. No ,they weren't. They were both foreign orchestrated and funded affairs that used bribery and foreign activists to get the dirty work done. In the case of France, fake news stories about bread shortages and Royal excess were used as vehicles of propaganda, just as we see the left doing today. Same world weary but effective tactics in use. The French revolutionaries employed their own version of Antifa, hiring thugs and criminals to foment riots. In the case of Russia locals refused to execute the Tsar and his family. Foreign Jews had to be brought in to do the deed.
  11. Exactly. Radicals can hurt a nation terminally with only a few of them in positions of influence. Most Europeans despise the EU now but official EU migration policy is bringing the entire region to the edge of Doom. The people can do nothing other than rise up violently. This might be what happens in fact, soon enough
  12. Not at all. Russia, France, China,the English Reformation, all used violence and military might to beat the population into submission. Take the English Protestant Reformation, as an example. It was taught for decades as being an organic uprising of the people against Rome. The historical reality was that the English were very attached to their Faith and culture and it took the British establishment generations to beat, kill and fine Catholicism out of the people. And it was Protestant Historians like William Cobbett who revealed the reality of this 'populist' movement as being anything but popular.
  13. It's natural and normal to want to share one's accomplishments in all spheres and endeavors. Anyone claiming otherwise is a pompous ass. We enjoy sharing our successes and we enjoy other peoples enjoyment of our success. I also enjoy hearing about the success of others more than hearing them whine about how much they suck at everything
  14. Every major revolution in history was perpetrated by a small vocal group. It is the majority who simply don't want to be bothered by it all that allow revolutions to occur. Our Leftist academics are a tiny proportion of the nation, but due to the decades influence they have over all the students passing through their courses, they manage to do untold damage as most parents are willfully oblivious to garbage being taught them.
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